20 Đề thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh 9

ĐỀ SỐ 1.

I. Choose the word whose part underlined is pronounced differently from the others in each group.

1. A.helped B. liked C.watched D.hated

2. A.but B.sun C.cut D.put

3. A.overhead B.team C.speak D.bean

4 A.eggs B.floors C. books D.pens

5. A.chicken B.coach C.headache D.change

II. Choose the words or phrase that best complete each sentence:

1. Mary is a good ( typer / type / typist / type writer ) .She can type 60 words a minute .

2. Nobody is ready to go ,( is he / isn’t he / are they / aren’t they ) ?

3. Mai wishes she ( don’t / doesn’t / wasn’t / didn’t ) have to clean all the windows.

4. Are you used ( to work / to working / at work / with working ) on your own?

5. Tim has ( many / less / most / fewer ) friends than Jack.

6. Listen to what I am saying , ( don’t / will you / do you / are you ) ?

7. Everyone in the world ( wants / want / is wanting / are wanting ) to have a good life .

8. The carpenter will repair the ( break / broken / breaking / has broken ) chair.

9. He can’t earn money ( unless / until / if / without ) he has no job .

10.(How well / how good / what good / how ) she plays the piano !.


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in brackets into the correct form.
The vase broke when it (move) ..to the other room.
When I entered his room, I saw him ( sleep ).. in a chair.
If only I ( have) . money with me, I ( lend ) ..you some.
why are you under the table? You (look).. for something?
David (wash) . hands. He just (repair) the TV set
The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.
"Where is Jane?" "Down stairs sir" ."She (greet)... the guests."
How you (get) on at school ?
Question2: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in the brackets.
 I had my trousers ................. (long) because they were too short. 	
I believe you because you are ................... ( truth ).
Young children are often very ....... ( live ) . They can't sit still for a moment.
A .................. ( think ) person is the one who is kind.
I feel so .................... ( sleep ) that I'm going to bed.
The weather was terrible, so we had a very .................. ( please ) holiday.
I spent my ................. (child) in the country.
 The old couple have saved a lot of money for their.................( retire )
Question 3: Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
	Population growth is a serious(1.around the world. At the beginning of the 20th (2).................,there were about 1.5 billion (3)............... in the world. In 1984 the world population (4)...................4.8 billion people. By the year 2000, ..................(5) Will be about 6.1 billion. This growth in population is not happening (6)................... For example in Europe the population is not growing at all .(7).......................in these countries are smaller now. Only about 21 (8).are born for every woman.
Question 4: a)Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. 
1. He spent all the money he had won ............. new clothes.
	A: on ; 	B: for ; 	C: with ; 	D: from
2. It is getting cold. You'd better not .............. without a coat.
	A: go out ; 	B: to go out ; 	C: going out; 	D: have gone out	
3. Nothing will prevent him ................. succeeding
	A: in ; 	B: at ; 	C: from ; 	D: on
4. The teacher with ............. we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
A: who ; 	B: whom ; 	C: whose ; 	D: that
5. They made me ............... on the floor.
	A: lie ; 	B: to lie ; 	C: lying ; 	D: lay
b) Give the noun form of the following words
short	3. proud	5. arrive	
young	4. speak	
Question 5: a. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.
.........first I found the work very tiring, but ..........a few weeks I got used ...........it.
Let’s look these new words .................in a dictionary. 
Have you said congratulations ................Jack?
He was .......prison .........two years ......that time he became interested in pigeons.
He’s tired ...........all the hard work he’s done to day
 b. Correct the grammar mistake in the following sentences
I will have Mary to look after the garden.	
We can speak and eat by our mouths.	
I don’t know how many pupils are there in my school.	
I am sitting among you and Lan.	
I `d rather not to study Math .	
Question 6: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. This is the best essay I have ever written.
 	Never .............................
2. There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble.
 	You ...............................................................
3. There aren't many people who have read this novel to the end but John is one of them. 
 	John is one of.......................
4. The food in France is famous.
 	France is........................
5. She didn't say a word as she left the room.
 	She left the room ...
6. If the work is finished by lunchtime you can go home.
7. I will call the police if you don't leave me alone !
 	Unless .....................................................
8. It's a pity I didn't take my doctor's advice.
 	 I wish .............................................................................
ĐỀ SỐ 10:
Question 1: a. Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:
1. I don't like dogs because I'm very afraid of ( bite ).
2. A: "You (know) .. man for many years?" 
 : yes, we (be).. at school together.
3.He (work) hard all the week, but today he (have).. a good time.
4.We (have) ..only bread and butter to eat with our tea as the other tourists (eat) all the sausage and cakes.
5. I came to class when I ( enter ) the teacher ( finish) .. going over the previous lesson and (write ) .something on the blackboard.
b- Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses:
1. Both Italians and Polish are famous for their ........( friend ) and good spirit.
2I am looking for a .. (suit)gift for an old lady 	
3. India gained her .....................( depend ) from Britain after world war II.
4. He was very ........................ (pride)of the work he had done	
5. I ....( sleep ) this morning , and was late for school.
6.I am bored . I need some .......................... ( excite)in my life.	
7.Young children are often very ..........................(live)
8.Unless you ...................... (apology) I wont forgive you.	
Question 2 : Supply the missing prepositions.
1. Whom does she fall .................love ...........?
2. Bill is jealous ..................anyone who has something he hasn’t .
3. I was .................to go out when telephone rang
4. Jim learns a lot ....................her brother, a well-known writer
5.Have you got money ....................you?
6.Please tell me ......................once!
7.May I introduce you ......................Miss Brown?
8.He was ill ..................a week and .....................that week his wife never left his side.
Question3: Put one suitable word in each space.
	I'm a writer, and I work (1)............... home. It doesn't particularly (2)................. where my house is, as long as it is (3)............... nice house. But last year my wife(4) ............... a job in a different part of the country. So, we had to move. This was our first(5) .................. of(6) ................. one house and selling another at the same time. I wouldn't like to do it again. We quickly saw the house(7) .................... we wanted. It was then that our problems began: The people who wanted to buy our house couldn't sell(8) .................... and the man(9) .................... house we wanted couldn't find a house he liked. It(10) ..................... us nine months to buy the house. Now, I'm not sure if I like it.
Question 4: Choose the best answer among a, b, c, or d.
1. I've been looking for this book for months and ....... I found it.
a. at last	b. in time	c. at the end	d. at present
2. I was just ......... to go out when you telephoned.
a. around	b. about	c. thinking	d. planned
3. Take this road and you will ........... at the hotel in five minutes.
a. arrive	b. come	c. find	d. reach
4. The train will be leaving in five minutes so you ....... better hurry up.
a. had	b. should	c. will	d. would
5. They would ............ go by air than spend a week traveling by train.
a. always	b. rather	c. prefer	d. better
6. I'd like to ............ a three - minute call to London.
a. make	b. phone	c. set	d. do
7. .......... Your house painted last year ?
a. did	b. was	c. had	d. Have
8. It's an hour since he ......... , so he must be at the office now.
a. is leaving	b. was leaving	c. has left	d. left
Question 5: a. Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It was so late that nothing could be done
 It was too....
2. Bill is going to write to me. I will tell you all his news
3. She didn't say a word as she left the room.
 She left the room ...
4. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test
 As long as .............................................
5. They never made us do anything we didn't want to do
 We .....................
6. It 's a pity I didn’t take my doctor's advice.
 I wish...................................................
7. They made him wait for two hours.
 He was ........................................
8. It took us 3 hours to open the door.
 We .............................................
9. A train leaves at 7 o'clock every morning.
 There is ......................................
10. During dinner, the phone rang.
 While I ...........................
 b. Change these sentences into passive voice
1. I'll ask some one to paint my house blue.
2. I don't like people laughing me at my mistake.
3. Did anyone see you come in ?
4. I want you to leave me alone.
 ĐỀ SỐ 11:
Question 1: Complete this report, putting the verbs in the right tense.
As I (1. get) . into my car my neighbour ( 2. shout) .. out of his front window and (3. ask)............ me where I (4. go ) .. . When I (5.tell)  him I (6. go )  to town he (7. ask ) if I (8.can). give him a lift into work. He (9.be ) . afraid he (10.be ) .. late for work because his car(11.break down
).. and it (12.not start )  . I explained that I (13.not go ) into town but I (14.can )  give him a lift to the railway station.
Question 2 : Fill in the blank with the right word or phrase. 
 1. hurry, be in a hurry.
a. Well, I can’t stay longer, I  I’ve got much work to do.
b. Don’t  We’ve got half an hour left.
c. Speak slowly. Don’t  .
d. I met him the other day but couldn’t speak with him as he  somewhere.
2. carry, take, bring
a.  your dictionaries to class tomorrow. We’ll do some translation.
b. Will you  these books back to the library. We don’t need them any longer.
c. Help Lucy to  these suitcases. They are very heavy.
d. “Where is the article ?”
 “I’m afraid, I haven’t  it.”
Question 3: Fill in the blank with must, have to, or be to.
1. “It’s eight o’clock. The children .. go to bed”, Mr Brown said to the nurse.
2. He told me that I . learn by heart some twenty lines every day to know Enlish well.
3. He ... stay the night with us because he was missed the last bus.
4. I . start on my new job on Monday.
5. She .. learn to do things for herself. I refuse to help her in future.
6. He .... stay the night with us and tomorrow he sets off on his tour to Europe.
7. We .. begin as early as possible or we shan’t finish it today.
8. My mother says that I . not be out after 11 o’clock but I don’t have to hurry home because she herself is out playing bridge.
9. My bike was under repair and I ... collect it that afternoon.
10. My bike is under repair and I . walk here this morning.	
Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I was very interested in our conversation. 
It was interesting ..
2. Why did you do that ? 
Whatever  ?
3. These bookshelves are my own work. 
I made 
4. I don’t play tennis as well as you do. 
You .
5. I haven’t been to the dentist’s for two years. 
6. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress. 
She never 
7. I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university.
After ..
8. It’s not worth living to make her change her mind.
ĐỀ SỐ 12:
Question 1: Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
 a. stored	b. ploughed	c. laughed	d. smiled
a. name	b. natural	c. native	d. nation
a. blood	b. food	c. moon	d. pool
a. both	b. myth	c. with	d. sixth
a. candy	b. sandy	c. many	d. handy
Question 2: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.
The man who (rescue) .had been in the sea for ten hours.
People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.
You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to cross the road now.
I was just about (leave) ..the office when the phone rang.
I’d rather (live) in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome
Quick! There(be) an accident. Phone the hospital. The accident (happen) when that red car (shoot) out of the side street without warning.
There (be). no guests at all since I left.
This palace (say)(build).. in three years.
I know, but I can't help ( have) .a cup of tea after dinner. It is one of my greatest pleasures since I quit (smoke).
By the end of this week my illness (cost) .. me $ 100
Question 3:	Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences.
After the explosion, only two people were left ..............	(live)
“Look after your mother”, were his ...................words	(die)
She always listens...................to what she is told	(attention)
She cut herself and it's ....................quite badly.	(blood)
Is it possible to .............between a hobby and an interest?	(distinct)
It was a long, slow film. I nearly died of ..................	(bore)
On a ..................day we receive about fifty letters.	(type)
Freedom of ................is one of the fundamental rights.	(speak)
The duty of the police is the .................of law and order.	(maintain)
Question 4: Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.
I’d like to stay . Sunday, if that’s OK.
A- to	B- by	C- until	D- at
Have you had much experience  computers ?
A- with	B- in	C- for	D- about
Andrew came to the party .............he hadn't been invited.
A. although	B. despite	C. incase	D. even
PO box stands .......... "Post Office" box.
A. as	B. like	C. for	D. by
It was Sunday .................... shop was open, all the others were closed.
A. One	B. a	C. An	D. Some
He's always telling ............lies.
A. x	B. a little	C. a few	D. the
................are allowed in the city center.
A. None cars	B. No cars	C. No of cars	D. no car
I've told you time and time ..........not to leave the door open.
A. to	B. over	C. again	D. before
...............happens, I shall stand by you.
A. Whatever	B. What	C. Which	D. That
Don’t let a good chance go .........
A. on	B. off	C. by	D. over
He was only nine, but he ate .............his father did.
A. much than	B. more than that	C. as much as	D. as much than
Stop now! You've done ..............work for one day.
A. too many	B. plenty	C. quite more	D. quite enough
Let's go for a walk, .............we?
A. will	B. do	C. shall	D. must
She can't get home ............she has no money.
A. unless	B. if	C. until	D,. without
The librarian went to look in the cupboard .........rare books are kept.
A. which	B. where	C. that	D. there
Question 5: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
 John Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940. He was always (1)............. on music and played in pop groups (2)............school and Art College. John got married (3).................... Cynthia in 1962 and they had a son, (4)...........name was Julian. At that (5)..........., John was member of a group (6) ..........."The Beatles". Many beautiful songs (7)........... written by John and wherever the group went, crowds of fans gathered to see them. They (8) ................ scream and faint when "The Beatles" played, and lot of people (9)...........their hair cut in a Beatles styles. Soon everyone had heard of "The Beatles" and John was (10) ...........richer than he had ever been.
Question 6: Read the passage and then answer the questions below.
 Alfred Bernard Nobel (1833 - 1896) a Swedish scientist was the first man to make dynamite. He allowed his invention to be used in peace. However, he saw it being used in war to destroy things, he was extremely unhappy. On his death, he left all his money to be spent upon a prize every year. The Nobel Prize is now one of the greatest prizes that a person can ever receive. It is given every year for the best work in one of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Medicine; Literature and Peace. Some of the world's greatest scientists are asked to choose who should be given the prizes.
What was Nobel's invention about?
How was he when he knew his invention being used for bad purpose?
Did he give all the money to his relatives on his death?
What is his money used for?
Can we choose who should be given the prizes? If not, who can?
Question 7: a) Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it.
After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book
 A	 B	 C	D
George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.
 A	 B	 C	 D
Although my sister was tired, but she helped me with my homework.
A	 B	C	 D
Nha Trang, that has a long beach, attracts many foreign visitors.
A	 B	 C	 	 D
A new department store was building in our town last month
 A	B	 C	D
b) Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
He/ learn / English / two years now.
cars/ buses/ move along/ slowly / because / weather / foggy.
Nobody / predict/ what / happen.
The noise / the traffic/ prevented /me/ go to sleep/
since / beginning/ course / I / never/ be late / class.
Question 8: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues.
He is on the fifteenth page of the report he's typing.
So far he ......................................................................
My English friend finds using chopsticks difficult.
My English friend isn't ................................................
That car's so expensive, I don’t think I can buy it.
It's such .......................................................................
I've never heard a more amusing story than this one.
This is .........................................................................
I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang.
I was ............................................................................
I never intended to help such a man.
I never had ...................................................................
"I've seen the film three times, Mary", said George.
George told ..............................................................
I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievement.
Much ...........................................................................
If people deliberately start a fire, they should be punished.
I think anyone ............................................................
I'd like to have more time to study, but I haven't .
I wish .........................................................................
 ĐỀ SỐ 13:
Question 1: Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
 a. helped	b. booked	c. hoped	d. waited 
a. pays	b. stays	c. says	d. plays
a. wants	b. says	c. looks	d. laughs
a. machine	b. washing	c. brush	d. chin
a. theme	b. there	c. thin	d. thank
Question 2: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.
We don’t enjoy (use).. as cheap labour.
An eyewitness described how ten people (kill) in the fire.
The radio (play).. since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.
She (be) .. here but she (go) down with flu
Don’t be upset. I (understand).. perfectly
He (work).. on the report when you (arrive) this afternoon
 I will ring the bell one more if he (not answer).,I think he must( go).. out
I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have). a party.
I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him two dollars.
It is difficult to get used to (eat) with chopsticks
Listen to this ! I think this news (surprise) you.
Question 7: 	a) Choose the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it
There's a new Oriental restaurant in town, isn't it?
 A B	 C	 D
Nam seldom pays his bills on time, and his brother does too.
 A	 B	 C	 D
Mai didn’t go to the zoo with her friends last Sunday because her sickness
 	A	B	C	D
The water and land around the chemical factory are serious polluted.
 A	 B	C	D
Our neighbor will look for the garden when we go on holiday.
A	 B	 C	 D
	b) Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Look! / sun / set / mountains.
I/ wait/ half an hour/ but she/ not come.
If I/ be/ him / I / choose/ English / learn.
In/ end/ I decide/ not buy / dictionary / because/ too expensive.
This video film / so interesting / I / see /twice.
Question 8: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues
Ann is good-looking and well-behaved.
Not only .....................................................
I think you should tell the police about the accident.
If I .......................................................................
"Have you got any free time next week?" Mandy asked.
Mandy asked ................................................................
She can't have more children because of her age.
She is too .......................................................................
The children's singing was really beautiful.
The children sang ....................................................
It's a cross-country vehicle with five doors.
It's a five ..................................................................
I think that no city in the world is more beautiful than Paris.
I think Paris ..............................................................
The flight to Moscow lasted three and half hours.
It took..................................................................
Henry regretted buying the second-hand car.
Henry wished......................................................
I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
No matter ...............................................................
 ĐỀ SỐ 15:
Question 1: Choose one word that is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
a. few	b. new	c. threw	d. knew
a. nicest	b. largest	c. hottest	d. best
a. can	b. cell	c. call	d. cold
a. played	b. cooked	c. examined	d. called
a. eggs	b. floors	c. books	d. pens
Question 2: Supply the correct form of the verbs in the bracke

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