Bài giảng Chuyên đề Phonetics


Preparation date: August 5th

I. Aims: Review English consonants and vowels.

II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-realize the relationship between the sounds and spellings of English consonants/ vowels.

- pronounce English consonants and vowels correctly.

- write the phonetic transcription

III. Teaching materials: Lesson plan, chalk, blackboard, handouts, phonetic chart

IV. Teaching methods: Communicative Approach

V. Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulty realizing the relationship between the sounds and spellings ofEnglish consonants/ vowels, as well as doing phonetic transcription exercises, so teacher should be ready to help.


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Preparation date: August 5th	
I. Aims: Review English consonants and vowels.
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
-realize the relationship between the sounds and spellings of English consonants/ vowels.
- pronounce English consonants and vowels correctly.
- write the phonetic transcription
III. Teaching materials: Lesson plan, chalk, blackboard, handouts, phonetic chart
IV. Teaching methods: Communicative Approach
V. Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulty realizing the relationship between the sounds and spellings ofEnglish consonants/ vowels, as well as doing phonetic transcription exercises, so teacher should be ready to help.
VI. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Teacher-whole class
Team work
Greeting (1’)
Game: Who is the quickest? (4’)
- Divide class into4groups
- Give the game rules
+ You will go to the board and write down all the English vowels and consonants as many as possible in 2 minutes. The fastest group with most correct answers will be the winner.
- Check understanding of the rules (if necessary)
- Control the game
- Check and declare the winner.
- Form 4 groups
Listen to the rule
- Answer teacher’s questions 
- Write the school subjects
- Celebrate
- Expected answers: 
+ Consonants : b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z 
+ Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Teacher-whole class
- Say: “Today, I’m going to show you how to realize and pronounce English consonants and vowels correctly.”
- Write the title on the board
2. The vowel sounds (Handouts, 10’)
a. General concept
- Ask the question: “What do you know about the English vowels?”
- Listen
- Copy down
* Expected answers: Varied
Teacher-whole class
- Give the corrective feedback
+ There are 5 basic vowel letters: u, e, o, a, i.
+ A vowel letter can represent different vowel sounds.
+ The same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing.
- Give examples
b. Classification
- Ask “How many vowel sounds in English do you know?”
- Give comments and feedback
- Deliver handouts to students
- Ask students to look at the chart, listen and repeat chorally
- Ask some students to read aloud individually
- Ask students how and when the consonant sounds occur
- Give corrective feedback
c. Notes (handouts)
- Remind students of some special cases of the English vowel sounds.
+ Semi vowels or glides
+ Schwa
+ Linking vowels into vowels
- Checking students’ understanding 
3. Consonant sounds (Handouts, 10’)
a. General concept
- Ask the question: “What do you know about the English consonants?”
- Give the corrective feedback
+ A consonant letter usually represents one consonant sound. Some consonant letters, for example, c, g, s, can represent two different consonant sounds.
- Give examples
b. Classification 
- Ask “How many consonant sounds in English do you know?”
- Give comments and feedback
- Ask students to look at the chart, listen and repeat chorally
- Ask some students to read aloud individually
- Ask students how and when the vowel sounds occur
- Give corrective feedback
* Expected answers: 20 vowel sounds
- Listen
- Receive handouts
- Listen and repeat chorally
- Read aloud individually
- Listen and answer the questions
- Listen
-Listen and take notes
- Ask questions if necessary
* Expected answers: Varied
- Listen
- Listen
* Expected answers: about24 consonant sounds
- Listen
- Listen and repeat chorally
- Read aloud individually
- Listen and answer the questions
- Listen
c. Notes
- Remind students of some special cases of the English consonant sounds.
+ ED ending sounds
+ ES/S ending sounds
+ Mute consonants
- Checking students’ understanding
- Listen and take notes
- Ask questions if necessary
Pair work
Teacher-whole class
Pair work
Teacher-whole class
Task 1: Phonetic transcription 
(Handouts, pair work, 8’)
- Give handouts to students
- Instruct students how to do the task
- Ask students to work in pairs and transcribe the piece of song in 3 minutes
You are my sunshine
	 My only sunshine
	 You make me happy
	 When skies are grey
	 You'll never know dear
	 How much I love you
	 Please don't take my sunshine away.
- Go around the class to help students
- Ask students to write the phonetic transcription on the board
- Give feedback and comments
Task 2: Finding semivowels and linking between vowels 
(Handouts, pair work, 4’)
- Ask students to work in pairs and find the semivowels/ glides as well as where we can link the vowels into vowels in the piece of song above.
- Go around the class to help students
- Ask students for the answers and explanation
- Give feedback and comments
- Receive handouts
- Listen
- Form pairs and do the task in 3 minutes
 - Expected answer:
- Ask questions if necessary
- Write the phonetic transcription on the board
- Listen
- Work in pairs and find the semivowels, and linking between vowels the in the piece of song
- Give the answers and explanation
- Listen
- Expected answers
+ semivowels: you, when, away
+ linking between vowels: 
 /w/: you are
 /j/: my only
IV. Production
(8 ms)
Teacher-whole class
Task 3: Conversation making
(Group work, 8’)
- Ask students to work in groups of 3 and make a short conversation in 4 ms
- Go around the class for help
- Call some groups to present in front of the class. Remind them of pronouncing correctly and clearly.
- Ask students if they hear the glides, linking between vowels and mute consonants in their friends’ conversations.
- Listen, give feedback and comments
- Form groups, make a short conversation in 4ms
- Present in front of the class
- Listen and answer
- Listen
V. Consolidation (1’)
- Summarize the main points of the lesson
- Listen
VI. Homework(1’)
- Review all the vowel and consonant sounds we’ve learnt today
- Take notes
General concept
- There are 5 basic vowel letters: u, e, o, a, i.
- A vowel letter can represent different vowel sounds.
- The same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing.
Semi vowels or glides /w/ and /j/
- The letters w and y will represent a /w/ sound or /j/sound when they are:
	+ at the beginning of a word: will, with, witch, yacht, yard, year, yes, yet, yield, you, young, Yukon.
	+ at the first letter of part of a compound word: homework, backyard.
	+ at the first letter after a prefix: rewind, beyond.
- The letter w represents a consonant sound when it follows another consonant: sweet, sweep, switch, swan
- The letter “u” will represent /j/ sound in university, unicorn, union	
Schwa/ə/: reduced sound, unstressed syllable.
	Examples: 	computer /kəm'pju:tə/
	Are/ə/ you OK?
	Can /kən/ you swim?
Linking vowels into vowels
	When one word ends with a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we link the words with a sort of /w/or /j/ sound.
- If our lips are round at the end of the first word, we insert a /w/ sound.
	Examples: too often, who is, so I, do all, how are, who are
- If our lips are wide at the end of the first word, we insert a /j/ sound.
	Examples: I am, she asked, the end, Kay is
General concept
- A consonant letter usually represents one consonant sound. Some consonant letters, for examples, c, g, s, can represent two different consonant sounds.
ED ending sounds
- /id/: After the letters t, d
/t/: After a voiceless consonant sound(/p/, k/, /f/, /s/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, th /θ/) 
/d/: After the rest
* Exceptions
Aged /'eidʤid/: Cao tuổi. lớn tuổi	Blessed /blesid/: May mắn
Crooked /'krukid/: Cong, oằn, vặn vẹo	Cursed /'kə:sid/ : Tức giận, khó chịu
Dogged /'dɔgid/: Gan góc, gan lì, bền bỉ	Four-legged /'legid/: Bốn chân	
Learned /'lə:nid/: Có học thức cao	Naked /'neikid/: Trơ trụi, trần truồng	
Ragged /'rægid/: Rách tả tơi, bù xù	Sacred /'seikrid/: Thiêng liêng, trân trọng
	Wicked /'wikid/: Tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy hại	Wretched /'ret∫id/: Khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệ
ES/S ending sounds
/s/: After a voiceless consonant(th /θ/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /t/)
/z/: After a voiced consonant sounds (/b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, th /ð/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ, /l/, /r/) or vowels
/Iz/: After the sounds /s/, /∫/, /t∫/, /z/, / /, /ʤ/ (ce, s, ss, x, z, sh, ch, ge)
Mute consonants
	Examples: comb, climb, debt, doubt, muscle, scene, scent, science, scissors, acquire, black fasten, Wednesday, sandwich, handsome, design, sign, foreign, champagne, honest, honor, hour, ghost, school, vehicle, knee, knife, knit, knob, know, could, should, would, balm, calm, salmon, chalk, talk, walk, half, calf, autumn, column, hymn, solemn, island, isle, aisle, debris, fasten, glisten, listen, bristle, castle, rustle, thistle, whistle, wrestle, Christmas, wrap, wreck, wrist, wrong, who, whom, whose, whole, two, sword

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