Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm - Tuần 27

Week 27

Period 78


I . Objective.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world".

- revise pronunciation, vocab, and grammar from unit 7 to unit 9

2. Skills: Reading skill and language function.

3. Attitude: Students are interested in talking about festivals in the world.

4. Competencies: Talking about festivals in Viet Nam or in the world.

II. Materials:

III. Procedure:


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nd non-renewable sources
- Lets ss use the suggested questions and answers in the example and the words/phrases in 2,3
- Asks ss to write the information in their notebooks
-Listen to teacher and answer questions
- Practice the conversation in pairs
-Work in pairs to ask and answer to the questions.
* Answer key :
1.It is about the negative effects we have on the environment
2. It means that it will run out if we use it
3. Sunlight is a renewable energy because we can't use it all up or it will last forever
4.Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike.
5.The products we use that are bad for the environment or the energy we use that produces carbon dioxide might create a big footprint.
-Read the conversation individually again and find the words/ phrases that can be put in the network
* Key :
-Renewable sources: coal, gas and oil
- Non-renewable sources: wind, wave, solar
-Look at the table, listen and repeat the words 
-Work in pairs to look at the table and discuss the meaning of the words/ phrases. Ss may add more words/phrases to the table.
Renewable sources: wind, coal, hydro, nuclear
Non- renewable: natural gas, biogas, oil, solar
-Work individually to match the types of films with their definitions.
III. Consolidation (3')
- Sum up the lesson
IV. Homework (2')
- Learn by heart all the new words and structures.
-Guide ss how to do Ex C1,2 /33
- Prepare: A closer look 1
- Take note
 Dạy tuần 28
 Duyệt ngày 04 tháng 3 năm 2015
 Tổ trưởng
Week 29
Period 84
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
Writing date: Mar 06, 2015
 Teaching date: Mar ,2015
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic" sources of energy".
- Pronounce the right stress in three- syllable words.
- Use Grammar: Present simple tense
2. Skills: Listening, reading and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Students will be active while practising doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in talking about sources of energy.
II. Materials: radio
III. Procedure: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warm up(5'): Network
-Asks ss to take part in the game into two teams 
- Ss in each team take turn to go to the board and write the words to complete the network. 
- The team which write more and correct words in 2 minutes is the winner.
? What are the advantages and disadvantages of energy sources?
- Introduces the new lesson
II.The new lesso
* Teaching new words(4')
- Teacher elicits the words from students.
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.
* Checking: R&R
Sources of energy
Renewable source
Non-renewable source
-limited# unlimited(adj): hạn chế/ không hạn chế
-exhaustible (adj): có thể cạn kiệt
-abundant (adj): phong phú
-available (adj): sẵn có
A.Vocabulary (20')
1. Put the words below into the table to descibe the types of energy
- Runs through the words.
- Asks ss to work individually to divide the words into two groups : words to describe the advantages and those describing the advantages of energy sources
- Checks and confirms the correct answers as a class
2. Compare your answers with a partner 
- Asks ss to read the example in which ss share their ideas about types of energy sources and their advantages / disadvantages
- Has ss look at the table in 1 and share their ideas in pairs
- Has some pairs share their ideas as a class
- Checks and confirms the correct answers 
B. Pronunciation(11')
4. Listen and repeat. Which words are stressed on the first syllable and which ones are stressed on the second syllable? Put them in the appropriate columns
- Makes sure that ss understand the requirement 
- Plays the recording. Ask ss to listen 
and repeat the words, paying attention to 
the right stress in the three- syllable words. 
-Lets ss read the words aloud and write them in the correct columns
- Checsk and confirms the correct answers 
5. Read the following sentences and 
mark the stressed syllable in the 
underlined words. Then listen , check
 and repeat.
-Has ss read the sentences and mark
 the stressed syllable in the underlined 
- Lets ss refer to the words in 4 if necessary .
- Asks ss to listen to the sentences again, check their answers and say aloud the sentences as a class
- Calls on some ss to write the words on the board
- Checks and confirms the correct answers 
-Work in pairs to divide the words into two groups 
Sources of energy
wind power
abundant, unlimited
not available
water power
clean and safe
expensive, not available
solar energy
renewable, plentiful, clean and safe
renewable, plentiful, available, clean and safe
abundant, cheap
nuclear energy
expensive, dangerous
coal, oil, natural gas
harmful, exhaustible, polluting
-Work in groups, discuss
1. Solar- clean/ safe
2. non-renewable
3. Wind- clean
4. expensive- dangerous
-Read the sentences and mark
 the stressed syllable in the underlined 
1. a'nother re'newable 
2.con'venient, a'budant
3. 'limited, en'vironment
4.'plentiful, 'easily
5. ex'pensive, 'dangerous
III. Consolidation (3')
- Sum up the lesson
 IV. Homework (2')
-Learn by heart all the new words and practice listening.
- Guide ss how to do A1,2 /29
-Prepare: A closer look 2
- Take note
Week 29
Period 85
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
Writing date: Mar 06, 2015
 Teaching date: Mar ,2015
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic " sources of energy"
- use the future continuous tense and future simple passive 
2. Skills: Language function.
3. Attitude: Students will be active while practising doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in talking about sources of energy.
II. Materials: 
III. Procedure: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
I Warm up (5') Calling friends' names
 - Organizes the game to ask ss to make active sentences ( the present simple tense) then call their friends to change the sentences into passive sentences
- Take part in the game
- Introduces the new lesson
II. The new lesson
* Vocabulary
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab
- Uses different techniques to teach. 
* Checking: R.O.R
A. The future continuous (17')
1. Presentation
- T introduces the example in the yellow box and elicits from ss to draw the form, the usage of the future continuous 
2. Practice
Exercise 1. Complete the passage using the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets
- Explains how to do the exercise
- Asks ss to do exercise 1 individually
- Asks ss to compare their answers with their partners
-Asks some ss to write the answers on the board
- T corrects the answers with class 
Exercise 2. Write what these students will be doing tomorrow afternoon
- Has ss write the sentences individually then compare the answers with a partner
- T asks some ss to write sentences on the board
- T corrects and ask ss to read aloud the correct sentences
? What is differences between the future simple tense and the future continuous tense 
- install
: (v)
cài đặt
: (v)
vết nứt
ống dẫn nước
bóng đèn tròn
động cơ chạy 
hơi nước
sự tiêu dùng
:( adj)
có thể chọn để 
thay thế cho vật khác 
: (n)
sự thiếu hụt
1.The future continuous 
-Model sentence
This time next week we will be studying unit 11
-Usage: We use the future continuous for an action in progress at a definite point of time in the future.
(A definite point of time in the future can be expressed by the words/ phrases like: tomorrow, this time next week/ month/ year...)
- Form : 
(+) S+ will be + V-ing
(-) S + will not be + V-ing
(?) Will + S + be + V-ing?
- Do the exercise individually
Key :
1. will be putting
2. will be taking
3. will be installing
4. will be spending
5. will be using
-Write the sentences individually then compare the answers with a partner
1. Jenny will be giving a talk about saving energy
2. Helen will be putting solar panels in the playground.
3. Susan will be checking cracks in the water pipes
4. Jack will be putting low energy light bulbs in the class rooms.
5. Kate will be showing a film on types of renewable energy sources
- Look at Watch out and answer
 B. The future simple passive (18')
1. Presentation
T introduces the example in the yellow box and elicits from ss to draw the form, the usage of the future simple passive 
- T asks ss to look at the table and explain how the future simple passive is used.
- Introduces the form
B. The future simple passive 
-Model sentence
Solar panels will be put on the roof
-Usage: We use the future simple passive when the object of the sentence is not important
- When the doer of the action is not known
(If the doer is still important, we can add a "by" phrase )
 (+) S + will be + PP
(-) S + will not be + PP
(?) Will + S + be + PP?
2. Practice 
 Exercise 5. Complete the magazine article with the passive form of the passive form of the verbs in the table 
- Runs through the verbs
- Asks ss to work individually
- Has ss share their answers in pairs
- Checks the answers as a class 
Exercise 6 . Change the sentences into the passive voice .
- Reminds ss how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence
- Lets ss study the example
- Asks ss to work individually then compare in pairs
- Calls on some ss to write on the board
- Corrects and confirm the correct answers
3. Further practice
Exercise 7 . Look at the pictures. Write what will be done in the future
- Asks ss to look at the pictures and discuss in groups of 4 ss what will be done in the future
-Has ss write their answers , using the future simple passive
- Calls on some ss write their answers on the board
- Corrects and confirms the correct answers
III. Consolidation (3')
- Asks ss to retell the grammar in the lesson 
IV. Homework (2')
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Ex B34,5,6 (Workbook)31/32
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 10. Lesson 4 Communication.
-Work individually Complete the magazine article with the passive form of the passive form of the verbs in the table 
 Key : 
1. be provided 2. be used
3. be placed 4. be stored
5. be solved
Key : 
1.Wave will be used as an environmentally friends energy source.
2. A network of wind turbines will be installed to make electricity
3. In the countryside, plants will be burnt to produce heat
4. Energy consumption will be reduced as much as possible.
5. Alternative sources of energy will be developed
6. Solar energy will be used to solved the problem of the shortage of energy
Suggested answers : 
- A hydro power station will be built in the region to increase the electricity
- Solar panels will be put on the roof of the building
- A network of wind turbines will be installed generate electricity
- Bicycles will be used to travel in the city
Pay attention
Week 29
Period 86
Lesson 4: Communication
Writing date: Mar 06, 2015
 Teaching date: Mar ,2015
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic " sources of energy"
- talk about types and sources of energy
- talk about the disadvantages and advantages of different sources of energy
- use the future continuous tense and future simple passive 
2. Skills: Speaking skill.
3. Attitude: Students will be active while practising doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in talking about sources of energy.
II. Materials: 
III. Procedure: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer - 15': Game: in 1
- Teacher elicits the phrases from students.
? Play the game in pairs or groups.
- First, they place six pieces of paper face down.
? Take turns turning over each piece of paper and read the phrase on it.
? After that, find the appropriate phrase go with should or shouldn’t. 
- Those who make a correct sentence will have one point subtracted.
 - go to school by bike, turn off the lights/ faucet, use biogas  throw trash away, use plastic bags
II. Speaking - 5': find someone who
? answer the questions with a number from 1 to 10
1. Do you take showers instead of baths ?
2. Do you walk or ride a bike when traveling short distances ?.
3. Do you use public transport when traveling long distances ?
4. Do you use a hand fan to keep cool in the summer ?.
5. Do you use low energy light bulb ?
6. Do you turn off the lights when leaving a room ?
7. Do you only use as much water as you need
8. Do you only use a little electricity at home ?
9. Do you use biogas for cooking at home ?
10. Do you go to school by bike ?
III. Class survey- 20'
1. Read the answers and tick "Yes" or "No"
- How well you partner saves energy 
1.Your footprint is small. You are really environmentally friendly
2. Your footprint is quite small. Remember to take about, and respect, the world around you.
3. Your footprint is quite big. You should do some things to save energy but there’s always room for improvement
2. Work in groups./ chain game
- Lets Ss discuss about their carbon
footprint and share with their
- Then asks Ss to use the
information to report
My partner’s carbon footprint is big. He is considerate because he uses a lot of baths. He could try harder to use showers instead of baths. By reducing the use of baths, he can help to save energy.
IV. Consolidation (3')
? Tell your class about your friend’s way to save energy
V. Homework (2')
? Learn by heart all the new words.
? Do Ex C1, 2 P28
? Prepare: Unit 10: Skills 1
- Listen
- Take note
 Dạy tuần 29
 Duyệt ngày 11 tháng 3 năm 2015
 Tổ trưởng
Week 30
Period 87
Lesson 5: Skills 1
Writing date: Mar 15, 2015
Teaching date: Mar , 2015
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- identify renewable and non renewable sources .
- talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy.
- use the lexical items related to the topic " sources of energy".
2. Skills: Speaking and reading skills.
3. Attitude: Students will be active while practising doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in talking about type of energy.
II. Materials: 
III. Procedure: 
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
I. Warmer - 5': Chatting
- Asks the class to give eg of energy
fossil fuel
hydro and nuclear power
the sun and the wind
II. Reading - 15': 
1. New words
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, examples)
- Follows the seven steps of teaching vocab.
* Checking vocab: Slap the board.
- rely
dựa vào
- alternative
khác, nhiều khả năng
- abundant
2. Pre-reading: pre questions
T lets ss have time to discuss the two questions in groups and then as a class? 
T Asks Ss to read the text quickly and check their ideas in 1. 
 Ss read the passage independently again and match the verbs with the appropriate nouns. Calls one student to give the answers as a class. Checks the answers.
? Then match the verbs in A with the correct ones in B.
 ss have time to discuss the two questions in groups and then as a class. The ss’ answers might be various according to what they know about energy sources in the country.
1. create energy
2. drive machinery
3. generate electricity
4. turn turbines
5. heat houses
3. While reading: Questions and answers
- Sets a longer time limit for Ss to reread the text. Asks Ss to note or underline where they find the information that helps them answer the questions. Ss can compare the answers before discussing them as a class.
1. Two. They are renewable and non-renewable.
2. Hydro power is limited because dams cannot be built in certain areas. Nuclear energy is dangerous.
3. Because the win can turn turbines to make electricity. Solar energy can be changed into electricity or can be used to heat or cool our houses.
4. We use hydro power most.
5. He thinks Viet Nam will use the wind and the sun as alternative sources of energy in the future.
III. Speaking- 20'
1. Pairwork
 Asks ss to read the example. Then, has them ask and answer the questions in pairs about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy sources mentioned in the reading passage. 
After that, has some pairs role play as a class. Corrects the answers if necessary.
S1: ask
S2: answer
2. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy
Has ss read independently the sentences in the example and then talks about the advantages and disadvantages of some types of energy sources. Explains any common errors and provide further practice if necessary.
 talk about the advantages and disadvantages of some types of energy sources 
IV. Consolidation (3')
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
V. Homework (2')
? Learn by heart all the new words.
? Do Ex D1-2 P29 - 30
? Prepare: Unit 10: Skills 2
- Answer individually
- Take note
Week 30
Period 88
Lesson 6: Skills 2
Writing date: Mar 15, 2015
Teaching date: Mar , 2015
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- listen and do the task about sources of energy.
- listen to get information about energy.
- write about what we should do to save energy. 
- use the lexical items related to the topic " sources of energy".
2. Skills: Listening and writing skills.
3. Attitude: Students will be active while practising doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in talking about type of energy.
II. Materials: radio
III. Procedure: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer - 5': Brainstorming
? Look at the pictures
 Has ss look at the picture and answer the questions in pairs for pre-listening. The answers may vary.
- SS’s guess
II. Listening - 10': 
1. New words
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, examples)
- Follows the seven steps of teaching vocab.
* Checking vocab: R.O.R
- release
thả, phóng thích
- fossil fuel
nham thạch, nhiên liệu hình thành từ xác động vật
- trap
bẫy, hành lí, chặn lại (v)
2. Pre-listening- Open prediction
* Set the scene: You are going to listen to the passge and tick T/ F
? 2. Asks ss to look at the sentences and guess the answers. Calls on some ss to talk about their guesses as a class.
Plays the recording for ss to listen through. Plays the recording again and asks ss to listen and tick true for false to the sentences. Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other. Calls on some ss to give the answers to the class. Checks and confirms the correct answers.
Read the sentences
1. T	 2. T	 3. T	 4. F	 5. T
3. While-listening
 Has ss look at the sentences and guess the answers. Plays the recording again and asks ss to listen and complete the sentences. Calls on some ss to give the answers to the class and corrects the mistakes where and when necessary.
1. mountainous
2. cooking and heating
3. air pollution
4. on the increase
5. wind and the sun
III. Writing (15') 
1. Gap fill
 Asks ss to complete the article independently, using the phrases (A-E). Has ss read the complete article, paying attention to the problems and solutions of how to save energy. Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other. Calls one student to give the answers to the class. Checks and confirms the correct answers.
2. Pairwork
Has ss look at the prompts and discuss the ways to save energy in pairs. Then, asks them to write the five most important things they should do to save energy.. Corrects the mistakes if there are any.
3. Write about what you should do to save energy
Tells ss that it’s time to write a short passage of what they should do to save energy. Ss can use the information in (5). If there is not time to write the passage in class, ss can do it. Asks Ss to fill in the table, using the main information  they have discusses in 3.
1. E	2. D	3. A	4. B	5. C
 one student to write the answers on the board
ss write individually
IV. Consolidation (3')
? Tell the class about how to save energy
V. Homework (2')
? Learn by heart all the new words.
? Do Ex E1,2 P31
? Prepare: Unit 10: Looking back
- Answer individually
- Take note
Week 30
Period 89
Lesson 7: Looking back + project
Writing date: Mar 15, 2015
Teaching date: Mar , 2015
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics.
 - Practice doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 10.
- use the lexical items related to the topic " sources of energy".
2. Skills: Speaking skill and language function.
3. Attitude: Students will be active while practising doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in talking about advan and disad of energy
II. Materials: 
III. Procedure: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Vocabulary - 6'
 - Asks Ss to put the words into the correct column.
Ss read the words and put them in the correct columns. Weaker classes can do the exercise in pairs or small groups. T can quickly drill any words that ss have diffi

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