Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Units 4: Our past

A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell the activities people used to do in the past.

B. Language contents:

 - Vocabulary: to sound, modern equipment, to light, folktale, traditional, to look after.

 - Grammar : Used to + Vo .

 The past simple.

C. Techniques: What & where, Questions, Fact or opinion.

D. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, poster

E. Procedures:


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Period : 21
Week : 7 
 Date: October 18th, 2007 
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell the activities people used to do in the past.
B. Language contents:
 - Vocabulary: to sound, modern equipment, to light, folktale, traditional, to look after.
 - Grammar : Used to + Vo.
 The past simple.
C. Techniques: What & where, Questions, Fact or opinion.
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, poster
E. Procedures:
Stages & Contents
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer: What & Where
Clean the house
Cook the meals
Tell stories
Wash clothes
 On a farm
Help mom
II. New words:
- (to) sound (trans.): nghe coù veû.
- a modern equipment (trans.): trang thieát bò hieän ñaïi. 
- (to) light (situa.): thaép ñeøn -> V2: lit
- a folktale(examp.): chuyeän daân gian.
- traditional (adj)(trans.): truyeàn thoáng.
- (to) look after = to take care of.
* Checking: Rub out & Remember
III. Activities:
* Set the scene: you are going read a dialogue between Nga & her Grandma.
1. Ques tions:
a. Where did Nga’s Grandma use to live?
b. Why didn’t she go to school?
c. What did Nga’s great-mother use to do?
d. What did Nga’s great-mother and great-father do after dinner?
e. What did Nga ask her grandmother to do at the end of the conversation?
2. Fact or opinion:
a. I used to live on a farm.
b. There wasn’t any electricity.
c. Mom had to do every thing without the help of modern equipment.
d. My father used to tell us stories.
e. The best one was The Lost Shoes
f. Traditional stories are great.
Keys: a.F b. F c. F d. F e. O f. O
3. Pronunciation practice:
The dialogue between Nga and her Grandma on page 38 + 39.
IV. Grammar:
She used to cook the meal.
a. Form: S + used to + Vo..
 S + didn’t + use to + Vo
 Did + S + use to + Vo
b. Meaning: thöôøng/ ñaõ töøng(laøm gì).
c. Use: Dieãn taû moät thoùi quen ôû quaù khöù
V. Homework:
- Learn the new words.
- Exercise 6 – Workbook – p.30.
- draws the circles & puts the phrases in.
- rubs the words.
- elicits, models & writes the words.
- rubs the words.
- sets the scene.
- shows the poster & runs though.
- gets Sts to read & answer.
- asks Sts to work in pairs.
- shows the sentences.
- get Sts to do the task.
- asks Sts to work in pairs.
- elicits the form, use, meaning.
- writes on the board.
- assigns the homework.
- look at.
- read & rewrite.
- take note.
- listen, repeat & copy.
- read & rewrite the words.
- listen.
- listen & take note.
- open book, read & answer the qs.
- practise the qs & ans. in pairs.
- listen & take note.
- decide F/ O for the statements.
- compare & give f.b.
- in pairs, practise the dialogue.
- look at.
- tell the concept & take note.
- take note.
Period : 22
Week : 8 
 Date: October 22nd, 2007 
	 LESSON 2 :SPEAK (p.40) + LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 (p.45).
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “used to” to talk about differences at the present and in the past.
B. Language contents:
 - Vocabulary:
 - Grammar: Used to + Vo
 The past simple.
C. Techniques: Matching, Picture describing, Transformation drill, Role-play.
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, posters.
E. Procedures:
Stages & Contents
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer: Matching
In the past, people used to
Now they
-go to school
-work hard on the farm
-live in small houses
-stay at home at night
-go out for entertainment
-have electricity
-go on foot
-go by car
-play at home only
II. Pre- stage: Picture describing
The 2 pictures on p.40
III. While- stage: Transformation drill 
1. People used to live in small houses.
-> Now they live in big houses.
2. People used to go on foot.
3. There was no electricity.
4. People used to work all time.
5. Children used to stay at home.
IV. Post- stage: 
1. Roleplay
Sts tell what they used to do last year and now.
2. Gapfill:
a. used to have
b. used to be
c. used to live
V. Homework:
 - Write sentences to compare the 2 pictures into n.b.
- Exercise 4 – p.28 – workbook.
- shows the poster.
- get Sts to match.
- gets Sts to use the phrases above to describe the 2 pictures
- shows the poster. 
- models the first.
- gets Sts to make meaningful sentences.
- gets f.b.
- asks Sts to work in pairs again.
- gets Sts to do the exercise.
- assigns the homework.
- look at.
- match the phrases in the 2 columns.
- take note & use these phrases for a next stage.
- describe the 2 pictures.
- make complete sentences.
- look at.
- listen & repeat.
- practise speaking the differences between the past & the present.
- give f.b. in pairs. 
- talk about themselves.
- work in pairs.
- complete the blanks & give f.b.
- take note.
Period : 23
Week : 8 
 Date: October 22nd, 2007 
	 LESSON 3 : LISTEN (p.22) + LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 (p.41)
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand a moral story and further practise with the past simple.
B. Language contents:
 - Vocabulary: foolish, greedy, to lay, gold, to run, to decide.
 - Grammar : The past simple.
C. Techniques: Pelmanism, Open prediction, Ordering statements, Recall.
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, cards, cassette, tape recorder, posters.
E. Procedures:
Stages & Contents
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer: Pelmanism.
II. Pre - stage:
1. New words:
- foolish (adj)(trans.): ngu ngoác.
- greedy (adj)(situa.): tham lam.
- (to) lay (explan.): ñeû tröùng.
 -> V2. laid.
- gold (n)(trans.): vaøng.
- (to) run (situa.): chaïy.
- (to) decide (trans.): quyeát ñònh.
* Checking: R & R
2. Set the scene: You are listening a moral story.
3. Open prediction:
a. Don’t kill chickens.
b. Don’t be foolish and greedy.
c. Be happy with what you have.
d. It’s difficult to find gold.
* Key: b
III. While- stage: Ordering
a. The husband decided to cut open all the chickens.
b. His chickens laid many eggs.
c. The farmer discovered a gold egg.
d. He couldn’t find any eggs.
e. They were foolish and greedy.
* Key: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. e
IV. Post- stage: Recall
Sts retell the story.
V. Homework:
- Learn by heart the irregular verbs
- Exercise 1 – p. 27 – w.b.
- sticks the cards on the board.
- explains the past form.
- pre-teaches the words & writes them on the board.
- checks Sts’s understanding.
- sets the scene.
- shows the phrases & runs through.
- gets f.b.
- plays the tape.
- shows the statements & runs through.
- plays the tape twice more.
- gets f.b.
- asks Sts to retell the story
- assigns the h.w.
- choose & turn 2 cards over at the same time.
- take note.
- listen, repeat & take note.
- read & rewrite the words.
- listen.
- listen & take note.
- guess the main topic of the story.
-compare & give f.b.
- listen & check.
- look at, listen & take note.
- listen again & order the statements.
- give f.b.
- in groups, retell the story.( Sts can say in Vietnamese)
- take note.
Period : 24
Week : 8 
 Date: October 22nd, 2007 
	 LESSON 4 : READ (p.41+42)
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand an old folktale for details; use the past simple to retell it.
B. Language contents:
 - Vocabulary: cruel, upset, fairy, rag, to fall in love, to marry, magical, to drop.
 - Grammar : The past simple.
C. Techniques: Chatting, Gap-fill, Questions, Retell.
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, posters.
E. Procedures:
Stages & Contents
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer: Chatting
a. Do you know Tam and Cam folktale?
b. How was Tam like?
c. How was Cam like?
d. How was the mother?
e. How was the end of the story?
f. Do you know other folktales like this?
II. Pre- stage:
1. New words:
- cruel (situa.): taøn nhaãn
- upset = unhappy.
- a fairy (explan.): oâng tieân.
- an rag(trans.): quaàn aùo raùch
- (to) fall in love (trans.): phaûi loøng.
 à V2. fell
- (to) marry (situa.): keát hoân.
- magical (adj)(trans.): kyø dieäu
 à magically (adv)
-(to) drop (mime): ñaùnh rôi .
* Checking: Matching.
2. Set the scene: you are going to read the folktale “ The Lost Shoes”
3. T/F statement prediction:
a. Little Pea’s father was a poor farmer.
b. He married again after his wife died. 
c. Her new mother was nice to her.
d. Little Pea worked hard all day.
e. She didn’t have new clothes to take part in the festival.
Keys: a.T b. T c. F d. T e.F 
III. While- stage: Questions
a. Who was Little Pea?
b. What did Stout Nut’s mother make Little Pea do all day?
c. How did Little Pea get her new clothes?
d. Who did the prince decide to marry?
e. Is this a true story? How do you know?
IV. Post- stage: 
1. Gapfill: The 6 sentences p. 42.
a. farmer b. died
c. usedagain d. marry
e. new clothes f. lost
2. Retell:
 Sts retell the story.
V. Homework:
 Exercise on p.27 – workbook. 
 Learn the new words.
- chats to Sts.
- elicits, models & writes the words.
- rewrites the Vnamese in incorrect order.
- sets the scene.
- puts the poster & runs through.
- gets Sts to predict T/F.
- gets them to open book & read.
- runs though the qs.
- asks Sts to read again to find the answers.
- gets Sts to work in pairs.
- asks Sts to use the ans. of the qs above & the part “ Gapfill” to retell.
- assigns the h.w.
- answer the qs to get started with the lesson.
- sts can give Vietnamese answers.
- listen, repeat & take note.
- draw lines to connect the E with their meanings.
- listen.
- listen & take note.
- predict, compare & give f.b
- read to check their prediction.
- take note.
-listen & take note.
- read, answer the qs.
- give f.b.
- work in pairs.
- compare & give f.b.
- use all the information above to recall.
- take note.
Period : 25
Week :9
 Date: October 29th, 2007 
	 LESSON 5 : WRITE (p.43)
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the past simple to write a short folktale.
B. Language contents:
 - Vocabulary: wisdom, straw, stripe, to graze, to burn, to escape, to appear.
 - Grammar : The past simple.
C. Techniques: Gap-fill, Transformation writing, Sharing & comparing.
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, posters.
E. Procedures:
Stages & Contents
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer: Write-it-up
Supply the past form of the following verbs:
Light ---> lit
Be --->
Say --->
Leave --->
Go --->
Come --->
Tell --->
II. Pre- stage:
1. New words:
- wisdom (situa.): trí khoân.
- a straw (realia): coïng rôm.
- a stripe (explan.): soïc, vaèn.
- (to) graze(trans.): gaëm coû.
- (to) burn (trans.): ñoát, thieâu.
- (to) escape (trans.): thoaùt khoûi.
- (to) appear (trans.): xuaát hieän.
* Checking: Bingo.
2. Set the scene: you are going to read the folktale “ How does the tiger got his stripes”.
3. Gapfill:
1. appeared
2. was
3. said
4. left
5. went
6. tied
7. lit
8. burned
9. escaped
III. While- stage: Transformation writing.
 One day, I was in a field and my buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger came. It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and I was his master. I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom
IV. Post- stage: Sharing & comparing
V. Homework:
1. Why was the buffalo the man’s servant?
2. Why did the tiger have his stripes?
3. Was it foolish?
4. Do the tigers still have stripes now?
- shows these verbs.
- gets Sts to give the past forms.
- models.
- elicits, models & writes the words.
- gets Sts to play the game.
- set the scene.
- gets Sts to use the verbs to complete the blanks.
- gets f.b.
- guides, does one sentence as an example.
- asks sts to work in pairs.
- assigns the h.w.
- look at.
- one st – one verb.
- listen, repeat & take note.
- listen, repeat & take note.
- choose 3 words & listen to the T.
- listen.
- listen do the task.
- use the given verbs to complete the blanks.
- compare & give f.b.
- look at.
- write the story again, transform the subject & some of the words.
- in pairs, share & compare.
-listen & take note.
- answer the qs at home.
Period : 26
Week : 9
 Date: October 29th, 2007 
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the past simple to complete a dialogue; use the prepositions of time; evaluate their test result.
B. Language contents:
 - Vocabulary: //
 - Grammar : The past simple, Prepositions of time.
C. Techniques: Gap-fill, Mapped dialogue, Write-it-up.
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, Poster, Testing papers.
E. Procedures:
Stages & Contents
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Language focus 2: Mapped dialogue
- Did you eat rice for lunch?
- How ----------- school?
- Which subject ------ yesterday?
- Where were you ---- yesterday evening?
 I --------- by bicycle
 at home.
II. Language focus 3: Gap-fill
a. on
b. in
c. between
d. at ------- after
e. before 
- shows the poster.
- runs through & models.
- gets Sts to work in pairs.
- asks Sts to look at the table.
- gets Sts to use the given words to complete the blanks.
- look at.
- listen & repeat.
- practise in open & closed pairs.
- look at the table, listen to the T & take note.
- fill in the blanks, compare & give f.b.
I/ Listen to the dialogue and tick (v) the right words : (1 mark)
 1. garlic 
 2. green peppers 
 3. ham 
 6. peas 
II/ Match the questions with the answers: (2 marks)
1. C 	
2. D 
3. A 
4. B
II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2,5 marks)
1/ b. lived	 
2/ c. to drive 
3/ a. read	 
4/ c. will play 
5/ b. get up early	
6/ a. drink
7/ c. are
8/ a. catches
9/ c. show
10/ b. work
III/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (2,5 marks)
 dinner call school under late cupboard good
(1). late 
(2). dinner 
(3). cupboard 
(4). under 
(5). call 
IV/ Read the passage and answer the questions: (2 marks)
 1/ Yes, he was
 2/ He emigrated first to Canada and then to the USA.
 3/ Thomas Watson is his assistant.
 4/ They invented the first telephone in 1876.

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