Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Units 5: Study habits


 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer the questions about your lesson schedule, have habits in your studying

 Language content : Commands in reported speech .

B/ TECHNIQUES : Listening – reading

C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook. Pictures, Cards, Posters, Gestures.



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Date/Week :.. Period : 26
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer the questions about your lesson schedule, have habits in your studying 
 Language content : Commands in reported speech .
B/ TECHNIQUES : Listening – reading
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook. Pictures, Cards, Posters, Gestures.
I/ Warm up : Play a game 
 “ Shark attack “
 S C H E D U L E
II/ New lesson :
Pre teach voc :
a report card : phieáu hoïc taäp 
Excellent : xuaát saéc (exam)
(to) be proud of : töï haøo veà ( exam)
(to) improve : caûi thieän, coá gaéng 
 hôn (situa).
(to) believe : tin töôûng (situa)
habit : thoùi quen (eam)
pronunciation : caùch phaùt aâm(exm)
* Checking : Matching
Set the scene : 
Asks “ How often do we have Math ?
Ps answer :
We have Math five times a week
 English three times
 Physics two times
Activity 1 :
Activity 2 :
 Answer the questions (page 47)
Who is Miss Jackson ?
What did Miss Jackson give Tim’s mother ?
How did Tim study this semester ?
What did Miss Jackson say Tim should do ?
What did Tim’s mother give him at the end of the conversation ?
Key :
Miss Jackson is Tim’s teacher.
Miss Jackson gave Tim’s mother his report card.
Tim studied very well this semester / Tim worked very hard this semester.
Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spainish pronunciation.
She gave him a dictionary
Write on the board :
 “ She asked me to give you this dictionary “.
Form : 
 S + told / asked + O + to-infinitive
Use : 
 Töôøng thuatä laïi loaïi caâu meänh leänh daïng khaúng ñòmh.
Ñoåi ra phuû dònh ta theâm “Not” tröôùc ñoäng töø
Ex : The teacher told the pupils not to talk in class
Practice :
 Report Miss Jackson’s commands and requests in her conversation with Tim’s mother
“ Please wait for me outside my office.”
b) “ Please give Tim his report card for this semester.”
c) “ Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation ?” d) “ Can you meet me next week ?”
Key :
Miss Jackson asked me to wait outside her office.
Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester.
Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciatoin
Miss Jackson told me to meet her next week .
III/ Homework :
 Practice reading at home
Write the exercise into notebooks
 Divides the class into two groups A – B
How many lettres are there ?
Draws shark and steps on the board and asks “what’s this ?”
Gives the instructions.
Follows the steps to teach voc
Use poster
Asks ps to go to the board and match in groups
Asks and elicits
Reads the dialogue (2ts)
Asks some pairs to role play.
Runs through the meanging
Asks ps to read the dialogue and find out the answers.
Calls somes pairs to read
( One asks – One answers)
Elicits and asks ps to pick out the form, use
Explains, Elicits, Model a sentence
Asks ps to do
Calls some ps to read
Take part in the game
Guess and say the letters
Work in groups
Listen and guess
Say the words
Match the words with suitable meanings
Answer ( Indiv)
Role play
Read the dialogue and write the answer (indiv)
Read (in pairs)
Pick out the form, use
Do the exercise (indiv)
Unit : Five STUDY HABITS Lesson : Two Listen and Read
Date/Week :. Period : 27.
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about the lesson schedule of all subjects in a week
B/ TECHNIQUES : Listening – Reading .
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, Cards, Posters.
I/ Warm up : Brainstorming
II/ New lesson : 
Pre teach voc :
- behavior-participation : tinh thaàn tham gia (exam)
co-operation : söï phoái hôïp caùc hoaït ñoäng Name :NgaSubject :English
(to) fail : hoûng, rôùt (exam)
satisfactory (adj) : laøm haøi loøng
poor (adj) keùm (exam)
a signature : chöõ kyù (visual)
Checking : R & R
1/ Pre speaking :
Set the scene : 
From all the subjects, now we ask each other about the studies. We use the questions and words in the boxes.
When do you do your homework ?
Who helps you with your homework ?
How much time do you spend on the subjects: Math, Vietnamese, History, English, etc ?
Which subject do you need to improve ?
What do you do to improve your English?
after school; after dinner; late at night; etc.
your parents; your brothers/sisters;
a friends; etc
- half an hour; two hours; less/ more 
 than an hour; etc.
- Biology; Physics; Chemistry; 
 Geography; etc.
- do grammar exercises; read
 English stories;etc
2/ While listening :
Listen to the dialogue and complete the report card
Class :8C.Marking period: First term
Days present:87. Days absent :5.
Listening:C Speaking:A
Reading:A Writing:B
A=Excellent B=Good C=Fair
D=Poor F=Fail S=Satisfactory
Comments :
Teacher’s signature: Parents’ signature :
Miss Lien.. Mrs Linh .
Date : February 17, 2003.
 February 17, 2003.
Miss Lien : Good evening, Mrs Linh. I’m pleased to tell you that Nga has worked very hard this year and her grades are very good
Mrs Linh : I’m so pleased to hear that.
Miss Lien : She missed 5 days of school due to sickness but an attendance of 87 days for the whole term is acceptable. Both her participation and cooperation are satisfactory. So, there’re no problems there
Mrs Linh : How is she doing in English?
Miss Lien : Her speaking and reading are excellent and her writing is good. If she works a bit harder on her writing skills, she should get an A for writing next term.
Mrs Linh : How about comprehension ?
Miss Lien : I’m afraid she’s not very good at that. I gave her a C
Mrs. Linh : How can we help her improve ?
Miss Lien : Get her to watch English TV if possible, and encourage her to listen to English radio programs. Also, I have some cassettes here which you can borrow.
Mrs. Linh : Thank you very much, Miss Lien. We really appreciate your help.
3/ Post Writing : write it up
Follow the Nga’s report card . you write a your report card in two months 9+10/2005.
 III/ Homework :
Write your report card in your notebooks
Asks ps to go to the board and write the subjects
Follows the steps to teach the voc
Shows the words and rub out
Runs through the meaning
Get 5’ for ps to think
Calls some pairs to practice
Runs through the meaning of the report card
Asks ps to listen the text and pick out the informations to fill in the report card
Reads the listening text . Can emphasize the key words
Calls some ps to read their writings
Go to the board and write
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Ask each other about the studies. Use the questions and words in the box
Match the questionsin column A and the words in column B
Read in pairs
Listen and pick out the informations to gap fill in the report card
Unit : Five STUDY HABITS Lesson : Three Listen
 (Language Focus : Reported speech)
Date/Week : Period : 28
 	 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to change imperative statements to imperative reported statements in affirmative and iterrogative forms
B/ TECHNIQUES : Practice the exsercises
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Workbooks, Exsercisebooks, Cards, Posters.
I/ Warm up : Chatting
- How often do you have English ?
- Do you learn by heart the new words at home ?
- How often do you read the text at home ?
- How much time do you spend on English?
- What do you do to improve your English ?
- Do you use the blackboard in your 
 studying at home ?
II/ Presentation :
 REPORTED SPEECH (Caâu töôøng thuaät)
Caâu töôøng thuaät loaïi caâu meänh leänh:
 Form s :
Khaúng ñònh : S + told + O + to-infinitive
Phuû ñònh : S + told + O + not to-infinitive
Ex: a) “ Please wait for me here, Mary.” Tom said.
- Tomtold Mary to wait for him there
 b)”Don’t talk in class !” the teacher said
The teacher told the children not to talk in class.
Note : Moät soá ñoäng töø thöôøng duøng khi töôøng thuaät caâu meänh leänh : tell, ask, order, advise, warn, beg, command, remind, instruct..
Töôøng thuaät moät lôøi yeâu caàu lòch söï
 Form :
 S + asked + O + to-infinitive
Ex : 
“Would you open the door, please?” she asked.
She asked me to open the door .
Note : Ñoäng töø ask (yeâu caàu/ nhôø) thöôøng ñöôïc duøng trong lôøi töôøng thuaät, moät ñeà nghò lòch söï.
III/ Practice :
Exercise 1 :
Change the following sentences to the reported speech.
My husband said to me : “Go to the movie !”
I said to him : “Stay at home !”
My son said to us :” Don’t laugh !”
The teacher said to the children :” Don’t make noise in class !”
The doctor said to the patient :” You should stay in bed !”
Key : 
a) My husband told me to go to the movie.
b) I asked him to stay at home.
c) My son told us not to laugh.
d) The teacher asked the children not to make noise in class.
The doctor advised the patient to stay in bed.
exercise 2 :
Report Miss Jackson’s advice, she gave in her conversation with Tim’s mother.
a) “Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation.”
b) “Tim should practice speaking Spanish every day”
c) “Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV”
d) “Tim should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish”
e) “Tim should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.”
Key :
a) Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation.
b) Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day.
c) Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.
III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson
Practice the exercises at home again
Calls a pupil to answer a sentencs
Gives axample
Explains – Elicits
Asks ps to pick out the forms
Gives the example
Explains – Elicits
Asks ps to pick out the form
Asks ps to do the exercises
Observes - Helps
Asks ps to do the exercises
Observes - Helps
Listen and answer
Listen and pick out the forms
Listen and pick out the form
Do the exercises
Do the exercises
 Unit : Five STUDY HABITS 	Lesson : 04 READ
Date/Week : Period : 29
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand about the ways learning by heart the new words effectively
B/ TECHNIQUES : Reading - Speaking
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Pictures, Cards, Posters.
I/ Warm up : Chatting
- Do you learn the new words at home ?
- How many words do you learn every day ?
- What do you do when you read a new word ?
What do you often do to remember words ?
II/ New lesson :
* Pre teach voc :
- mother tongue : tieáng meï ñeû (exam)
(to) learn by heart : hoïc thuoäc loøng 
- (to) highlight : gaïch döôùi (exam)
- revision : OÂn laïi (exam)
- piece of paper : tôø giaáy (visual)
- How should I learn words ? Toâi neân hoïc töø baèng caùch naøo ? (situa).
* Checking : R & R
Set the scene :
In order to understand the text or dialogue and can answer the questions we must know meaning the words, today we find out the best way to learn by heart the new words at home
Pre reading : T / F Prediction.
..All language learners write the meaning of new words in their mother tongue.
Some learners write examples of words they want to learn
.Every learner tries to learn all new words they come across
.Many learners only learn new words that are important. 
Key :
a)F (Some learners write the meaning of new words in their mother tongue
c) F (Many learners do not try to learn all new words they come across.)
While reading : “ Lucky numbers”
 Answer the questions.
Do learners learn words in the same way ?
b) Why do some learners write example sentences with new words ?
c) What do some learners do in order to remember words better ?
d) Why don’t some learners learn all the new words they come across ?
e) What is necessary in learning words ?
How should you learn words ?
 Key :
No, Learners learn words in different ways.
Because example sentences with new words help them remember the use of new words.
To remember words better, some learners write each words and its use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere in their house so as to learn it at any time, or underline, highlight only the words they want to learn .
They may think they can’t do so. Instead, they learn only important words.
Revision is necessary in learning words
 Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best ( What is the best your ways ?)
Post speaking : discussion
Follow the questions and answers, asks ps find out the best ways to learn the words and to remember words better
Spend one hour a day to learn English subject
Write the new words and its use on the corner of the board or on a piece of paper and stick it some where in the house
Review them many times.
III/ Homework : 
 Write the answers in notebooks
 Write your way to learn new words at home in exercisebooks
Asks some questions to introduce the content of the lesson
“ Read and understand about the ways to learn by heart the new words”
Follows the steps teaching the voc
Shows the words and rub out
Runs through the meaning.
Asks ps to guess T / F by themselves
Elicits – Helps
Asks Ps read the text again and check
Asks ps to read the text again and find out the short answers
Sticks 8 cards with 8 numbers on one side and 8 letters on one side
Follows the steps to play a game Lucky numbers
Asks ps to discuss to find out the best way to learn words at home
Calls some ps to present in front of class
Answer the questions in your opinions
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Guess T / F (indiv)
Read the text – check
Read the text and find out the answers
Take part in the game
Work in groups
Listen and give opinion
Unit : Five STUDY HABITS Lesson : 5 WRITE
Date/Week : Period : 30
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write and identify the sections of a letter.
B/ TECHNIQUES : Writing, Reading
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Pictures, Cards, Posters, Guestures
I/ Warm up : Play a game
 “Shark attack “
 L E T T E R
II/ New lesson :
Pre teach voc :
body of the letter : noäi dung thö (exam)
heading : tieâu ñeà (exam)
closing : phaàn keát, lôøi chaøo cuoái thö.
Regards : chaøo nheù
(to) celerbrate : toå chöùc ( situa)
* checking : R & R
Pre writing : Matching.
Look at Hoa’s letter to Tim. She wrote it at the end of term. Identify the sections. Label them with correct letter
 A Body of the letter
 B Heading – write’s address and the date
 C Closing – Your friend/ Regards/ Love
 D Opening – Dear.,
1) 12 Tran Hung Ñao St.
 Ha Noi
 February 10, 200
2) Dear Tim,
Thanks for your letter. I’m pleased to hear you had an enjoyable Christmas vacation.
We received our first semester report a few days ago. I got good grades for science,English and History, but my Math result was poor. My Math teacher asked me to spend more time on it. I must study harder next semester.
It is almost Tet. That ‘s the Lunar New Year Festival in Viet Nam. I think I told you about it in my last letter. We’re going to Hue tonight to celebrate the festival with my grandmother. I’ll you a postcard from there.
Write soon and tell me all your news.
4) Regards,
Key :
B . Heading
D Opening
A Body of the letter
C Closing
While writing .
Follow the Hoa’s letter to Tim,help Lan write a letter to her penpal Donna in San Francisco. Use the information in the box.
Mother’s Day
Second semester report / last month
Good grades / Geography / Physics / Math.
Teacher / tell / improve English / History.
In a few weeks / Mid-Autumn Festival / moon festival
Ha Long Bay / aunt and uncle / bus / this afternoon
Send you / postcard.
Key :
124 Hai Ba Trung St.
Ha Noi
June 5, 200.
Dear Donna,
 Thanks for your letter. I’m happy to hear that you had a nice Mother’s Day.
 I received my second semester report last month. I got good grades for Geography, Phisics and Math, but my History and English results were not very good. My former teacher told me that I should improve English and History. I spending more time on them this summer. And I hope I’ll be better at the two subjects next year.
 The Mid-Autumn Festival will come in a few weeks. That’s the Moon Festival in Viet Nam. I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon. I’ll send you a postcard from there.
 Write to me as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
 Fondest wishes,
Post writing :
Follow the informations of Hoa’s letter and Lan’s letter write a letter to your father or mother talk about the results your studying in two last months
III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson
Write your letter in notebook
Divides the class into two groups A – B
How many letters are there.?
Draws shark and steps on the board.
Give the instructions
Follows the steps teaching the voc
Shows the letters and rub out
Asks ps to look at Hoa’s letter to Tim
Runs through the meaning
Asks ps to identify the sections and label them with correct letter.
Asks ps read the letter again and check
Runs through the meaning of the informations in box
Observes – Helps
 Asks two ps to write their letters on the board and correct
 Can write a model letter on the board if have time
Take part in the game
Guess ans say the letters.
Work in groups
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Read the letter
Follow the sections in box , identify and label them with letter
Read the letter again and compare
Follow the Hoa’s letters, use the informations in box , help Lan write a letter to her penpal Donna in San Francisco.
 Unit : Five STUDY HABITS Lesson : 06 LAGUAGE FOCUS
 Date/Week :. Period : 31
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the adverbs of maner to complete the dialogue and advise a person what he should do ( use picture page 52)
B/ TECHNIQUES : Practice language
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Workbook, Cards, Posters.
I/ Warm up : Questionaire
 Ask :
1/ How many sections are there in a letter?
2/ Explain the section “Body of letter”, what do it say ?
3/ After opening section , what do we use ?
“ Full stop or coma “
Key :
1/ There are four sections in a letter. They are : Heading – Opening – Body of letter – Closing.
2/ Body of letter says about the contents, the main ideas of writer, this is an important part of the letter
3/ After opening section, we use coma ( , )
II/ Language contents :
1/ Adverbs of manner :
 Complete the dialogues. Use the adverbs of manner in the box
 Softly - well - fast - badly - hard
a) Hoa : Does Mrs. Nga speak English ?
 Lan : Oh, Yes. She speaks English well.
b) Hoa : Ba always gets excellent grades.
 Lan : That’s because he studies(1)..
c) Hoa : That’s our bus !
 Lan : Run(2)and we might catch it.
d) Hoa : I’m very sory. I know I behaved 
e) Hoa : I can’t hear you, Lan.
 Lan : Sorry, but I’m speaking .(4)..because I have a sore throat.
a) well b) hard c) fast d) badly e)softly.
2/ Model : should 
Look at the picture of Mr. Hao’s house. Use the words in the box. Say what he should do .
Repair paint cut replant mend
Key :
Mr. Hao should repair the roof.
He should paint the house.
He should cut the grass.
He should replant the trees
He should mend the door.
Rewrite these sentences, correcting the mistakes in each one
1) My friend always gets grades excellent.
2) He walks slow.
3) I have quickly breakfast
4) What do you do to remember words betterly ?
5) There are many differently ways of learning words
Key :
My friend always gets excellent grades
He walks slowly.
I have breakfast quickly.
What do you do to remember words better ?
There are many different ways of learning words.
III/ Homework :
Prepare the next lesson
Write the exercise in notebook.
Asks Ps
Runs through the meaning
Model – Elicits
Observes – Helps
Explains the meaning
Asks ps to write the sentences
Runs through the meaning
Answer (indiv)
Do the exercise
Look at the picture and write the sentences
Do the exercise

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