Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Units 6: The young pioneers club - Ho Thanh Thuy

I. Aim:

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present to introduce some activities of the Y &Y organization.

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary:

 To enroll (v) outdoor activities (n)

 application form (n) to fill out (v)

 acting (n)

2. Grammar: simple present

III. Techniques:

Brainstorming, chatting, rub out and remember, survey

IV. Teaching aids: cards, cassette

V. Procedures:


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-Today I have to walk to school because my bike has a flat tire
Teacher asks Ss the meaning of the words.
-Guide sts to read the new words
T writes the phrases in the box and rubs some phrases on the sub- board.
T asks Ss to find out the phrases for responding to favors and offering assistance.
Ss work in groups (closed books).
At last. T asks them to open their books and check.
teacher explain the situation of the dialogues
Dialogue a: Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag but she’s hurt her arm so she needs some help.
Dialogue b: A receptionist wants to help a tourist who needs to go to the nearest bank.
T asks Ss to practice in pairs (two dialogues in textbook)
T calls some pairs to practice before class
T corrects pronunciation
-Teacher asks students to make similar dialogues about the situations in the book.
-SS make dialogues then practice in pairs.
-Teacher has students practice in free
+SS practice (ss make situation and practice)
- T monitors and helps Ss.
1. Warm up :
Shark’s attack
(Team 1) (Team 2)
- -
 - -
 - -
The Shark is in the sea
 - -
 - -
2. Pre- speaking:
* New words:
- favor (n)
- to hurt (v) 
- a flat tire
Asking for favors
Responding to favors
Can / could you help me, please ?
Could you do me a favor ?
I need a favor
Offering assistance
Responding to assistance
Yes / No. Thank you.
Yes. That’s very kind of you.
No, thank you
 I’m fine
1/ What do you say to ask for a favor ?
2/ When do you ask for favor ?
3/ How do you say to respond to favor ?
3. While- speaking 
-Dialougue a,b in text book
* Marks
Tourist: Could you do me a favor ?
You: Sure. What can I do for you ?
Tourist: I lost my money. Could you show me the way to the nearest police station ?
You: Certainly. Turn right out of the station. Go straight ahead until you see the police station on your right.
Tourist: Thank you very much
You: You’re welcome
4. Post- speaking:
5. Homework 
- Learn by heart the new words, phrases
- Do exercise 1 in workbook
-Prepare: Listen
 -Find the new words.
* Comments:
Week: 12 
Period: 35
Date: 31/10/2012
 Lesson 3: Listen
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete a song and offer and respond to assistance.
Language contents:
 To unite(v)	peace (n)
 pair- work, group works,prediction, slap the board
Teaching aids:
 sub-board, cassette
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
T guides Ss to play a game called Networks.
Teacher presents some words.
Ss repeat and say the meaning.
T checks new words.
T asks Ss to guess the missing words (page 56)
Ask them to share with their partners.
Ss work in pairs.
Teacher asks Ss to listen to the song twice. 
Ss find the missing words in groups.
Students listen to the tape for the third time. 
T calls Ss to show the answer key.
T & Ss correct.
T can give marks.
Teacher gives a situation then writes an open dialogue on the board.
Teacher asks students to complete the dialogue.
Ss complete the dialogue then Ss practice the dialogue (pair work).
Teacher corrects Ss’ mistakes and gives marks.
T gives another situation and asks Ss to make a similar dialogue in groups.
Ss work in groups.
T asks Ss to practice the dialogue of each groups.
T gives marks.
Teacher guides Ss how to sing the song.
Then call some students to sing.
T can give marks if they sing well.
1. Warm up:
English songs
- The Hello song.
- The alphabet song.
2. Pre-listening:
* New words
- Unite (v)
- Peace (n)
* Slap the board
* Prediction 
3. While- listening: 
* Answer keys: 
(1) unite (8) world
(2) peace (9) show
(3) right (10) place
(4) love (11) out
(5) north (12) stand
(6) south (13) world
(7) of
* Situation : A receptionist wants to help a tourist who needs to the nearest bank.
Receptionist: May I help you?
Tourist: yes, can you show me the way to the nearest bank?
Receptionist: sure. Turn right when you get out of the hotel.Turn left at the first corner. It’s on your right.
Tourist: thank you very much.
4. Post-listening: 
* Make similar dialogue:
Mother : can you help me, Lan?
Lan: of course. How can I help you?
Mother: can you help me to clean the floor?
Lan: certainly I’ll help you.
Group 1: Tourist and you
Group 2: Neighbor and you
Group 3: friend and you
Group 4: you and your aunt
5. Homework 
- Learn words, phrases
- Sing the song again
- Prepare: Lesson 4 Read
 -Find the new words
* Comments:
Week: 12 
Period: 36
 Lesson 4: Read
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about a youth organization – the Boy scouts of America (BSA)
Language contents:
encourage(v), citizenship(n), coeducational(a), voluntary(a), lead/ led , establish(v) 
b)Grammar: Gerund
Slap the board, T/ F statements Prediction
Teaching aids:
 textbook, tape, sub- board
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Teacher asks Ss some questions.
Ss answer.
Teacher introduces “ There are some youth organizations in the USA. What are they ? Let’s see in the text”
T presents new words.
Ss repeat and say the meaning.
T holds class to play “ Slap the board”
T sticks the poster with the statements on the blackboard and guess what is
True, what is false.
Students work in pairs.
T plays the tape twice.
Ss listen.
Teacher asks Ss to read the passage on page 57 T gives feedback.
Students work in groups
Teacher asks Ss to do exercise 1 page 57 in pairs
Ss work in pairs.
T asks Ss to answer the questions in pairs.
Ss work in pairs.
T corrects.
T calls an excellent student in class to practice with the teacher.
Ss work in pairs.
1. Warm up :
-.Do you enjoy singing ?
-.Do you know the song of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer and Young organization ?
-.Do you know any organization in order countries ?
2. Pre- reading:
*New words:
- Encourage (v)
- Citizenship (n)
- Union (n)
- Voluntary (a)
- awareness (n)
- To establish (v)
- form one’s personality: hình thaønh nhaân caùch
*Slap the board 
3.While – reading:
Answer keys:
1. Fill in the mising information:
a) Viet Nam.
b) December 1976
c) their public awareness and form their personality.
d) the guidelines
2. Answer the questions:
a) From 16 to 30 years of age one can join the Youth Union.
b) The Youth Union was founded on March 26 1931.
c) The complete name of the Youth Union is “Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.”
d) - Helping the Handicapped.
 - Cleaning the Environment.
 - Green Summer Volunteers 
And others similar movements.
e) These activities aim to help the young develop their public awareness and form their personality.
f) Ho Chi Minh established the guidelines for the Vietnamese youth
4. Post – reading :
 * Marks 
soft skills
personal fitness
chính thöùc
naêng löïc caù nhaân
ñöôøng loái chæ ñaïo 
kó naêng oân hoaø
hoaït ñoäng.
Answer keys:1+d, 2+b, 3+a, 4+e, 5+c
5.Homework :
- Learn by heart new words
- Write the summary 
- Prepare: Lesson 5: Write
* Comments:
Period: 35
Date: 1/11/2012
 Lesson 5: Write
The end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan using “be going to”
Language contents:
1.Vocabulary: raise fund, a bank, natural resources
2.Grammar: Gerund
Group work, dictation, what and where
Teaching aids: 
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
T asks Ss the usage of “be going to” (express a future plan).
T gets Ss to make the sentence.
“ I’m going to + verb”. The verbs have to begin with a letter from A to Z.
Teacher gives marks.
Teacher presents new words.
Ss repeat and say the meaning.
T checks new words.
T presents the form of gerund
Have sts read the notice and then complete the letter
Sts work in groups.
Call sts to give their answers
Teacher asks some questions about the Y&Y
Teacher sets the scene: “ Hoa talks to her aunt about the Y & Y Green Group, about the activities that she is going to do”
Ask Ss to read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt.
Ask some questions to check their understanding.
T asks Ss to help Hoa to write a letter to her parents.
T moves around the class and choose aletter 
Stick their letters on the board and correct.
Give the correct letter
Teacher gets the whole class to read the letters and correct them.
1. Warm up:
Revision of the structure “be going to”
T: I’m going to accept their invitation
S1: I’m going to buy a new bicycle
S2: I’m going to clean the house
S3: I’m going to dust the furniture
S4: I’m going to explain.......................
S25: I’m going to yell
It’s difficult to find a verb beginning with the letter Z)
2. Pre-writing:
* New words:
- Raise fund
- A bank (n)
- Natural resources (n)
- to save (v)
- to earn (v)
 * what and where
* Gerund : V- ing
You can participate in other programs such as raising for the poor , helping street children.
 Read the passage and complete the letter:
* Answers key;
(1) Community 	(6) save
(2) recycling 	(7) raise
(3) collect 	(8) participating
(4) send 	(9) planting
(5)recycling 	(10) helping
* Questions:
a) What do members of the Y & Y have to do in the recycling program ?
b) What is the purpose of the recycling program ?
c) What other programs can members of the Y & Y participate in ?
3. While-writing : 
‚ Read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt. Then write hoa’s letter to her parents telling what she is going to do:
Why does Hoa look happy ?
What she going to do in the environment month ?
What are they doing to earn money for their school Y & Y ?
4. Post-writing:
Dear Mom and Dad,
 I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to join the Y & Y Green Group of my school.
 The Green Group is holding an environment month plan. We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends. We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class. We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools.
 We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y & Y.
 The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it ?
 I’ll tell you more about the group activities later
5. Homework :
- Write a letter to a friend
- Do exercises 5,6 in workbook
- Prepare: Lesson 6 -Language Focus
 Review modal verbs, gerunds 
* Comments:
Period: 36
Date: 7/11/2012
 Lesson 6: Language Focus
 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about future activities and practice in gerunds used after some verbs love, like, hate, enjoy.
II. Language contents:
* Vocabulary: a rest home, an orphanage, a stadium
* Grammar: Simple present
III. Techniques: 
 Rub out and remember, Word -cue drill
IV. Teaching aids: 
 6 cards of cues
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks some questions.
Ss answer.
T presents new words.
Ss copy
T reminds Gerund.
T asks some questions about “Gerund”.
Ss answer.
T gives the form.
T ask Ss to read “ Y & Y spring activity program”.
T asks them to play the roles of Ba and Lan to practice the dialogue.
T asks them some questions to check their understanding.
Ask Ss to practice asking and answering about the Y & Y activity program by using the cues given in textbook.
Call on some Ss to ask and answer.
Ss work in pairs.
T asks Ss to talk about Ba, Lan
T writes on posters.
T asks Ss to look at the table (page 61) and talk about their friends’ hobbies.
A:What are your hobbies ?
B:I like / love playing soccer and tennis
T models the first two cues
After that Ss practice in pairs
T asks Ss to work in pairs.
Ss practice in pairs
T corrects the pronunciation
T asks Ss to work in pairs.
Ss practice in pairs
T correct the pronunciation
1. Warm up :
.What activities do you like doing after school ?
.How much used paper did you collect ?
.Who takes care of the trees in your class ?
( Tell the names of three students )
2. Presentation
* New words:
- a rest home (n)
- an orphanage (n)
* Rub out and remember
* Questions:
When do you use “Where” ? ( to ask for the place )
When do we use “What time” ?
Is the date at present or in the future ?
( in the future )
What tense do we use in the dialogue ?
( simple present )
— Form:
Like, love, enjoy, hate + gerund (V-ing)
3.Practice :
1: work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Y & Y Spring activity program:
2: work with a patner:
a) Look at the table. Talk about our friends’ hobbies:
ØWord cue drill
a) play soccer / volleyball
b) watch TV / listen to music
c) read books / do homework
d) chat with friends / do the housework
b) Copy the table into your exercise book. Then complete it with information about you. Next ask and answer questions with your partner:
3: Work with a partners
a) Use the expressions in the box to ask for a favor. Then practice the dialogues with a partner:
A: buy a ticket
B: take me across the road
C: help me with this math problem
D: water the flowers in the garden
b) Use useful expressions in the boxes on page 55 to complete the dialogues. Then practice the dialogues with a partner:
A: May
A: Do you need
B: me help you
A: very kind
What is your hobbies ?
I like..
5.. Homework:
- Review the grammar and vocabularies from unit 4 to unit 6
- Do exercise 7 in workbook.
Lesson helps students to review the grammar points they have learnt and they’ll have a chance to do more and more exercises
Language contents:
used to
prepositions of time
reported speech
present simple with future meaning
form unit 4_6
chain game
Teaching aids:
 sub-board, cards
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
T holds class to play “chain game”
T calls 6 students.
T can give marks if Ss practice well.
Teacher asks Ss to repeat the structures.
Ask Ss to give examples.
Teacher asks Ss to give the correct form of used to and the other into the past simple.
Students retell some prepositions.
Then they do an exercise.
T corrects and gives marks.
Teacher asks students to complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
Ss practice.
T corrects and gives opinions.
T reviews the present simple with future meaning.
Teacher explains the difference between present simple and present continuous.
Put the verbs into the present continuous or the present simple.
Students work in pairs. 
T corrects.
T asks Ss to give some verbs which can be used with Gerunds.
After that, Ss give the correct form of the verbs.
I. Warm up 
Chain game
S1: I used to get up late
S2: He used to get up late and I used to stay up late
S3: He used to get up late, she used to stay up late and I used to go to school early
II. Consolidation:
A. S + be used to + V(inf)
-> habit in the past
Ex: He used to smoke last year
I (smoke) but I (give it up) last year
He (live) in London before he (go) abroad
I (earn) a lot of money, but then I (lose) my job
(You travel) a lot before you (get) this job ?
B. Prepositions of time:
 Fill in each blank with a suitable word:
1) I usually go swimming.............Tuesday
2) We left school 20 years..............(ago)
3) I couldn’t sleep.................night
4) We move here...............20th October
5)The children get too many presents ....... ............. Christmas
C. Reported Speech:
S + tell / ask + O + to-inf
a) “ Could you buy me an English exercise book, Ha ?”
Nam asked Ha...........................................
b) “Please turn off the radio”
Phuong told Tuan.......................................
c) “Don’t talk during the test, Nam”, his teacher said
Nam’s teacher told him..............................
d) “You should improve your English, Phong”
-> The teacher said....................................
D. Present simple with future meaning:
-> Talking about timetable, usually a public one such as a train timetable
Ex: The match starts at half past seven 
Distinguish the pre simple from the pre continuous 
a/ The present simple for a timetable.
b/ The present continuous for arrangements to do in future.
Emma: (you/ do) anything tonight ?
Mary: Yes, (I/ go) to the station to meet my friend. (He/ stay) here for the weekend. His train (get) in at 8:15 
Emma: Oh, of course. I’d forgotten about that
Mary: May be we’ll see you later. What (you/ do) tonight ?
Emma: Oh, (I/ go) to the cinema with Vicky. The film (finish) quite early, so we (go) to another place afterwards.
* Answer keys:
Are you doing 	are you doing
I am going 	am doing
He is staying 	finishes
Gets 	are going
E. Gerunds
S + enjoy, love hate, stop + V-ing
Gerund: can be used after:
 To look forward to	: troâng mong
 To insist on	: coá naøi
 Surprised at	: ngaïc nhieân
 Interested in	: thích thuù
 Busy with	: baän roän
* Give the correct form of the verbs
1) Nam thinks of (watch) football match on TV.
2) Before (do) homework, I have breakfast.
3) They hope (help) the elderly people and street children.
4) They raise funds by (collect) used paper and broken glasses.
III. Homework:
- Review the structure
- Prepare : The test
* Comments:
Date: //
A. Aim : 
In order to help the students have a chance to review the knowledge they have learnt from unit 4 to unit 6 and through this test , students can recognize their errors and after that they ‘ll correct the mistakes and try their best to improve their study.
B. Content
I. Choose the word that had the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others: (1m)
1. a. Match	b. mall	c. bank	d. hat
2. a. Price	b. tired	c. nice	d. humid
3. a. cook	b. food	c. too	d. pool
4. a. soccer	b. notice	c. photo	d. grocery
II. Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks: (3.5ms)
1. The children are old enough to look after ________
a. them	b. their	c. themself 	d. themselves 
2. We ought ______ the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed.
a. put	b. push	c. to put	d. to push
3. You should go to the ______ to buy some fish and vegetables.
a. market	b. post office	c. kitchen	d. theater
4. I ______ work every day from 8.30 to 5.30.
a. ought to	b. must	c. should	d. have to
5. The calendar is ______ the clock, ______ the picture and the lamp.
a. on / next to	b. under / between	c. behind / between	d. above / on
6. She worked hard ______ she could pass the final exams.
a. so that	b. in order to 	c. as result	d. so as to
7. Let’s paint the house _____ . It will be much cheaper.
a. yourself	b. herself	c. ourselves 	d. themselves 
8. These shoes are very well-made. They ______ along time.
a. last	b. will last	c. must last	d. are going to last
9. It is dangerous to let children _____ in the kitchen.
a. play	b. to play	c. playing	d. to playing
10. We’ve got a problem. I hope you can help _______.
a. yourself	b. myself	c. ourselves 	d. us
11. They have studied _______ six o’clock.
a. in	b. at	c. since	d. for
12. My mother was _______ last night, so we went out for dinner.
a. tired enough to cook	b. too tired to cook
c. very tired to cook	d. tired for cooking
13. The new shopping mall is quite ______ the present shopping area.
a. different from	b. the same	c. like to	d. similar
14. ______ have you lived in this town? - For nearly 20 years.
	a. How much	b. How many	c. How far	d. How long
III. Choose the right word in parentheses (2ms )
1. My father used ( to smoke / smoking ) a packet of cigarettes a day.
2. She hopes ( to have / having ) a suitable job.
3. They are thinking of ( to move / moving ) to America.
4. He looked at me ( angry / angrily ) when I interrupted him.
5. It’s too outside . ( Do , Could , What about ) you close the door ?
6. The doctor asked him ...... a rest and .......... any heavy work.
 ( to take / to do , to take / not to , to take / not to do )
7. In order (to get , get , getting ) good marks , you should try harder.
8. Ba loves playing tennis , ( and , but , or ) he doesn’t like camping.
IV. Put the interchanges in the box in order to have a meaningful conversation (1.5ms )
 A. Do you know when it began ?
 B. Yes , I think so . In 1994 there were 5,400,000 scouts in the USA . Now it has more than 25 million members
 C. No, it’s mainly for boys
 D. It’s a youth organization . It builds character , encourages good citizenship and personal fitness
 E. It’s popular worldwide
 F. It’s the Boy Scouts of America
 	Tom : Do you know what BSA means , Peter ?
 	Peter : (1) .....................................................
Tom : What is it ?
Peter : (2) ........................................................
Tom : (3) .......................................................
Peter : In 1907
Tom : Is BSA for all of us ?
Peter : (4) .........................................................
Tom : Are there many scouts in America ?
Peter : (5) .................................................
Tom : Is it popular throughout the world ?
Peter : (6) .............................................
IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first: (2ms)
1. “Try your best to improve your pronunciation, Tim,” Miss Jackson said.
- Miss Jackson asked ______________________________________
2. “Don’t make so much noise.” My 

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