Sách giáo viên Tiếng Anh 6 thí điểm - Unit 11: Our greener world



By the end of this unit, students can:

• Pronounce the sounds /a:/ and /ổ/ correctly in isolation and in context

• Use the lexical items related to the topic “our Greener World”

• Use conditional sentences-type 1 correctly and appropriately

• Talk about ways to “go green”

• Read for specific information about tips on how to be “green”

• Listen to get specific information about ways to make the school a “green” palace

• Write a paragraph about ways to make the school a “green” place


Review the previous unit before Ss open their books. Write “our Greener World” on the board. Ask Ss what “green” means to them. Write their answers on the board. Explain that “green” has a lot of meanings. In this unit it means relating to the protection of the environment. Write “Let’s ‘go green’!” on the board and elicit the meaning of “go green” from Ss. Tell Ss that “go green” means” to do more to protect nature and the environmet. Let Ss open their books and start the lesson.


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By the end of this unit, students can:
Pronounce the sounds /a:/ and /ổ/ correctly in isolation and in context
Use the lexical items related to the topic “our Greener World” 
Use conditional sentences-type 1 correctly and appropriately
Talk about ways to “go green”
Read for specific information about tips on how to be “green”
Listen to get specific information about ways to make the school a “green” palace
Write a paragraph about ways to make the school a “green” place
Review the previous unit before Ss open their books. Write “our Greener World” on the board. Ask Ss what “green” means to them. Write their answers on the board. Explain that “green” has a lot of meanings. In this unit it means relating to the protection of the environment. Write “Let’s ‘go green’!” on the board and elicit the meaning of “go green” from Ss. Tell Ss that “go green” means” to do more to protect nature and the environmet. Let Ss open their books and start the lesson.
Let’s “go green”!
1. Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 44 and answer the questions below”
 1. Who are they?
 2. Where are they?
 3.What might they be talking about?
Quickly write Ss answers to question 2 on the board. Play the recording. Ss listen and read. Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct.
a. Read the conversation again and complete the following sentences. Use no more than three words in each blank.
1. Nick is going ______ tomorrow.
2. The green shopping bag is ______. The materials of the bag are ______.
3. People can buy the bag at ______.
4. Mi wants to buy ______ bag for her mum.
5. Nick thinks that Mi’s “green” because she’s ______.
b. Based on the conversation, match the first half of the sentence in column A with its second half in column B.
1. The reusable bag is better
a. they will help the environment.
2. There will be less air pollution
b. than the plastic bag.
3. If people use reusable bags for shopping,
c. if more people cycle.
c. Find these expressions in the conversation. Check what they mean.
1. I see 2. By the way 3. Not at all
d. Fill each blank with a suitable expression.
1. A: it works like this.
 B: Oh, ______.
2. A: Are you tired?
 B: ______.
3. A: What are you going to do this weekend?
 B: I’m going to r birthday party. ______, what do you think about this dress?
2. There are a lot of environmental problems today. Write each problem in the box under the picture.
air pollution water pollution deforestation noise pollution soil pollution
(tranh 1) (tranh 2) (tranh 3) (tranh 4) (tranh 5)
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________
3.Now, listen, check and repeat the answers.
Watch Out!
To express effects we can use the structures “to make Sth/Sb do Sth” or “to cause Sth”.
4. Match the causes in column A with the effects in column B.
1. Air pollution
a. causes floods.
2. Water pollution
b. causes breathing problems.
3. Soil pollution
c. causes hearing problems.
4. Noise pollution
d. makes fish die.
5. Deforestation
e. makes plants die.
5. Game: Which group is winner?
1. Make groups of six
2. As a class, choose one environmental problem in 2.
3. In five minutes, write down as many effects of the problem as possible
4. After five minutes, one member from each group runs quickly to the board and writes the effects.
5. The group with the most effects wins!
 1. Have Ss read the information in the table and draw a line from a symbol in column A to the matching word in column B and meaning in column C. Ss work in pairs to compare their answers before giving T the answers. Check and write the correct answers on the board.
 A B C
 Reduce using something again 
 Reuse creating new products from new materials
 Recycle using something less
 Elicit the difference between “Recycling” and “Reusing” from Ss. Explain the difference between these two terms again if necessary:
+ Recycling means reprocessing an old item such as a newspaper, a glass or a can and turning it into a new product. For example, used paper is brought to a factory where it is reprocessed, cleaned and purified. This paper is then used to make new things such as books or newspapers
 + Reusing means avoiding the processing procedure. It is when people use something over and over again until it can not be used any more. For example, a used plastic bottle can be used to grow a small plant.
 2. Ss work in pairs to do this activities. Call on Ss from different pairs to go to the board and write the words. This activities can also be organised as a competition. Wichever pairs finishes the activity first will be the winner and can go to the board to write their answers.
 1. rubbish 2. plastic bags 3. glass 4. plastic bottle 5. can 
 6. noise 7. paper 8. bulb 9. water 10. clothes
 3. In pairs, Ss put the words from 2 in a appropriate groups. Draw the table on the board and call three Ss to go to the board and write their answers. One word can belong to more than group. 
 Reduce Reuse Recycle
 rubbish, plastic bags, noise, plastic bags, glass, plastic bottle, rubbish, plastic bags, glass, plastic 
 plastic bottle, paper, water can, paper, bulb, water, clothes plastic bottle, can, paper, bulb
 Elicit some more words for each group from the Ss. Here are some suggested words:
 Reduce: electricity, gas
 Reuse: envelope, carton box, old textbook
 Recycle: newspaper, textbook, plastic container
 4. Play the recording for Ss to listen to the song. Play the recording again for Ss to sing along. Ask some Ss to sing the song.
 /a:/ and /ổ/
 5. Have the Ss read out the words first. Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words. Play the recording as many time as necessary.
 first had bag plastic glass apple dance answer activity afternoon
 6. Play the recording again. Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen. Ss compare their answers in pairs before T checks the answers with the whole class. 
 Key: /a:/ /ổ/
 Fast, plastic, glass, dance, answer, afternoon had, bag, apple, activity
 Ask Ss to give more examples for each group. Suggested words are:
 /a:/ : last, staff, half
 /ổ/ : fan, understand, hand, tap, can
 7.Ss do this exercise invidually first then compare their answer with a partner. Check Ss’ answers.
 Key: /a:/ : class, ask, father
 /ổ/ : stand, have, that
 8. Play the recording and pause after each word which has the underline a for Ss to check their answers. Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of conversation. Ss work in pairs to practise the conversation. Call on some pairs to act out the conversation. Enconrage them not to look at the book.
Conditional sentence – type 1
1. Ask Ss to read the conversation on page 47 while Ss listen to this part. Draw their attention to the two conditional sentences – type 1. Elicit the form from Ss. Now Ss can have a closer look at the Grammar box. Explain to them that when the main clause comes before the if clause, there isn’t a comma between the two clauses.
 	 Give some more examples with the conditional sentence – type 1.
 	 Nick: Yes, I do. It’s better than a plastic one because it’s made of natural materials.
 	 If we all use this kind of bags, we’ll help the environment.
 	 Mi : I see. I’ll buy a bag for my mum. Where can I buy it?
 	 Nick: They sell a lot of these bags at the check-out.
 	Mi : Thanks. Are they expensive?
 	 Nick: Not at all. By the way, you are also “green”. You are recycling.
 	 Mi : You’re right. If more people cycle, there will be less air pollution. Right?
	2.Ss do this exercise quickly then give the answers to T. Write their answers on the 	board and confirm the correct answers.
 	Key: 1. is; will plant 2. recycle; will help 3. will save; don’t waste
 4. will help; use 5. isn’t/is not; will be 
	3. Ss do this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a classmate. Call on 	some Ss to 	read out the sentences.
	4. If necessary, T can combine the first pair of sentences as an example. Have Ss do this 	exercise in pairs. Ask some Ss to write their sentences on the board. Ask for feedback 	from other Ss. Confirm the correct answers.
 	 1. If we pollute the air, we will have breathing problems.
 	 2. If people pollute the water, a lot of fish will die.
 	 3. If we cut down the trees in the forest, there will be more flood. 
 	 4. If the soil is polluted, the plants will die.
 	 5. If there is noise pollution, people and animals will have hearing problems.
5. Ss do this exercise individually, then compare their sentences with a classmate. Call on some Ss to write their sentences on the board. Ask other Ss for comment. Correct any mistakes. Here are the suggested sentences:
 1. If you walk to school, you will help reduce air pollution.
 	 2. If you ues recycle paper, you will save trees.
 	 3. If the Earth becomes hotter, the sea level will rise.
 	4. If parents teach their children about the three Rs, children will help the environment.
 	 5. If you want to save a lot of electricity, you will have to turn off all the lights before 	going out.
	6. T divides the class into groups(A and B) and gives each Ss a trip of paper. Ss from 	group A write 	an if-clause. Ss from group B write a main clause. After 5 	minutes Ss try to make a sentence by matching the clauses on their strip of paper with a 	clause from other group.
Review the grammar points that may be used in this lesson.Some grammar points are: conditional senrences-type 1 and questions to ask about frequency ( How often?) .
Go through the extra vocabulary with Ss. If Ss do not know any word in the box,quickly teach it. Ask Ss to underline the extra vocabulary words as they read the text.
Do a survay: ask people question in order to find out about their opinons or behaviour
Recycling bin: a container for waste that will be recycled, for example , paper or  glass 
Wrap :cover or surround something with paper ,cloth or other material
Be in need: not have enough food, money,clothes,ect.
Breeze: a light and wind
Invite: formally ask somebody formally to go somewhere or do something.
1          Have Ss read the questions quickly and make sure that they know that to do .Ss answer the questions individually,then turn to page 58 to check their answers and count the points. Ask some Ss to speak out the points they received.
2          Ss work in pairs.One Ss is the interviewer,and the other is the interviewer.Ask Ss to do the interview on about 7 minutes and to note down their friends and out how many different answers they have.Call on some Ss to report the results of their interview to the class
3          Ss work in groups.Give each group a large piece of paper.Ss have to write two more questions on this paper.When the time is up,ask the groups to stick their questions on the board or on the wall.Read the questions out aloud .Ask Ss for comments on the questions.Give feedblack on the questions.Finally, the class votes for the best question.
Skills 1
Tell Ss that they are going to read some tips that can help them to become’green’.
1. Ask Ss to read the tips quickly and locate the words/phrases in the text.
2. Ss do this exercise individually and then compare their answers with a classmate. Ask for Ss’ answers.
 Confirm the correct answers. Ask Ss to give some examples with the words/phrases.
 Creative give something to a person and receive something from him/her
 Charity can be used again 
 Swap containers for things that can be recycled
 Reusable giving things to people in need
 Recycling bins unique and interesting
3.Ss read the tips again to answer the questions. Ss can underline parts of the text that helped them with the answers. Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for information.
 Ss compare their answers before giving the answers to T.Ask them to give evidence when giving the answers.
Recycling bins.
Give them to charity or swap them with your friends or cousins.
Refillable ones,
Turn the tap off when brushing your teethe or washing the dishes.
Reusable water bottles.
4 Ss work in groups to discuss if they can follow the tips in the reading part and give out the reasons for their answers. Ss discuss and put the tips in order from the easiest to the most difficult. They also think of ways to explain the reasons for their order. Ask a member from several of the groups to write their groups list on the board. Hold a class discussion about the lists. Accept diffents answers as long as the groups can give out their reasons.
Elicit some other tips from Ss and quickly write them on the board. Ss give comments on the tips.
5 Ss work in groups and find creative ways to reuse the items indicated in the book. This activity can be organized as a competitive game. Give the groups 8 minutes to list out the ways to reuse the items creatively. When the time is up, each group will present their answers. The group having the most creative ways wins.
Skill 2
Tell Ss that the 3Rs Club is looking for a new president. Quickly elicit the necessary qualities of the club president from Ss and write them on the board. Have Ss read the advertisement for this position. Ask them what they will do if they become the club president.
 1. Ss read the rubric of the first activity. Have Ss guess the word/number to fill in each blank and write their guesses on the board. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to check their guesses. Ss work in pairs to compare their answers before T plays the recording the second time for pairs to check their answers.
 Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their guesses.
 2. Ss read the statements in exercise 2 and write T of F at the end of each statement without listening to the recording. If they have any difficulty doing this, play the recording again. Have Ss compare their answers in pairs before giving T the answers. Write Ss’answer on the board.
 Key: 1. F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T
Play the recording one last time to confirm the answer for both exercises 1 & 2.
In this writing part, Ss are asked to write a paragraph about a classmate’s ideas if he/she becomes the president of the club.
Ask Ss to read the Study Skills box. T may explain the use of connectors to show sequence by referring to the listening.
 3. Ss work in pairs and interview each other to fill out the three things they will do if they become the club president. Ask Ss to take notes about each other’s ideas. Ask Ss to expand their ideas by explaining the idea and or giving examples. If time allows, have some Ss present their friend’s ideas or write the ideas on the board.
 4. Ss write their paragraph individually based on the suggestions in the book. If time allows, ask one S to write the paragraph on the board. Other Ss and T comment on the paragraph on the board. Then T collects some writings to correct at home.
Alternatively, ask Ss to work in groups and choose the three best ideas to write about. Give each group a group a large piece of paper to write their paragraph. Ask one or two groups to stick their product on the board. Other Ss and T give comments. Ss copy their group’s paragraph into their notebooks and revise as homework.
Skills 1
Tell Ss that they are going to read some tips that can help them to become’green’.
1.Ask Ss to read the tips quickly and locate the words/phrases in the text.
2.Ss do this exercise individually and then compare their answers with a classmate. Ask for Ss’ answers.
 Confirm the correct answers. Ask Ss to give some examples with the words/phrases.
 Creative give something to a person and receive something from him/her
 Charity can be used again 
 Swap containers for things that can be recycled
 Reusable giving things to people in need
 Recycling bins unique and interesting
3.Ss read the tips again to answer the questions. Ss can underline parts of the text that helped them with the answers. Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for information.
 Ss compare their answers before giving the answers to T.Ask them to give evidence when giving the answers.
Recycling bins.
Give them to charity or swap them with your friends or cousins.
Refillable ones,
Turn the tap off when brushing your teethe or washing the dishes.
Reusable water bottles.
4 Ss work in groups to discuss if they can follow the tips in the reading part and give out the reasons for their answers. Ss discuss and put the tips in order from the easiest to the most difficult. They also think of ways to explain the reasons for their order. Ask a member from several of the groups to write their groups list on the board. Hold a class discussion about the lists. Accept diffents answers as long as the groups can give out their reasons.
Elicit some other tips from Ss and quickly write them on the board. Ss give comments on the tips.
5 Ss work in groups and find creative ways to reuse the items indicated in the book. This activity can be organized as a competitive game. Give the groups 8 minutes to list out the ways to reuse the items creatively. When the time is up, each group will present their answers. The group having the most creative ways wins.

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