Giáo án dạy thêm Tiếng Anh 10


[S+DO/DOES +NOT+V(BARE)+O](present simple)

[S+DID +NOT+V(BARE)+O](past simple)

EX: He does notlike cats / they don’t like dogs

Ex: I didn’t have breakfast this morning.


[DO/DOES+S+V(BARE)+O?](present simple)

[DID+S+V+(BARE)+O?](past simple)

EX: Do you have free time now?

Ex: Did tom prepare his homework?


The simple present tense .

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.

1. Ann sees Paul putting on his coat and says: Where you (go), Paul?

Paul: I (go) to buy some cigarettes. You (want) an evening paper?

2. Ann: No, thanks. Are you always buying cigarettes, Paul? How many you (smoke) a day?

Paul: I (not smoke) very many – perhaps 20. Jack (smoke) far more than I (do). He (spend) 10$ a week on cigarettes.

3. Mary (see) Peter standing at the bus stop.

Mary: Hello, Peter. What bus you (wait) for?

Peter: Hello, Mary. I (wait) for a 9 or a 14.

4. Mary: You usually (go) to work by car, don’t you?

Peter: Yes, but the car (belong) to my mother and she sometimes (want) it. She (use) it today to take Tom to the dentist.


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I've bought the paint. I (paint) this room blue and the sitting room green.
Why are you asking everyone to give you bits of material?
Because I (make) a patchwork quilt.
I wonder if Ann knows that the time of the meeting has been changed.
Probably not. I (look) in on my way home and tell her. I'm glad you thought of it.
Leave a note for them on the table ant they (see) it when they come in.
I'm afraid I'm not quite ready.
Never mind. I (wait).
Do you have to carry so much stuff on your back?
Yes, we do. We (camp) out and (cook) our own meals, so we have to carry a lot.
I've been measuring the windows. I (put) in double gazing.
You (wear) that nice dress in the dinghy?
Of course not! I (sit) on the pier and (watch) you all sailing. I (not get) all wet and muddy and pretend that I'm enjoying it!
If you leave your keys with the hall porter he (take) the car round to the garage.
Shop assistant: We have some very nice strawberries.
Customer: All right. I (have) a pound.
Husband: This bread absolutely tasteless! I wish we could have home-made bread.
Wife: All right. I (start) making it. I (get) a book about home baking today, and from now on I (bake) all our bread!
Mary: Ann’s busy baking. Apparently she (bake) all their bread from now on.
Jean: She soon (get) tired of that.
Why have you bought your camera? You (try) to take photographs?
It’s not allowed, you know.
No, I (try) to sell the camera.
That’s not allowed either. If a police sees you, he (confiscate) the camera.
Tom and Jack, who has just helped him to change a wheel: I (have) to leave this at the garage; I don’t know how to mend a puncture in a tubeless tyres.
Jack: but it’s quite easy. I (come) round this evening and show you if you like.
Tome to wife: I (not take) the tyres to the garage. I (mend) it myself. Jack (help) me.
Why are you rolling up the carpets? You (paint) the ceiling?
No, I (take) the carpet to the cleaner’s.
Ann: Here’s the letter to the landlord. If there’s anything I should add, say so and I (add) it.
Peter: It’s fine, but it’s illegible. He (not be able) to read it.
Ann: Oh, I (type) it! (She had always intended to type it.)
Peter: Good, then we (have) a copy.
Employer: But there are a lot of mistakes in this Miss Jones.
Miss Jones: Yes, I suppose there are. All right, I (type) it again.
Mrs Smith: Your cold’s worse, Ann. Go back to bed and I (ring) the school and tell them you can't come.
Mrs Smith was just picking up the receiver when her husband came downstairs. ‘Ann’s not well,’ she said. ‘I (ring) the school and say that she can't come.’
Ann: Why are you taking fishing rods? You (not climb) the mountain after all?
Tom: We (climb) and fish. There’s a lake on the top and we (try) to get some fish out of it.
Ann: Well, if you catch any I (cook) them; but I think I (buy) some all the same.
Mary, meeting Jack carrying two buckets of water: Hello, Jack! Where’s the fire?
Jack: I (wash) the car, if you want to know. Would you like to help me?
Ann: I'm not dressed for it but I (come) and watch.
Where are all those children off to with baskets?
They (pick) blackberries. They probably (come) back at 6.00 with their baskets crammed and then their mothers (start) making jam.
Ann: You (have) to go now, Tom, or you (be) late.
Mary: But it’s pouring. He (get) soaked if he goes out in that.
Tom: you’re right. You (let) me stay a little longer?
George and Paul find and injure man lying by the roadside.
Paul: I (stay) with him, George, if you go back and get help.
George: All right. I (try) to get a lift back.
No, I'm not going away for the weekend. I'm staying at home. I (start) building my garage. This bricks have come at last.
You (do) it all by yourself?
No, my nephew (help) me. I suggested it to him yesterday and he was quite enthusiastic.
WEEK:14-15 PERIOD: 14- 15
PD: _________TD: _______________
The present perfect and the past simple.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: present perfect or the simple past.
Paul: I (play) football since I was five years old.
Tom: You (play) since you (Come) to England?
Paul: Oh yes. I (play) quite a lot. I (join) in a club the day after I (arrive).
Tom: You (play) many matches?
Paul: we (play) about ten. We have to more to play. We have a very good season, we (win) all our matches so far, though we (not really deserve) to win the last one.
Ann: Hello, Jack! I (not see) you for ages! Where you (be)?
Jack: I (be) in Switzerland. I (mean) to send you a postcard but I (not have) your address with me.
Ann: Never mind. You (have) a good time in Switzerland? How long you (be) there?
Jack: I (be) there for a month. I only just (get) back. Yes, I (enjoy) it thoroughly. I (ski) all day and (dance) all night.
Tom: I (play) football when I (be) at school but when I (leave) school I (drop) it and (take) up golf.
Ann: I (ski) when I (be) at the university, but I (break) a leg five years ago and since then I (not do) any.
When I first (Come) to this house, it (be) very quiet area. But since then a new housing estate (be) built and it (become) very noisy.
My son (not start) work yet. He’s still at the High School.
How long he (be) at school?
He (be) at the High School for six years; before that he (spend) five years in the Primary School in Windmill Street.
I just (hear) that Peter is in Australia.
Oh, you (not know)? He (fly) out at the beginning of the month.
You (hear) from him? Does he like his life?
Yes, I (get) a letter last week. He (tell) me about his job. But he (not say) whether he (like) the life or not. Perhaps it’s too soon to say. He only (be) there three weeks. 
I (not know) you (be) left-handed.
I'm not left-handed; but my oil-heater (explode) yesterday and I (burn) my right hand, so I have to use my left.
This bicycle (be) in our family for fourteen years. My father (use) it for the first five years, my brother (ride) it for the next five, and I (have) it for the last four.
I (hear) that your MP, Mr Simpson, (make) a very clever speech last night. How long he (be) your MP?
Oh, we only (have) him since January. His predecessor Mr Allen (resign) suddenly because of ill-health and there (be) a by-election.
I hear that Mr Jones (leave).
Yes, he (leave) last week.
Anybody (be) appointed to take his place?
I believe several men (apply) for the job but so far nothing (be) decided.
Peter (meeting Ann at the airport): Hello, Ann. You (have) a good trip?
Ann: The actual flight (be) lovely, one of the best I (have) ever, but it (take) ages to get into the plane. First they (think) that one of us (be) a hijacker and they (search) us all for firearms; then they (announce) that one of the engines (be) faulty. We finally (take off) an hour later.
Peter: How you (spend) this extra hour before take off?
Ann: Oh, they (take) us to the restaurant and (feed) us and we (walk) about and (buy) things we (not need). This time (pass) all right.
You (book) your hotel room yet?
Well, I (write) to the hotel last week but they (not answer) yet.
Peter (meeting Paul unexpectedly in London): Hello, Paul! I (not know) you (be) here.
Paul: Oh, I 9be) here nearly two months. I (arrive) on the 6th of January.
Peter: You (know) any English when you first (arrive)?
Paul: No, I (not know) a word.
Peter: When we last (meet) you (say) that nothing would induce you to come to England. What (make) you change your mind?
Paul: I (find) that I (need) English for my work and this (seem) the quickest way of learning it.
Ann (to Yvonne, who is going to English classes): How long you (learn) English?
Yvonne: I (learn) off and on for about five and a half years. (Use the continuous tense)
I (begin) English at secondary school and (do) it for three years. Then I (drop) it for a year and (forget) most of it. Then I (spend) two years at a secretarial college, where I (study) commercial English, and for the last six months I (study) in London.
At 4 p.m. my neighbour (ring) up and (say), ‘Is Tom with you?’ Tom, her son, (spend) most of his time in my garden playing with my children, so wherever she (not be able) to find him she (ring) me. ‘I'm afraid I (not see) him today,’ I (say). ‘But my children (go) to the beach this morning and (not come) back yet. Perhaps he (go) with them.
I just (have) my first driving lesson
How it (go)? You (enjoy) it?
Well, I no actually (hit) anything but I (make) every other possible mistake.
Old Ben (sell) newspaper just inside the station entrance, and my father always (buy) his evening paper from him as he (leave) the station in his way home. But one day my father (arrive) home without his paper. ‘Ben (not be) there this evening,’ he (say). ‘I hope he (not be taken) ill.’
On Saturday afternoon I (see) Frederick sitting in his garden.
‘I (think) you (work) on Saturday,’ I (say).
‘I (work) this morning,’ (explain) Frederick, ‘but at lunch time the boss (go) off to play golf and (tell) us to go home. It’s about time he (give) us a whole Saturday off actually. I (work) practically every Saturday since the beginning of the year.’
 Ann: You (be) to Hampton Court?
Jane: Yes, you (go) there last week. The tulips (be) wonderful.
Ann: You (go) by car?
Jane: No, I (go) with my English class. We (hire) a coach.
Ann: Where else you (be) since you (come) to England?
Jane: Oh, I (be) to Strafford and Coventry and Oxford and Canterbury.
Ann: You (see) a lot. When you (go) to Strafford?
Jane: I (go) last week. The people I work for (take) me.
Ann: You (see) a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre when you (be) at Strafford?
Jane: Yes, we (see) Macbeth. We were very lucky. We just (walk) in and ask if they (have) any returned tickets, and the girl at the box office (say), ‘Yes, a man just (return) three stalls.’
Ann: You (be) to Wales?
Jane: No, I (be) to Scotland but I (not be) to Wales. I'd like to go.
Peter: You (see) any good film lately?
WEEK: 16-17 PERIOD: 16-17
PD: __________TD:______________
* Reported speech: Statement
- Presents the notes/rules in reported statements:
1. If the reporting verb is in the past tense, it is usual for the verb in the reported clause to move “one tense back”
* Present - past
* Present perfect - Past perfect
* Past - past perfect
2. If the reporting verb is in the present, there is no tense change.
3. Typical pronoun, time, place, and modal verb changes.
4. In formal situations, we can use that after the reporting verb.
5. There are more than one reporting verb. We can use many other reporting verbs beside say and tell, for example, think, announce, explain, interrupt, demand, insist, admit, complain, warn.
Put the following into indirect speech, being careful to avoid ambiguity:
‘I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key, so I had to break the window,’ he said.
‘The mirror is there so that you can see yourself when you are dancing,’ the instructress told him.
‘I wrote to him the day before yesterday. I wonder why he hasn’t rung up,’ she said.
‘If the ground is dry on the day of the race, my horse might win,’ said the own.
‘You’d better slow down. There’s a speed limit here,’ she said to me. (use advise )
‘If Tom wants seats, he’d better apply early,’ she said.
‘We walked 50 miles last night to see the Minister and protest about our rents being raised. He was very polite and promise to do what he could for us,’ said one of the tenants.
‘They should put traffic light here, otherwise there’ll be more accidents,’ she said.
‘It’s time we began training for our next match,’ the coach said to them.
‘If you leave home at six, you should be here at nine,’ he said to me.
‘If it rains this afternoon it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow,’ the captain said.
‘I meant to plug in the electric blanket but I plugged in the electric kettle by mistake. I’m always doing silly things like that,’ she told her guest.
‘I was intending to do it tomorrow,’ he said,’ but now I don’t think I’ll able to.’
‘Bill should do very well at the university, Mrs. Smith,’ said the headmaster. ‘He’s done very well here.’
‘I don’t think your father like me,’ said the young wife. ‘You mustn’t think that,’ she said her husband; ‘it is just that he is old and finds it hard get used to new people.’ ( leave mustn’t unchanged )
‘The steak is overdone again. I’m not complaining; I’m just pointing it out,’ said her husband. 
 ‘I wish you’d stop pointing things out,’ said his wife. 
‘They couldn’t open the safe on the spot so they carried it away with them,’ the night watchman reported.
‘If you saw my father, you’d recognize him at one. He is the most extraordinary-looking man,’ she said to me.
‘I found an Roman coin in the garden yesterday,’ he said,’ and I’m going to take it to the museum this afternoon.’
He said,’ I’m got out of my boat, leaving the engine running, but while I was standing on the quay the gears suddenly engaged themselves.’
The Macbeth enters and says, ‘I have done the deed.’
‘Would you like me to go with you?’ I said.
I’d rather go alone,’ he answered.
My brother said, ‘You may take my car if you like. I shan’t be needing it tomorrow or the day after.’ 
‘Yesterday Tom and I went to look at a house that he was thinking of buying. It was rather a nice house and had a lovely garden but Tom decided against it because it was opposite a cemetery,’ said Celia.
He said, ‘My wife wants to take a job but I’d rather she concentrated on our home.’
‘It’s high time you passage your test; I’m tired of driving round with a L-plate on the front of the car,’ my sister said.
‘I don’t know what your father will say when he sees what the mess your puppies have make of this five-pound note,’ said mother.
‘I wish you’d seen it,’ I said to her.
WEEK: 18-19 PERIOD: 18-19
PD: __________TD:_____________
 EXERCISE 1: Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: simple present or present continuous.
I rarely .................(have) coffee for breakfast, but this morning I .................. (drink) a cup.
It .................(rain) very much in the summer. It .................(rain) now.
The student .................(look up) that new word right now.
Mary ............ (eat) dinner at home. She often ................. (have) dinner with her family at around 6.00 P.M.
Be quiet! The baby .................(sleep).
Look! A man .................(run) after the train. He .................(want) to catch it.
Julia is very good at languages. She .................(speak) four languages.
John .................(like) to go to museums.
Mother .................(cook) some food in the kitchen at present. She always .................(cook) in the morning.
I .................(see) that you .................(wear) your best clothes.
I .................(do) an exercise on the present tense at this moment and I .................(think) that I .................(know) how to use it.
Ron is in London at the moment. He .................(stay) in the Park Hotel. He .................(always stay) there when he's in London.
Something .................(smell) very good.
He .................(practice) the piano every day.
We usually .................(grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we .................(not / grow) any.
They .................(drive) to school tomorrow. 
What ................. your father .................(do)? - He's an architect but he .................(not work) at the moment.
John .................(hate) smoke.
Jerry .................(mow) the lawn now.
Normally she ................. (finish) work at 5.00, but this week she ..............(work) until 6.00 to earn more money.
 EXERCISE 2: Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Simple Past or Present Perfect. 
My father ................. (work) for this enterprise since he ................. (graduate) from university.
We .................(study) almost every lesson in this book so far.
We .................(never/watch) that film before.
It ................. (rain) for over two hours.
Mozart ................. (write) more than 600 pieces of music.
We .................(watch) an interesting program on television last night.
My wife and I .................(travel) by air many times in the past.
They ................(travel) to Bombay by boat last year.
................ you ................(see) Robert lately?
I .................(read) that novel again during my last vacation.
However I ................. (not have) time to read another book since then.
Up to now I .................(not come) up with ideas for my composition.
................. John .................(write) his report yet?
Bob ................. (be) to Amsterdam several times.
The Robinsons ................. (live) in Oxford for 15 years then ................. (move) to London in 1998.
Mr. Johnson ................. (work) in the same place for 35 years, but he is not planning to retire yet.
You look tired! ................. you ................. (run)?
Don ................. (fall) the stairs yesterday morning and ................. (hurt) his leg.
How long ................. you .................(live) in this town? - Since I .................(move) here.
When ..............he .............(start) learning French? - He ..................(start) learning French two years ago. 
 EXERCISE 3: Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Simple Past or Past Continuous. 
How long ago ................. you ................. (meet) Jack?
When I .................(arrive) at his house he ................. (still sleep)
Ann ................. (spend) a lot of money yesterday. She ................. (buy) a dress which ................. (cost) $100
As we .................(cross) the street, the policeman .................(shout) at us.
The light .................(go) out while I .................(have) dinner.
The children .................(do) their homework when the father .................(come) back from the office
Bill .................(have) breakfast when I .................(stop) at his house this morning.
While I .................(walk) around the park, I .................(see) Mr. One.
When I .................(go) out the sun .................(shine).
Tom ................. (burn) his hand while he ................. (cook) the dinner.
When the students .................(hear) the bell, they .................(stand) up and .................(leave).
I was very thirsty. I ................. (drink) the water very quickly.
'.................(be) Carol at the party last night?' 'Yes, she ................. (wear) a really nice dress.'
The window was open and a bird ................. (fly) into the room.
Jim ................. (throw) the ball to Sue, who ................. (catch) it.
Christopher Columbus ................. (discover) America.
He ................. (have) a drink with some of his colleagues at the pub at 7.00 last night.
I ................. (walk) along the street when I suddenly ................. (hear) footsteps behind me. Someone .................(follow) me. I was frightened and ................. (start) to run.
Jane ................. (wait) for me when I ................. (arrive)
I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last ................. (see) him, he ................. (try) to find a job in London.
 EXERCISE 4: Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Simple Past or Past Perfect. 
They ................... (go) home after they ...................(finish) their work.
He ...................(do) nothing before he ...................(see) me.
He ...................(thank) me for what I ...................(do).
I ...................(be) sorry that I ...................(hurt) him.
She................... (not get) married until she ................... (be) nearly forty years old.
My friend ...................(not see) me for many years when I ...................(meet) him last week.
In England he soon ...................(remember) all he ...................(learn).
They ...................(tell) him they ...................(talk) to him before.
He asked why we ...................(come) so early.
She ...................(say) that she already ...................(write) to Dr. Rice.
As soon as Nam ................... (write) the letter, he ................... (hurry) to the post-office.
By the time he ................... (arrive), we ................... (already / built) him a house.
When I ................... (phone) he ................... (go) away.
He ................... (do) his exercise just after he ................... (eat) dinner
We were driving along the road when we ................... (see) a car which ................... (break) down, so we ................... (stop) to see if we could help.
When we ................... (get) home last night, we ................... (find) that someone ................... (break) into the flat.
The film we ................... (see) last night ................... (not be) very good. I ................... (not enjoy) it.
The man sitting next to me on the plane ................... (be) very nervous. He ................... (not fly) before.
Karen ................... (not want) to come to the cinema with us because she ................... (already / see) the film.
At first I thought I ................... (do) the right thing, but I soon................... (realize) that I ................... (make) a serious mistake.
 EXERCISE 5: Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Past tenses. 
When the phone ...................(ring), I ...................(have) a bath.
You ...................(wear) your new hat when I ...................(meet) you yesterday.
The house ...................(be) much smaller than he ...................(think) at first.
While you ...................(play) the piano, I ...................(write) a letter.
Before you ...................(mention) him, I ...

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