Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 cả năm

Week: 1



Date: .

I. Aim:

- To review the main knowledge of the seventh form.

- To help students understand the cotents, sementic of eighth form.

 II. Language contents:

 - Vocabulary: In English 7.

 - Grammar: In English 7.

 III. Teachniques:

 - Communicative.

 IV. Teaching aids:

 - Lesson plan, Students’ book ; workbook


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 in the letter.
 à What are they?
 + They are : Heading – Writer’s address and the date
 Opening – Dear . 
 Body of the letter.
 Closing – Your friend / Regards / Love.. 
- T : It’s your write to thank SO (some one) for some thing .What is it ?
- Play a game:
- T sets up the sences to give new words.
+ Have you ever thanked S.O for ?
+ Did you ever cheer me up with your presents ?
+ Have you ever come over your friend’s home ?
- Ss read the statements and predict T or F
1à F 2à T 3à F 4à T
- Ss read the letter, use the correct tenses or forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the thank – you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hopital.
- Read the letter carefully and then answer these questions:
* Advice : You should thank S O for some thing they helped you .
- Ss use the questions to guide their writing about inviting their friend to go on a picnic with them.
* Thank you / very much / books / you / send / me / I treated / disease / home / . They /be / very interesting / help / me relax a lot / . I loved / read / them very much.
 Now I / very / sad / I / want / go out / to / enjoy / the fresh air. Do you want / go / a picnic / me / this Sunday ? If yes. I / come / pick you up.
 Iam looking forwards to hearing from you .
 Your friend. 
- Then Ss use the same format to write another letter to another friend for other occassions .
- Transformation writing.
- Correction their letters.
- Use the same format to write another letter to another friend for other occasion.
- T asks Ss to learn the lesson at home and guides them to prepare the next lesson 
Marks: (10ms)
* Read the text: 
* Write the words: Victim, patient , elevate, overheat
* Answer:
1) No , we shouln’t.
2) Don’t overheart.
 Don’t eat any food or drink.
 Don’t use drugs or alcohol.
* Choose a correct case for each of the following treatments .
a. The victim should not sit or stand. à Fainting.
b. Victim can not drink wine or beer. à Shock.
1.Warm up:
* Hangman: 
T- H - A - N- K – Y- O- U – N – O – T- E
* Brainstorming:
- When do you often receive a present?
(birthday, New year, new school year, ..)
- What kind of presents do you often receive?
(flowers, new clothes, ...)
2. Pre – writing :
* New words :
Thank soneone for some thing .
Cheer some one up.
Come out / come over
* Slap the board:
* T or F Predictions:
1) Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy.
2) Hoa’s fift cheer Nga up.
 3) Nga’d like Hoa to see her at the hospital.
4) Nga is very bored now
* Complete the thank you note:
1, was 4, came
2, were 5, am
3, helped 6, will phone
*. Comprehension questions:
- What did Hoa sent Nga? ( flowers)
- When...? ( When she was in hospital)
- What were they like? ( beautiful)
- How did she feel when she received the flowers? ( cheerful)
- How does Nga feel now? ( bored)
- What does she want? ( She wants to come over her place on the weekend.)
- How will she contact Hoa? ( She’ll phone)
3. While- writing :
*Write a thank you note to a friend:
Dear Lan ,
Thank you very much for the books you sent me while I treated my disease at home (Đã điều trị bệnh của tôi tại nhà) . They were very interesting and helped me relax a lot . I loved reading them very much.
 Now , I am very sad , I want to go out to enjoy the fresh air . Do you want to go on a picnic with me this Sunday? If yes , I will come and pick you up.
Iam looking forwards to hearing from you .
 Your friend. 
4. Post- writing :
* Write a letter to your friend to thank you:
Dear Tu, 
Thank you very much for the doll you sent me on my 14 birthday. It was / is really lovely , I liked / like it very much .
 Are you free this weekend , Tu ? Do you want to take a boat trip to Gia Long Tomb with me and my family on Sunday ? We’ll pick you up at your home at 6 am if you can join us . 
 Write to me as soon possible and let me know about descion.
 Please send my love to Uyen , your younger sister.
 Love , 
5. Homework: 
- Do exercise in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson. “Language focus 9”
+ Make sentences with “ so as to / in order to”
+ Make requests , offers and promise
+ Revise : Future simple tense.
Comments: .
Week: 21 Unit : 9 A FIRST- AID COURSE 
Period: 60 Lesson: 6 Language Focus 9 
I. Aim:
 *By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 - Use in order to and so as to to indicate purposes . They also use modal will or shall to make requests , offers and promise.
II. Language contents: 
 - Vocabulary and structure: Future simple. 
 - Skills:4 skills .
III. Techniques:
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Procedures:
 Greetings and checking attendances:
8A1 : .................................. .. 8 A2 : .................................................................
I.New lesson:
Teacher’s and sts’ activities
- T checks Ss writing and asks them corrects mistakes in some sentences 
- Chatting.
- Review the future simple:
*. Practice:
- Review “ in order to / so as to”
*. Practice:
 Work in pair to matching the sentences.
- Give Ss some first aid in some cases: headache, toothache, stomachache....
- Then Ss look at the pictures and complete the sentences ; Use the words under each pictures and “will” 
- Ss work in group and then practise speaking in pairs. 
- Ss work in pairs to complete the dialoguage which T gives 
a) Shall I get you to hopital ?
b) I promise I will study harder.
c) You should give him a cup of tea .
* Advice : You should promise if necessary and try to keep it.
- T guides Ss to learn the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson.
* Marks: (10ms)
- Ss’ writing 
1.Warm up: 
*. Chatting:
- Will you close the door , please?
- Sure.
2. Presentation :
*Future simple:
- I / We + shall / will + V ...
- S + will + V... or S’ll + V...
*. S + won’t + V.....
3. Practice :
* Make requests, offers or promises.
*. Exercise:
a, Language focus 2:
1, will 4, shall
2, Will 5, will
3, won’t 6, ’ll
* Language focus 3, 4:
- Complete the sentences, using “ will” or “ shall”
* “ In order to / so as to”:
 - in order to + V
 - so as to + V
*. Language focus 1:
1, I always keep the window open in order to / so as to let fresh air in. 
2, Mary wrote a notice on the board in order to / so as to inform her clasmates about the change in schedule. 
3, Mr. Grenn got up early this morning in order to get to the meeting on time.
4, My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the exam.
5, People use first aid in order to ease the ....
6, You should cool the burn immediately so as to minimize ...
* Language focus 3: Complete the sentences .
b) .. Will you get it , please ?
c) Will you answer the telephone ?
d) Will you turn on the TV ?
e) Will you pour a glass of water ?
f) Will you get me a cushion? 
4. Production:
* Language focus 4:
b, Will you paint the door, please?
- I’ll paint the door tomorrow.
c, Will you study harder, please?
 - I will study harder, I promise.
d, Will you carry the bag for me?
- Shall I carry the bag for you?
e, Will you hang the washing clothes, please?
- Shall I hang the washing clothes? 
f, Will you cut the grass, please?
- I’ll cut the grass for you.
5. Homework: 
- Do exercise in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson. “ Think of the ways we can redure the amount of garbage we produce”
Comments:. .....................
Week: 22 Unit: 10 RECYCLING
Period: 61 
 *Division of lessons:
1 Getting started + listen and read.
2 Speak & Listen
3 Read.
4 Write
5 Language focus
 Unit:10 lesson 1 getting started + listen and read
I. Aim:
 *By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 - Do some thing to protect the environment and save natural resources
II. Language contents: 
 - Vocabulary: representative, natural resources, overpackage, reuse, the scene , protect , contact, wrap , reduce , product , packaging , plastic, fertilizer.
- Grammar: *Model sentences:
 - It’s not difficult to remember.
 - I am pleased that you want to know more.
 - Skills:Listening, speaking and reading .
III. Techniques:.Brainstorming , guessing . what and where , discussion
IV. Teaching aids: CDand the lab room
V. Procedures:
Greetings and checking attendances:
8A1 : .................................................................. 8A2 : .............................................................
 I. New lesson:
Teacher’s and sts’ activities
- T calls 2 Ss go to the front of the class to speak make request , offer and promise
- T asks Ss to look the pictures and speak
- Play a game “ Brainstorming” 
- T asks Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount of gargage they produce
- T divides the class into 2 groups and the winner is the one which have the most good ideas
- T and Ss talk about recycling.
*. Preteach:
- Pre – teach new words
(Picture) T: What do you see on the picture ?
- Ss : Garabage .
- T : Can we recycle these garbage ?
 Can we use them to make fertilizer ?
- Then T uses sitiations to give new words .
- T helps Ss to read new words and understand their meaning .
- T checks new words by asking Ss to play “ What and where
*. Checking technique à
- Then T gives some sentences and asks Ss to guess them T or F .
- Ss listen to the tape.
- Then Ss work in pair to read the dialogue : One of them is Miss Blake , the other play the roles of Ba , Hoa and Lan.
- Then Ss mark the sentences True or False .
- Ss can use the sentences in T or F to answer the questions on page 90 .
- Ss practise asking and answering the questions with their classmates in groups .
- Then T checks Ss’ working in pairs.
- T corrects Ss’ sentences.
* Advice : You shouldn’t throw away plastic bags , old newspaper , envelopes and drinking cans . You should collect them for your mini project 
- Present the model sentences à 
- T writes the topic on the board and asks Ss to express their opinions on the topic .
- T may give some cues words 
- T guides Ss to learn the lesson at home ang prepare the next lesson.
* Marks:
(speaking )
Pictre a: Make and respond of offer.
 Can I help you? à Yes, please.
Picture b: Make and respond of request.
 Can you help me? à Iam sorry, I can’t. 
Not buying products which are overpackaged
1.Warm up:
Ways to reduce the amount of garbage
Use cloth bags or reuse plastic bags
*Getting started:
- What do we collect and recycle?
(waste paper, old plastic, empty bottles, cans,...)
- Why should we collect and recycle things?
(to save money and help the environment to reduce the amount of garbage ...)
- ......................
2. Presentation : 
* New words
Representative (n) 
natural resources (n)
recycle (v) à recycling (n)
to wrap 
fertilizer (n)
package (n) 
overpackage (v) 
reuse (v) 
reduce (v)
* What and where 
* Guessing True or False .
1) Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other.
2) Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked.
3) Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them
3. Practice:
* Listen and read:
* Mark T or F:
1) à F , 2) à F , 3) à T
*. Answer: 
a, Reduce means not buying products which are overpackage. 
b, We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags, ...
c, Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try to find another use for them.
d, We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library, or asking our family and friends.
e, We shouldn’t use plastic bags because when we throw them away, they could stay very long and could not be self destroyed / demolished.
*. Model sentences:
- It’s not difficult to remember.
- I am pleased that you want to know more.
4. Production : 
* Discussion .
* Topic : How to protect our environment ?
5. Homework: 
- Read the dialogue many times , learn by heart voc and write a passage with the topic “ How to protect our environment
Prepare for the next lesson “ speak”
Week: 22 Unit : 10 RECYCLING
Period: 62 Lesson: 2 Speaking & Listening
I. Aim:
 *By the end of the lesson , students will be able to
 - Give and respond to instructions.
 - Listen for specific information about making compost and express their feeling by using
II. Language contents: 
 - Vocabulary: fabric, leather, an egg shell, compost (heap), moisture, condensation, shovel. 
 - Skills: Speaking .
III. Techniques: Matching , dictation list , mapped dialogue 
IV. Teaching aids: Picture
V. Procedures:
 Greetings and checking attendances:
8A1 : ....................................... 8 A2 : ....................................... 8A3:.
 I. New lesson:
Teacher’s and sts’ activities
- Ss read the dialogue (2ms) , answer the questions (3ms) , mark T or F (2ms) and write voc (3ms) 
- Play a game
- T shows the picture and asks Ss to look at it for about 20 minutes.
- Then T puts it away .
- T divides the class into 2teams.
- Ss go to the board to write as many words showing things in the picture as possible. 
a. Preteach:
- Pre – teach new words
- T : what are our shoes , sandals often made of ? à leather ( plastic / wood )
 What are your clothes made of ? à fabric
- Then T asks Ss to match new words with the correct meaning .
- T corrects and helps Ss to read new words 
*. Checking technique:
 - Matching à 
- T notices some strutures and helps Ss to give examples à
+ Which group do clothes belong to ?
+ What will we do with it ?
+ Is fruit “ vegetable matter” ?
- T asks Ss to listen to the words for items and put them in the right column . 
- Work in group.
- After listening , T asks Ss to work in pairs and give their answers .
- T corrects 
- T puts the mapped dialogue chart on the board and elicits the exchanges from Ss.
- Sspractise each exchange before going on to another exchange .
-* Advice : You should reuse your old cloth .
- Then T asks Ss to work in pairs , replacing the information (in brackets) with the words in the dictation list .
- Ss rewrite the sentences using the “ adj + to inf” structures .
*. Preteach:
- Pre – teach new words
- T asks Ss to match new words with the correct meanings.
- Then T helps Ss to read new words .
*. Checking technique:
 - Matching.
* Presentation 
- T gives some sentences and asks Ss to guess them T or F. .
* Advice : You should use vegetable matter to mark compost at home .
- Ss listen to the tape twice and mark the sentences Tor F.
- Then Ss hear four questions durning the recording and check and correct answer
- T gives the answers 
- Ss listen again to complete the sentences.
- Listen again and check their answers.
- T guides Ss to learn the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson.
* Marks:
- Read the dialogue
- Answer the questions
a) What does Miss Blake mean by reduce?
b) What thing can we reuse?
* Answers:
P1 a) Reduce means not buying products which are overpackage. 
P2 b) We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags, ...
- Write the voc:
fertilizer (n)
package (n) 
overpackage (v) 
reuse (v) 
reduce (v)
1.Warm up: 
*. Network: fabric
* Kim’s game
+ used paper , bottles , glasses , plastic , bags , foodcans , drinking tins , vegetable,..
2. Pre – speaking : 
*New words: à Meaning
1) fabric (n) a) thuộc da
2) leather (n) b) thuộc về
3) compost (n) c) vải
4) belong to d) phân xanh
* Key : 1à c 2à a 3à d 4à b
* Note : * Enlargement
+ Which + N + interclause? 
+ Which + inter .clause ?
+ Be + S + O ?
* Dictation list :
Used paper ( books ,old newspaper
 Bottles , glasses , jars
Plastic bags , plastic bottles
Food cans, drinking tins
Clothes ( cloth bags , material)
Shoes , sandals , schoolbags
Vegetable matter
Fruit peels ( vegetables, rotten fruit)
3 While- speaking: 
à Mapped dialogue :
à . Mapped dialogues: between you and your partner
1) Which group do (clothes) belong to?
- put (them) in (fabric)
2) What can we do with (those clothes)?
- We can recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags.
3) Is fruit vegetable matter?
- That’s right 
4) What will we do with it ?
- We make it into compost and fertilizes our field .
4 Post- speaking: 
à Rewrite the sentences using the 
“ Adj + to inf” structure 
a) I passed all the exams. I happy.
b) We are going to clean the enviroment , we are ready.
c) Being able to live in a clean enviroment is lucky .
d) She must empty the kitchen garbage , she is not pleased.
* Answer:
a) I am happy to pass all the exams.
b) We are ready to clean the environment. 
c) It is lucky to live in a clean environment. 
d) She is not pleased to empty the kitchen garbage.
* Pre - listening : 
* Matching:
* New words :
* Meaning:
heap (n)
grain (n)
rat = mouse (n)
moisture (n)
stir (v)
mixture (n)
a) con chuột
b) khuấy , trộn
c) 1 đống
d) hạt
e) hỗn hợp
f) hơi ấm
1à c 2à d 3à a 4à f 5à b 6à e
* Guessing True or False sentences
a) You must use only vegetable match to put the compost à T
b) A place that gets no sun is the best place for compost heap. à T
c) The compost also needs morsture. à F
d) Your compost will be ready to use as fertilizer.à T
* While- listening : 
* Listen: Mark T or F
a à T bà F cà T dà F
* Check the correct answer 
aà A bà B cà B dà B
* Post- listening : 
*. Complete the following sentences:
First of all you must use only (1)... . Don’t use any (2)... because ...(3).. . Find a place in your garden that (4)... . Use pick or a shovels to turn the compost regularly so (5)... .The compost also needs (6)... but it will get this from (7) ... .Cover the heap with a sheet of (8)... if the weather (9)... Keeping adding to the pile and after(10)... , your compost will be ready to use as fertilizer.
*. Key: 1, vegetable matter
 2, meat or grain products
 3, this attracts rats
 4, gets a few hours of sunlight each day.
 5, it gets plenty of air
 6, moisture
 7, condensation
 8, strong plastic
 9, is very wet
 10, about six months
5. Homework:
- Do exercise in workbook. 
- Prepare for the next lesson “ read the recycling facts on the pager 92 and find out new words
Week: 22 Unit : 10 RECYCLING
Period: 63 Lesson: 3 Reading
I. Aim:
 *By the end of the lesson, students will be able 
 - Read for details about how things are recycled and form the passive in 
II. Language contents: 
 - Vocabulary: about recycling : tire , pipe , deposit , refill melt , dung 
 - Grammar: The passive voice. 
 - Skills: Reading .
III. Techniques:
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Procedurses:
 Greetings and checking attendances:
8A1 : ......................................................... 8A2 : ........................................................................ 
 I. New lesson:
Teacher’s and sts’ activities
- T gives some jumble words and Ss give the correct words and their meaning à
- Pre – teach new words
- T : What things can we recycle ?
- Then T uses the pictures to explain some new words tire , refill , pipe.
- Then T uses the situations to give other new words.
- T helps Ss to read new words and checks their new words by asking them to matching new words with the correct meaning.
- Then T asks Ss to guess informations before reading .
- T takea Ss’ ideas.
- Then T notices the passive from and helps Ss to distingnish the passive form and active form .
- T asks Ss to pick passive sentences from the reading .
- Ss read the lesson again and practise asking and answering the questions with their classmates 
* Advice : You should collect the waste thing selling . People will recycle them .
- Work in groups , discuss about these things: car tires, milk bottles, glass, .... ( using the passive voice).
- Ss read the newspaper and give some recycling facts to protect environment.
- T gives some sentences and asks Ss decide which sentences in passive voice .
- T corrects :
+ Passive : 1- 3
+ Active : 2- 4
- Discussion:
 How to protect the environment and save the natural resources.
1.Warm up / Marks (10ms)
* Jumble words:
Bagrage à garbage , nevepelo à envelope
Tisplac à plastic , clecyre à recycle 
Nevonrinemt à environment
 2. Pre - reading : 
*New words:
* New words 
* Meaning
a) nấu chảy
b) vỏ xe
c) tiền đặt cọc
d) ống dẫn 
e) làm đầy
f) phân chuồng
1à b 2à d 3à a 4à c 5à e 6à f
1) What can people make from waste paper?
à They collect waste paper and then recycle it to make writing paper, ...
* Guessing information 
a) What do people do with used things?
b) What can they make from them ?
- Car tires à
- Milk botteles à
- Glass à 
- Drink cans à
- Household and garden waste à
* Note : Passive voice
 Be + P.P (V ( ed,3) )
Ex: Floor coverings are made from old car tires.
 The empty bottles are cleaned and refilled.
 The glass is collected . It is broken up.
 The deposit is returned ..........................
3. While- reading: 
1, Answer the questions: 
a, People clean and refill empty milk bottles. 
b, The glass is broken up , melted and made into new glassware.
c, The Oregon government made a new law that there must be deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
d, Compost is made from household and garden waste.
e, If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5.265.456
2,Complete the sentences:
- Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings.
- Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled (with milk)
- Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
- Drink cans are brought back for recycling.
- Household and garden waste is made into compost.
4. Post- r

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