Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Units 11: Traveling around Viet Nam - Le Thi Kieu Oanh - Tan Ha secondary school


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some expression to express their interests

 II.Language contents

· Grammar

Would you mind sitting in front of the taxi?

Would you mind if I took a photo?

· Vocabulary

a crop a water buffalo

sugar cane a forty minute drive


Jumble words, What and Where, Discussion, Role play

IV.Teaching aids

 Pictures, cassette, tape



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ts will be able to use some expression to express their interests 
 II.Language contents 
Would you mind sitting in front of the taxi? 
Would you mind if I took a photo? 
a crop 	a water buffalo 
sugar cane 	a forty minute drive 
Jumble words, What and Where, Discussion, Role play 
IV.Teaching aids 
 Pictures, cassette, tape 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher writes the topic on the board and asks students to connect the words to make the right phrase for the place 
of interest 
 Students answer ( individually ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to open their books (P98) and match the names with the pictures some pictures and asks 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher presents new words – reads 
Students listen, repeat and copy
Teacher asks some students to read the new words in front of class
Students read
Teacher corrects their pronunciation
Teacher explains a compound noun 
 Students listen – repeat 
Students read 
Teacher corrects their pronunciation
Teacher checks new words by using 
 “ What and Where “ 
Teacher presents and explains students how to use “ would you mind “
Students listen carefully and take notes.
Teacher sets a scene 
 Students listen 
Teacher asks students to predict the answer 
 Students give their predictions 
Teacher asks students to listen to tape in 2 times
Students listen 
Teacher asks students to read the dialogue silently and check their prediction
 Students read silently 
 Students correct their prediction 
Teacher asks students to practice the dialogue 
 ( work in groups ) 
Students practice
Teacher corrects their pronunciation 
Teacher asks students to read the dialogue silently 
Teacher asks students to do exercise 2 P99 
Students do exercise
Teacher asks students to give their answer
Students answer
Students correct
Teacher corrects and students copy
Teacher asks students to read the dialogue again (silently) and to pick the sentence containing the situations mentioned below 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher guides students to do homework
Studentslisten carefully and take notes. 
I. Warm up 
Harbor Halong Gate Nha Rong 
 Ngo Mon 
The Temple Bay
 Places of interests
v Answer key 
-Nha Rong Harbor -Halong Bay 
-Ngo Mon Gate	 -The Temple Literature 
v Answer key 
a. Ngo Mon Gate b. Nha Rong Harbor 
c. The Temple Literature d. Halong Bay 
II. Presentation
New words 
a crop 	
a water buffalo 
sugar cane 	
a forty minute drive
 sugar cane 	
 a forty minute drive 
 a crop
a water buffalo 
a rice paddy 
Would you mind sitting in front of the taxi? 
-Would you mind + V( -ing )
Would you mind if I took a photo? 
-Would you mind if + Clause
´Where does Hoa meet The Jones? 
´ Is it the first time The Jones have visited Viet Nam? 
´How do they travel to Ha Noi 
´What do they see along the road to Ha Noi? 
´ What would Tim like to do? 
²Dialogue /P99
² Correct prediction 
ÄHoa meets The Jones at the airport.
ÄYes , it is 
Ä By taxi 
ÄThey see a boy riding a water buffalo, rice paddies , corn and sugar cane fields 
Ä He’d like to take a photo. 
1. Practice the dialogue 
	 Dialogue P 99 
2.True or False and correct false statements 
a. T 
b. T
c. F à a taxi 
d. T 
e. T 
f. F à Not only rice and corn but also sugar cane 
IV. Production
To express interest 
- I’d like you to meet my parents 
- It’s great to be in Viet Nam 
- It’s nice to meet you 
- I’d like to sit with Tim.
To express a request 
- Would you mind sitting in front of seat? 
- Would you mind if I took a photo? 
V. Homework 
- Practice the dialogue many times 
- Do exercise 1/P65 ( WB ) 
- Prepare “ Speak “ 
( to make requests and suggestions)
#8A1: Absent:
*Ưu điểm:
*Hướng khắc phục tồn tại:
Week: 24
Period: 67	
	 Lesson 2: SPEAK 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to formal requests using “mind “and make suggestions.
 II.Language contents 
Would you mind closing the door? 
Do you mind opening the windows? 
 ->No, I don’t mind / I’m sorry. I can’t 
Would you mind if I took a photo? 
Do you mind if I take a photo? 
 ->Please do / I’d prefer you didn’t 
Chatting, Open dialogue, Mapped dialogue, Role play 
IV.Teaching aids 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks students some questions
 Students answer ( individually ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher sests a scene 
Students listen 
Teacher presents and explains how to use “mind“ in request and some useful expression P100 
Teacher reads 
 Students listen – repeat 
 Students read and copy
Teacher asks students to fill in the blanks 
 ( work in pairs ) 
 Students do 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks ss to practice the dialogue
Students practice the dialogue 
Teacher correct their pronunciation 
	Students play role before class 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks some pairs of students to demonstrate the dialogue 
Students do
Teacher asks students to practice their dialogues in front of class
Students practice
Teacher corrects their mistake.
Students ask _ answer about some places in theit town 
 Students practice 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher guides students to do homework
Students listen carefully and take notes.
I. Warm up 
´Have you ever travelled? 
´Where have you gone?
´ How often do you travel? 
´When have you gone there? 
´ What did you say if you didn’t know places?	
II. Pre – Speaking 
*Would you mind closing the door? 
 *Do you mind 
 ->No, I don’t mind / I’m sorry. I can’t 
*Would you mind if I took a photo? 
*Do you mind if I take a photo? 
 ->Please do / I’d prefer you didn’t 
A: Excuse me! 
B: Yes? 
A: I’d like to visit a market. Would you mind suggesting one? 
B: Not at all. How about going to Thai Binh market? It’s open from about 5 am to 8 pm. 
A: That’s sound interesting. Thank you 
B: You‘re welcome. 
II.While – Speaking 
Word Cues
Mapped Dialogue
Excuse me! 
Group 1 : Market 
Group 5, 2 : Museum 
Group 3 : Restaurant 
Group 4 : Stamp and Coin Market 
Group 6: Zoo and Botanical garden 
III. Post – Speaking 
vSuggseted answer 
- Ba Den Mountain 
- Long Hoa Market 
- Cao Dai Temple 
- Dau Tieng Lake 
IV. Homework 
- Practice the speaking many times 
- Do exercise 2 /P65 ( WB ) 
- Prepare “ Listen “ 
( starve, pagoda, temple.)
#8A1: Absent:
*Ưu điểm:
*Hướng khắc phục tồn tại:
Period: 68	
	 Lesson 3: LISTEN 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get information from simple tourist advertisement.
 II.Language contents 
Grammar: review the preposition of position 
Vocabulary: starve, temple, pagoda. 
Matching, asking, prediction 
IV.Teaching aids: books, cassette, tape
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks students to match 
 Students answer ( individually ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher presents students some new words, reads
Students listen, repeat and copy
Teacher asks students to read the new words in front of class
Students read
Teacher corrects their pronunciation
Teacher sests a scene 
	Students listen 
Teacher asks students to predict 
 ( work in groups ) 
	Students give their answers 
Teacher asks students to listen to tape 
Students listen carefully
Students correct their predictions 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher aks students to listen to tape again and answer the questions 
 ( work in pairs ) 
Students listen again and answer this questions
Teacher asks students to practice to ask and answer
 ( work in pairs ) 
Teacher corrects their pronunciation 
Teacher guides students to do homework
Students listen carefully and take notes.
I. Warm up 
1.Ba Den
2. Vinh Nghiem 
3. Bus 
4. Dam Sen 
5. Nha Trang 
6. Halong
vSuggseted answer
1c 	2d 	3f 	4e 	5a 	6b 
II. Pre – Listening 
-starve ( v ) đĩi
-temple ( n ) đền, miếu, thánh thất
-pagoda ( n ) chùa 
 Open prediction
What places on this map? 
III.While – Listening 
º Tape trancrip ( Teacher’s book )
vAnswer key 
a. restaurant 	d. pagoda 
b. hotel e. temple 
c. bus station 
IV. Post – Listening 
Answer the questions
1. How doea Tim feel? 
2. Where does Tim go back? 
3. How does Shannon fee? 
4. Where does Shannon want to go? 
5. Where is the restaurant? 
6. Where is the bus station? 
7. How is Mrs Brown going to the pogoda? 
8. Will she visit an old temple? 
V. Homework 
- Do exercise 3/P65 ( WB ) 
- Prepare “ Read “ 
(accommodation,Jungle, limestone, sunbathe, florist , import , export , resort ) 
#8A1: Absent:
*Ưu điểm:
*Hướng khắc phục tồn tại:
Week: 24
Period 69 	
	 Lesson 4: READ 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some places of interests in Viet Nam from simple tourist advertisement and check the topics mentioned in the brochures about the resorts. 
 II.Language contents 
 accommodation ( n ), ( to ) sunbathe , Jungle ( n ), ( to ) import # ( to ) export, limestone ( n ) , slope ( n ), tribal ( n ), giant ( a ), resort ( n ), magnificent ( a ), a cave ( n ),offshore ( n ), a florist ( n ), eternal ( a ) heritage ( n )
Brainstorming, Slap the board, Bingo, Open dialogue, Map dialogue 
IV.Teaching aids
 Pictures, books
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks students to tell some famous places in Viet Nam 
Students answer ( individually ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher presents new words – reads 
Teacher explains a compound noun 
 Students listen – repeat and copy
Teacher asks some students to read the new words
 Students read 
Teacher corrects their pronunciation
Teacher checks new words by using 
 “ Slap the board “ 
Teacher asks students to predict 
 ( work in groups ) 
 Students give their predictions 
Teacher asks students to listen to tape 
 Students listen 
Teacher asks students to read this information again
 Students read silently 
 Students correct their prediction 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to do exercise 2 P104 
 (work in pairs ) 
Students do exercise
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to make questions and answer with Why 
 ( work in pairs ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to ask – answer by using information about the tourist sites P104 
 ( work in pairs ) 
 Students practice
Teacher asks students to practice in front of class
Students practice 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher guides students to do homework
Students listen carefully and take notes.
I. Warm up 
Famous places in Viet Nam 
Vung Tau Nha Trang 
Da Lat Sa Pa Hue Ha long 
II. Pre – Reading 
New words 
-accommodation ( n ) chỗ ở
-( to ) sunbathe: tắm nằng
-jungle ( n ) rừng rậm nhiệt đới
- ( to ) import : nhập khẩu
- ( to ) export : xuất nhẩu
-limestone ( n ) đá vơi
-slope ( n )dốc
-tribal ( n ) bộ lạc
 -giant ( a ) to lớn, khổng lồ
 -resort ( n ) khu nghỉ mát
 -magnificent ( a ) lộng lẫy
 -a cave ( n ) hang, động
-offshore ( n ) ngồi biển
 -a florist ( n ) người bán hoa
 -eternal ( a ) vĩnh viễn
- heritage ( n ) di sản
Open prediction 
Grid/ P104 
II.While – Reading 
vAnswer key 
¹ Nha Trang 
Flights to HN , railway , hotels , local transpor t, tourist attraction 
¹ Dalat 
Hotel , local transport , waterfall , tourist attraction 
¹ Sapa 
Hotel , local transport , mountain , slopes , tourist attraction , village . 
¹ Ha Long Bay 
World heritage , tourist attraction , sand beach , railway , hotels , caves , local transport
Grid 2/ P104 
vAnswer key 
a. Nha Trang 
b. Nha Trang , Da lat , Sa pa , Ha Long Bay 
c. Nha Trang 
d. Da Lat
sWhy should Andrew go to SaPa? 
 ÄBecause he studies tribes and he likes mountain climbing 
III. Post – Reading 
Map Dialogue 
- Would you mind telling me something about Nha Trang? 
- Is there anything speacial? 
- How about the accommadation? 
- How can I travel around the city? 
- Thank you very much 
Tourist officer
 Ÿ Not at all. It is a seaside resort 
ŸYes, you can visit The Giant Buddha ,ŸTheOceanicInstitute,as well as the off shore Island . 
ŸThere is a small selection of hotels here , so you have to look at in advance 
ŸYou can go to the Northern and southern destination by bus or train 
ŸYou ‘re welcome
IV. Homework 
- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise 5- 8 P 62 – 68 ( WB ) 
- Prepare “ Write “ P 105
( canoe , paddle , here , rescue , overturn , stumble , go off , realize ) 
 8A1: Absent:
*Ưu điểm:
*Hướng khắc phục tồn tại:
Week: 25
Period 70 	
	 Lesson 5: WRITE 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to write a narrative 
 II.Language contents 
Simple past tense 
 a canoe 	( to ) stumble 
( to ) go off 	( to ) realize	
( to ) paddle	( to ) rescue 
a paddle 	( to ) overturn 
Bingo , Gap fill, Ordering Pictures / Statement , write it up . 
IV.Teaching aids 
 Pictures , books 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks students to write the simple past of the verbs 
 Students (work individually ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher presents new words – reads 
Teacher explains a compound noun 
 Students listen – repeat and copy
Teacher asks some students to read the new words in front of class
 Students read 
Teacher corrects their pronunciation
Teacher checks new words by using 
 “ Bingo “ 
Teacher sets a scene 
 Students listen
T asks Ss to read the text carefully and rearrange the sentences in the correct chronological 
 ( work in pairs ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to do exercise 2 P104 
 (work in pairs ) 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to write 
 ( work in pairs ) 
Teacher asks students to notice the simple past is often used in a narrative. 
Teacher moves around the class and help students with words or structures while they are writing 
Teacher asks students to give their answer
Students answer
 Students correct
Teacher corrects 
Teacher guides students to homework
Students listen carefully and take notes.
I. Warm up 
 Gap Fill 
Ÿ decide à decided
Ÿ move à moved 
Ÿ start à started
Ÿ blow à blown
Ÿ fall à fell
Ÿ drop à dropped
Ÿ be à been
Ÿ become à became
Ÿ try à tried
II. Pre – Writing 
New words 
a canoe
 ( to ) stumble 
( to ) go off 
( to ) realize	
( to ) paddle	
( to ) rescue 
a paddle 
( to ) overturn
Odering statement 
1Exercise 1/P106 
vAnswer key
1c 	2a 	3g 	4d 	5f 	6b 	7e 
II.While – Writing 
Ordering Pictures P 106 
vAnswer key 
1d 	2b 	3e 	4b 	
5a 	6f 	7c 	8 g
Write it up
III. Post – Writing 
	Uyen had a day to remember last week. She had a math exam on Friday, but she got late. She realized her alarm clock did not go off. As she was leaving home, it started to rain heavily. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly she stumbled against a rock and fell onto the road.Her schoolbag went into a pool of water and everything got wet. Strangely, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom Luckily. Uyen had enough time to finish her exam 
IV. Home work 
- Learn by heart the new words and review the simple past tense
- Do exercise 5- 8 P 62 – 68 ( WB ) 
- Prepare “ Language Focus “ P 106
( Do you mind/ Would you mind..? )
 8A1: Absent:
*Ưu điểm:
*Hướng khắc phục tồn tại
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use present and participle to describe things and people and make requests with Would / Do you mind ( + V- ing ) / If + V .
 II.Language contents 
Present / Past participle ( V- ing / V – ed ) 
Would / Do you mind If .. .
Would / Do you mind + V- ing + ? 
Memory game, Picture Drill, Matching. 
IV.Teaching aids 
 Pictures, books 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks students to look at picture 2/P109 then close their books and write the things they they ‘ve just seen in the picture play game 
Students (work individually ) 
Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher shows the picture 
 Students look over 
Teacher sets a scene “It’s time for recess and the people at Quang Trung school are in the school yard. What are they doing? “ 
Students listen 
Teacher asks 
Students answer 
Teacher elicits the target language 
Teacher gives model sentences 
Students listen 
 Students copy 
Teacher elicits the target language by asking the questions 
Teacher explains how to use Past participle 
Teacher presents model sentences 
Students listen 
Students copy 
Teacher asks students to match 
Students match
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to look at the picture P109 
Teacher asks some questions
 Students answer 
Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher presents students the model sentence
Students listen carefully and take notes.
Teacher sets a scene 
Teacher asks students to remind what Hoa and Mrs Jones said in the last dialogue 
Students correct
Teacher presents and explains how to make request with “Would you mind ? “ 
Students listen 
Students repea
Students make request 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to practice to say who each person is
 ( work in pairs ) 
Students practice
Teacher asks students to practice to ask and answer
Students practice 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher guides students to do exercise 2, describe the goods for sale
Students do exercise
Teacher asks students to practice in front of class
Students practice
Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to do exercise 3 P109 
 ( work in pairs ) 
 Students do exercise 3
Teacher asks students to practice in front of class 
 Students correct 
Teacher corrects 
Teacher asks students to do exercise 4 P110
Students do exercise
Teacher asks students to practice in front of class
Students practice
Students correct 
Teacher corrects and students copy
Teacher guides students to do homework
Students listen carefully and take notes.
I. Warm up 
 Memory Game 
Picture 2/ P109
vAnswer key
box , doll , truck , flowers , elephant , bear , rabbit 
II. Presentation
	 Present participle ( V – ing ) 
Presentatiom Picture/ P108
 What is Mr Quang doing? 
 ->He is going up the stairs 
s Who is the man going up the stairs? 
„ The man is going up the stairs is Mr Quang 
1 Model sentences
The man is going up the stairs is Mr Quang. ( V- ing ) 
?Use : Can be used an adj to qualify a noun with Adj means 
Past participle ( V – ed/ 3 ) 
1. box 
2. truck 
3. lamp 
4. doll 
5. flowers 
6. toy 
wrap in 
dress in 
recycled from 
keep in 
make in 
vAnswer key 
1d 	2c 	3e 	4b 	5a 	6d
Presentatiom Picture P 109
´ Where is the old lamp made in? 
 It’s made in China 
´ What color is the box painted? 
 It’s painted green 
´ What is the truck recycled from? 
 It’s recycled from cans 
´ What are the flowers wrapped? 
 They ‘re wrapped in yellow paper 
´ Where are the toys kept in? 
 They ‘re kept in a cardboard box
1 Model sentences
The old lamp made in China is five dollar 
 ( V – ed / 3 ) 
?Use : Can be used as an adj to qualify a noun with passive meaning
 Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi? 
 	No , problem 
 Would you mind if I took a photo?
 Not at all 
1 Structures Request
Would you mind + V- ing ? 
 Do If I take / took ..? 
ü No , I don’t mind 
 No , of course not 
 Not at all 
 Please do 
O I’m sorry I can’t 
 I’m sorry That is not possible 
 I’d prefer you didn’t 
 I’d rather you didn’t 
1Exercise 1 P 108 Pictures Drill P 108
vAnswer key
- The boy reading book is Ba 
- The boy talking to Miss Lien is Nam 
- The girls playing chess are Hoa and Nga 
- The girl standing by the table is Lan 
- The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lan
	Pictures Drill /P109
1/ How much is the box painted green? 
The box painted green is one dollar.
2/ How much is the truck recycled from cars? 
The truck recycled from cars is 2 dolars 
3/ How much is the doll dressed in red? 
The doll dressed in red is 2 dollars 
4/ How much are the flowers wrapped in yellow papers? 
the flowers wrapped in yellow papers are one dollar
5/ How much are the toys kept in a cardboard box? 
the toys kept in a cardboard box are ten dollars . 
 1Exercise 3 /P109 
	Word cue / Pictures Drill/P109
vAnswer key 
b. Would you mind putting out your cigarette? Not at all 
c. Would you mind getting me some coffee?
 I’m sorry I can’t
d. Would you mind waiting a moment? 
 I’m sorry I can’t. I ‘m already late for work 
 1Exercise 4 P 110 
Word cue / Pictures Drill P 110
c. Do you mind if I use your telephone? 
 Please do 
d. Do you mind if I turn off the stereo? 
 	 I’d rather you didn’t
e. Would you mind if I turned on the air conditioner? 
 Please do
f. Do you mind if I watch TV while eating lunch? 
 No , of course not 
V. Homework 
-Learn by heart new 

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  • docUnits 11. Traveling around Viet Nam - Le Thi Kieu Oanh - Tan Ha secondary school.doc