Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Units 6: The young pioneers club


 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for favor and offer assistance. The usages and positions of gerunds

B/ TECHNIQUES : Listening – Reading

C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercisebook, Pictures, Cards, Posters, Guestures.



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Date/Week :.. Period : 32
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for favor and offer assistance. The usages and positions of gerunds
B/ TECHNIQUES : Listening – Reading
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercisebook, Pictures, Cards, Posters, Guestures.
Activities of the HCM Young pioneers
I/ Warm up : Brainstorming
Helping blind people
 Helping elderly people
Planting green trees
Helping handicapped children
 Cleaning up school-yard 
 II/ New lesson :
Pre teach voc :
- handicap (n) : ñieàu baát haïnh (situa)
- (to) enroll : ñaêng kyù ( situa)
- application : vieäc noäp ñôn (situa)
- form : laù ñôn (visual)
- (to) draw : veõ ( guesture) 
- outdoor activity : hoaït ñoäng ngoaøi trôøi
- (to) sign : kyù teân (gues)
- hobby : sôû thích (exam)
Checking : R & R
* Set the scene :
 Asks ps listen and find out who’s talking with whom; What does Nga want to do ? What does the secretary ask Nga to do ?
1/ Activity 1 :
2/ Activity 2 :
Complete Nga’s details.
* Name :.
* Homs addess :.
* Phone Number :..
* Date of birth :.
* Sex: 
* Interests :.
Key : 
* Name : Pham Mai Nga
* Home addess : 5 Tran Phu Street.
* Phone number : Not available
* Date of birth : April 22 , 1989.
* Sex : Female
* Interests : drawing, outdoor activities and acting.
* Form : Verb+ing
Danh ñoäng töø laø hình thöùc cuûa moät ñoäng töø, nhöng ñöôïc duøng gioáng nhö moät danh töø
* Ta phaûi duøng danh ñoäng töø sau moät soá ñoäng töø nhö : love; like; hate; enjoy; finish; avoid (traùnh); keep (tieáp tuïc), deny (choái).
* Exercise 
Complete the senrences using the correct form of the verbs in the box
Come play drive swim talk practice cook run high-jump
Liz our house.
Nam games
Mrs Robinson doesn’t likethe car.
Do you the sea ?
Mr. Robinson lovesto his neighbor
The girls enjoyfitness exercises after class.
Does she hate.dinner ?
I don’t likebut I like.
Key :
a) coming b) playing c) driving
d) swimming e) talking f) praticing
g) cooking h) running / high-jumping
 III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson
Write the exercises in notebook
Cleaning up beaches
Take part in sports
Follows the steps teaching the voc
Shows the words and rub out
Reads the dialogue(3ts)
Reads again (3ts)
Asks ps to read the dialogue again and find out Nga’s details to complete the box
Calls some ps to read in front of class
Write on the board :
- I like drawing.
- I enjoy acting
From these sentences pick out the form
Elicits – asks ps
Model a sentence
Asks ps do the exerciese
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Listen and repeat
(class, groups, indiv)
Calls some pairs to role play
Read the dialogue 
Find out the informations about Nga
Fill in the box 
Listen and pick out the form
Do the exercise
Date/Week : Period : 33
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for favors or offer assistance ( Hoûi xin söï giuùp ñôõ hoaëc ñeå ñeà nghò giuùp ñôõ ai), the ways to answer them.
B/ TECHNIQUES : Speaking – Reading
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Pictures, Cards, Posters.
I/ Warm up : Play with words
Fill letters in the blanks into the meaning words
Key : Application
 II/ New lesson :
* Pre teach voc :
- (to) ask for a favor : nhôø ai giuùp ñôõ (situa)
- (to) offer assistance : ñöa ra ñeà nghò giuùp 
 ai (situa)
- (to) respond : traû lôøi
receptionist : tieáp vieân
Checking : R & R
Pre speaking :
Ñeå hoûi xin söï giuùp ñôõ cuûa ai ta duøng caùc caáu truùc sau :
- Can/Could you help me, please ?
- Could you do me a favor ?
- I need a favor.
- Can/Could you..?
* Ñeå ñaùp laïi em coù theå noùi :
- Certainly / Of course / Sure.
- No problem.
- What can I do for you ?
- How can I help you ?
I’m sorry. I’m really busy.
Ñeà nghò giuùp ñôõ ai, em duøng caùc caáu truùc sau :
- May I help you ?
- Do you need any help ?
Let me help you
Ñeå ñaùp laïi em noùi :
- Yes/No. Thank you.
- Yes. That’s very kind of you.
No. Thank you. I’m fine.
Practice the dialogues
Mrs.Ngoc : Could you do me a favor, 
 Please ?
Hoa : Sure. What can I do for you ?
Mrs. Ngoc: Can you help me carry my 
 Bags? I’ve hurt my arm. 
Hoa : Certainly. I’ll help you.
Mrs. Ngoc : Thank you very much. That’s 
 very kink of you.
Receptionist : May I help you ?
Tourist : Yes. Can you show me the
 Way to the nearest bank ?
Receptionist : Sure. Turn right when you 
 get out of the hotel. Turn left
 at the first corner. It’s on 
 your ritght
 Tourist : Thank you very much.
While speaking :
Now use the appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogues about some of the following situations with a partner.
Tourist need to find a police lost money
Neighbor need help tidying yard has a 
 broken leg
friend needs help fixing her has a flat
 bike tire
aunt needs to buy sone is busy
 vegetables cooking
Dialogue cues :
1/ Tourist : Could you do me a favor ?
 You : Sure, What can I do for you ?
 Tourist : I lost my money. Could you show 
 me the way to the nearest police
 station ?
 You : Certainly. Turn right out of the station. Turn right again at the first corner. Go straight ahead until you see the police station on you right.
 Tourist : Thank you very much.
 You : Your’re welcome
2/ You : May I help you ?
 Neighbor : Yes, My leg broke. Can you help me to tidy the yard, please ?
 You : Of course. Now, let me help you>
 Neighbor : Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
3/ Your friend : can you help me ,please ?
 You : How can I help you ?
 Your friend : My bike has a flat tire. Can you help me to fix it ?
 You : Certainly. I’ll help you
 Your friend : Thnks a lot.
4/ You : Do you need any help ?
 Your aunt : I need some vegetables, but I’m busy cooking meals now. Can you go to the market and buy some for me ?
 You : No problem. What do you need ?
 Your aunt : Thnk you. That’s very kind of you. I need some carrots, some salads and..
Post writing :
Asks four ps to write four dialogues on the board.
III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson.
Write all the dialogues in notebook.
Write on the board
Asks ps go to the board and fill
Follows the steps teaching the voc
Shows the words and rub out
Saks ps look at the phrases in the boxes in textbook page 55
Runs through the meaning
Asks some pairs to read the dialogue
Asks ps use the phrases in the box to make similar dialogue about some of the following situations with a partner
Runs through the meaning.
Divide the class into four groups, each group write one situation
Asks some pairs in each group to role play following their dialogue
Asks four ps in each group write their dialogues on the board
Go to the board and fill the letters in the blank
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Look at the box
Read the phrases
Discuss the meaning with partner
Read the dialogue
Work in pair
Follow the above dialogue, use the phrases in the box to write similrar dialogue
Work in group
Speak the dialogue
Work in pairs
Write on the board
Unit : six THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson : 03 (LISTEN)
Date/week :. Prriod : 34
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense rto talk about future activities
B/ TECHNIQUES : Practice Language.
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercisebooks, Cards, Pictures.
I/ Warm up :
Situation : A pupil doesn’t understand the English exercises. He asks for favors.
Suggested dialogue :
Could you help me, please ?
How can I help you ?
I didn’t understand the English exercises yesterday. Could you explain them for me ?
Of course, but I can explain them for you what I know.
Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.
II/ New lesson :
Pre teach voc :
- a rest home : nhaø döôõng laûo ( exam)
an orphanage : vieän moà coâi (exam)
garbage (n) : raùc röôùi
(to) collect : thu löôïm (exam)
(to) support : uûng hoä (situa)
* Checking : R & R
1) Presentation :
set the scene :
Introduce the dialogue : Lan and Mai are members of the Y & Y organization. They are talking about thesummer activity program.
Complete the doalogue:
Lan : .(1) we collect and empty garbage?
Mai : At Ñong Xuan Market.
Lan :..(2).we collect.(3)..?
Mai : On January 9
Lan :(4).we start and .(5).?
Mai (6)..8 am and(7)..5 pm
Key :
(1): where do (2): when do
(3): an empty garbage (4): what time do
(5): finish (6): we start at
(7): finish at
Concept check :
When do we use “Where”?
When do we use “When” ?
When do we use “What time”?
Is the date at present or in the future ?
What tense do we use in the dialogue ?
to ask for the place.
To ask for the date
To ask for the time
In the future
Simple present tense
We use simple present tense to express an action that happens in the future
2) Practice : Words cues
Cue 1 : Collect and empty garbage / Ñong Xuan Market
Cue 2 : Plant and water trees / parts
Cue 3 : Help elderly people / March 26
Cue 4 : Clean up the streets / June 2
Cue 5 : water trees and flowers/ 6am-7am. 
Cue 6 : Collect and empty garbage /
 8 am – 5 pm
Key : 
C1 : - Where do they collect and empty the garbage ?
 - At Ñong Xuan Market
C2 : - Where do they plant and water trees? 
 - In the parks. 
C3 : - When do they help the elderly people ? 
 - On March 26.
C4 : - When do they clean up the streets ?
 - On June 2.
C5 : - What time do they water trees and flowers ?
 - They srart at 6 am and finish at 7 am
C6 : - What time do they collect and empty garbage ?
 - they start at 8am and finish at 9pm
3) Production :
Ask and answer :
When do they plant and water trees along streets ?
 -On February 2
Where do they help the elderly and street children ?
- At the City rest home and orphanage
What time do they start and finish work ?
They start at 5pm and finish at 9pm
III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson
Write on their notebook the report on the Y & Y organization Spring Activity Program
Get situation
Calls two ps to role play
Follows the steps teaching the voc
Asks ps to complete the dialogue
Explains – Elicits
Asks somoe ps to play the roles of Mai and Lan to practice the dialogue
Asks ps
Runs through the pronuciation of all cards
Models two cues
Calls on some pairs to ask and answer
Numbers the ps
Asks ps to role play
(close pairs)
Calls on some pairs to practice in front of class.
Asks ps to look at the chart on page 60 to talk about the Y & Y Organization Activity Program
Get each pair to ask and answer 3 questions about the plac/date/time
Practice in pair
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Complete the dialogue
Practice the dialogue
Work in pairs
Listen and answer
Repeat after the teacher.( chorally)
Repeat chorally and then in pairs .
(open pairs)
Practice in pairs
(close pairs)
Practice in open pairs then closed pairs
Unit : six THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson : 04 READ
Date/Week :.. Period : 35
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and find out the informations about the formation of Scouts organization in the world
B/ TECHNIQUES : reading – speaking
C/ TEACHING AIDS : textbook, pictures, cards, posters.
I/ Warm up : Play a game
 “Shark attack “
 S C O U T
II/ New lesson :
* Pre teach voc :
- citizenship (n) : quyeàn coâng daân.
- fitnees (n) theå löïc,sung söùc
- coeducational (adj) : thuoäc giaùo duïc chung caû nam vaø nöõ. (trans)
- voluntary (adj) : tình nguyeän
- worldwide (adv) khaép theá giôùi (exam)
- (to) lead-led-led : daån daét
- association (n) hieäp hoäi (trans)
- organization (n) : toå chöùc (trans)
* Checking : R & R
* Set the scene :
Asks ps :
What social activities do the Y & Y in Viet Nam ofen do ?
Do you know any organizations similar to the Y & Y in other countries ?
1/ Pre reading : T / F prediction
a).Scouting began in American
b).The Girls Guides Association and the Coeducational Camp Fire Boys and Girls started in 1910.
c) .There are three aims of the Scouting program.
d)..The Scouting Association is the largest organization in the world
e) ..Girls can join in the Scout Association 
Key :
a)F Scouting began in England
e)F Girls cannot join in the scout Association (Only boys)
2/ While reading :
 Answer the questions :
When did scouting begin in England ?
What led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910 ?
What are the scouting groups that girls can join ?
What are the three aims of the scouting program ?
Key :
Scouting began in England in 1907.
The meeting between a boy scout and Mr. William Boyce led to the scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910.
Girls can join in the “the Girl Guides Association” and “The Camp Fire Boys and Girls”.
The three aims of the scout program are building character, good citizenship and personal fitness.
3) Post reading : Gap fill
Fill in the missing dates.
 Dates Events
a). The beginning of the Scout 
b). William Boyce was introduced
 to scouting.
c) the founding of the Girl Guides
 Association and Camp Fire
 Boys and Girls.
d). Over five million scouts in the
Key : 
a) 1907 b) 1909 c)1910 d)1994
III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson
Write the answers in your notebooks
Learn the new words by heart.
Draws Shark and steps on the board
Divides the class into two groups
Asks ps to predict
Follows the steps to play a game
Follows the steps teaching the voc
Shows the words and rub out
Puts some questions and ask ps to answer
Runs through the meaning.
Asks ps to guess
Asks ps to read the text again and check
Asks ps to read the text and find out the answers
Can ask ps to play a game “Lucky Numbers”
Asks ps to fill in the missing dates
Take part in the game
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Listen and answer
Guess T / F
Read the text again
Read the text and write the answers
Fill in the missing dates
Can read the text again
Date/Week :. Period : 36
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write the simple sentences into a letter talking about the plans in the future
B/ TECHNIQUES : Writing, Reading
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Posters Cards, Pictures.
I/ Warm up : Jumbled Words
Key :
What do these three words talk about ?
II/ New lesson :
Pre teach voc :
a notice : baûng thoâng baùo ( realia)
(to) recycle : taùi cheá laïi
resource (n) : nguoàn taøi nguyeân
(to) raise fund : gaây quyû (exam)
(to) join = (to) participate in : tham gia
(to) plan : keá hoaïch
Checking : W & W
Set the scene :
 This is a Notice of the Secretary (bí thö) to all Y & Y members of the school. What do it say ? Now we begin studying it.
Pre writing : Gap fill
Read the passage and complete the letter
 Dear Linh,
I’m glad to tell you that I’m going to have interesting activities. 
The Y & Y is planning to help the.(1). I will participate in its(2)program, In this Program, we will(3), used paper and cans. Then we will..(4)them for(5).
I hope I can.(6)..natural resources and(7)some money for my scholl Y & Y in the activities. I also think about..(8)..
in either..(9).trees and flowers or..10.. 
street children. It is really interesting, isn’t it ?
Write to me soon and tell me all your news.
Key : 
(1) community (2) recycling
(3) collect (4) send
(5) recycling (6) save
(7) earn (8) participating
(9) planting (10) helping
while writing :
Read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt. Then write Hoa’s letter to her parents telling what she is going to do.
Letter cue :
 Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m glad to tell you that I’m going to join the Y & Y Green Group of my school
The Green Group is holding an environment month plan. We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends. We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class. We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools
We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some mony for our school Y & Y.
The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it ?
I will tell you more about the group activities later.
Post writing : 
 Write a letter to send to your parents/ your friends/ your uncle telling what you are going to do for the Ho Chi Minh Young pioneers Team in your school.
“ I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to have interesting activities for the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers Team in my school.
We cut the grass in the school yard at the first new chool year, we sweep the floor of the classroom, collect and empty garbage, plant and water trees
In our studying, we help each other, we work hard to get good marks.
We raise fund in order to help the handicapped pupils..
I will tell you more about the group activities later.
.. “
Writes on the board
Asks ps go to the board and arrange into the meaning words
Asks ps the question
 Follows the steps teaching the voc
Draws the circles with words
Asks ps to read the passage
Runs through the meaning
Asks ps to fill
Asks ps following Linh’s letter, read the dialogue betweek Hoa and her aunt. Then write Hoa’s letter to her parents telling what she is going to do
Saks about two ps write on the board
Go to the board and order the letters into the meaning words
Answer : These three words talk about the three aims of the Scouting program
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Read the passage
Follow the passage and complete the letter
Compare with partner
Read the text again and check
Follow Linh’s letter write Hoa’s letter to her parents telling what she is going to do
Write individual.
Compare with partner
Date/Week :  Period : 37
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in gerunds used after some verbs : love, live, hate, enjoy.
B/ TECHNIQUES : Practice Language
C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercisebooks, cards, Posters
The Y&Y
I/ Warm up : Brainstorming
Possible answers :
Clean the school yard
Cut the grass
Collect and empty garbage
Plant trees and flowers
Water trees and flowers
Raise fund to help handicapped pupils
Come and visit the elderly people.
II/ New lesson :
Pre teach vocabulary :
- (to) chat : troø chuyeän (exam)
- (to) decorate : trang trí ( exam)
- hobby : sôû thích
(to) gather : thu löôïm, taäp hôïp
Checking : R & R
Presentation :
set the scene : Ba and Lan are talking about their hobbies, what do they like or hate ?
Concept check :
Dialogue :
A: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up.
B: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up, either.
what is after “love”? (playing)
What is after “like” ? (washing)
What do we call “playing” and “washing”? (gerund)
What is the form of gerund ? (V-ing)
When do we use gerund ? ( after some verbs : like, love, enjoy, hate..)
Form : 
Like/love/enjoy/hate+gerund (V-ing)
Practice : Word cue drill
Play soccer / volley ball
b. Watch TV / listen to music
Read books / do homework
Chat with friends / do the homework.
Cook meal / decorate the house
 Model :
 What are your bobbies ?
I like playing soccer , but I doesn’t like playing volley ball.
what are your hobbies ?
I love watching TV and like listening to music.
Production : Servey
Ask : Do you like Your friend answer
 love like don’t hate
Playing soccer
Washing up
Cooking meal
Watching TV
Doing homework
III/ Homework :
Prepare the new lesson
Write about their friend’s hobbies
Asks ps to go to the board and write the activity programs of the Y & Y
Follows the steps teaching the vocabulary
Rubs out 
Draws Ba and Lan
Introduces the lesson
Writes the dialogue on the board
Shows key words and asks
Runs through pronuciation
Models the first two cues
Calls some pairs to practice ask and answer ( cues 3,4,5)
Numbers the students
Asks sts to practice
Sticks a poster on the board
Mofels with a sts
Hand out the chart
Asks ps to ask their friends and tick on chart
Asks ps to report their friends’ hobbies
Go to the board and write ( work in groups
Listen and guess
Read and remember
Listen and answer 
Repeat in choral twice and then individually (two or three students)
Practice in pairs
Close pairs
Sak and tick

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  • docUnits 6. The young pioneers club (6).doc