Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm - Unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink


Lesson 1: Getting Started – Dinner alone

I. Objectives:

 By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this unit.

II. Language Focus:

 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.

 2. Structures: Nouns (countable/ uncountable)

 How much/ How many?

 a/ an, some, any

III. Method: Communicative approach

IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture.


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Lesson 1: Getting Started – Dinner alone
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this unit.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much/ How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Show the picture and ask Ss some questions.
- Play the recording. 
- Answer
* Presentation:
Where are Phong and his mum?
What might be happening to them?
What are they doing?
What is there in the fridge?
- Ask Ss to work independently. Then allow them to share their answer before discussing as a class.
- Ask Ss not to look at the book and try to remember which food and drinks are mentioned in the conversation. Then let them open their book and check their answer.
- Have ss quickly match each word/ phrase with its picture.
- Play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
- First ask Ss to think about their favorite food and drink, and what questions they can ask about their partners’ favorite food and drink.
- Model this activity with a more able student. Then ask Ss to work in pairs.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat the adjectives.
- Ask Ss to add more adjectives and allow them to write the adjectives on the board.
- Individual work
- Pair-work 
- Individual work 
- Pair –work
- Individual work 
* Practice:
1. Listen and read
a. Read the conversation again and answer the questions.
Because his parents are going to the opera tonight and they won’t be home until 9 p.m.
There’s dome rice left from lunch.
Phong should warm it up.
She’ll buy some milk tomorrow.
He can have some orange juice instead of milk.
b. Find the words about food and drink in the conversation and put them in the correct column.
Meat, tofu, fried vegetables, bread, noodles, rice.
Milk, juice, mineral water, orange juice.
2. Match the food and drink with the pictures.
 1. J	2. F
 3. A	4. B
 5. D	6. I
 7. G	8. H
 9. E	10. C
3. Think about your favourite food and drink. What questions can you ask about them? Ask and answer questions with a partner.
A: What’s your favourite food?
B: It’s Pho bo – beef noddle soup.
A: When do you usually eat it?
B: In the morning.
4. Listen and repeat the adjectives.
1. bitter
2. delicious
4. sweet
5. salty
6. spicy
7. fragrant
8. sour
- Demonstrate the game to the class first. Describe one or two favourite foods or drinks and ask some more able Ss to guess their name. then when Ss know exactly what to do, ask them to work in groups.
- Group-work 
* Production:
5. Game
A: It’s my favourite drink. It’s a bit sour, but it’s also sweet.
B: Is it lemonade?
A: Yes, it is. / No, try again.
- Learn Vocabulary.
- Prepare the next lesson 
(A closer look 1)
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Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/ in isolation and in context; use vocabulary related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much/ How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, flash cards.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Have Ss complete the instructions with the verbs in the box.
- Ask Ss to make some examples with the verbs they have learnt.
- Individual work 
* Presentation:
1. Look at the pictures and complete the instructions with the verbs in the box.
 1. beat	
 2. heat
 3. pour	
 4. fold
 5. serve
- Ask ss to do the exercise individually and then check with the whole class. When checking, ask Ss to refer to 1 to make the meanings of the verbs clearer to them.
- Check Ss’ understanding of the meanings on the nouns given. 
- Explain the meanings by using pictures, example. 
- Have Ss put nouns in the correct columns.
- Remind Ss that some nouns may fit in both columns.
- Model the sounds /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/ first and let Ss see how the sounds are formed.
- Ask Ss to practice the /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/ sounds together. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat. 
- Ask Ss to listen again and put the words in the correct column.
- Individual work 
- Individual work 
- Listen and repeat.
- Individual work 
* Practice:
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Then reorder the sentences to give the instructions on how to make a pancake.
Reordering: 1-3-2-4-5
3. Put the following nouns in the correct columns. Some may fit in both categories.
Pancake; beef noodle soup; spring rolls; noodles; pork; omelette; sandwich.
Salt; cooking oil; flour; pork; turmeric; pepper; noodles.
& Pronunciation /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/
4. Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the sounds /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/.
In pairs put the words in the correct column.
Soft; hot; bottle; pot; rod.
.pork; salt; fork; sport; sauce.
- Ask Ss to listen while T plays the recording. Play the recording again and ask Ss to circle the words they hear.
- Ask Ss to check their answers.
- Group-work 
* Production:
5. Listen to the sentences and circle the words you hear.
- Learn vocabulary by heart.
- Prepare the next lesson 
(A closer look 2)
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Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can distinguish countable nouns and uncountable nouns; use a/ an, some and any to talk about quantity; use How much and How many to ask about quantity.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much/ How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pictures.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Ask Ss to study the Grammar box. Draw Ss’ attention to the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns and the use of measurement phrase, by analyzing the examples in the Grammar box. Then ask Ss to give some more examples. Remind Ss that they should use a good dictionary to check if a noun is countable or uncountable.
- T Whole class 
* Presentation
& Grammar
Countable and uncountable nouns
For uncountable nouns we can use phrases like a bottle of, a piece of, a bar of, a glass of, a kilo of, and a bag of, etc.
- A bottle of water
- Ask ss to do this exercise individually. Remind them to refer to the Grammar box and use a dictionary if necessary. 
- Have ss compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.
- Draw Ss’ attention to the use of a, an, some, any by analyzing the instruction and example in the Grammar box.
- Ask Ss to play the game in groups. Demonstrate the game to the class.
- Tell ss what they are supposed to do. Then ask them to work individually and share the answers with their partner before checking with the whole class.
- Ask Ss to study the Grammar box. Help them to distinguish the use of How many and How much by analyzing the instruction and examples in the Grammar Box. 
- Ask Ss to do the task individually.
- Individual work
- T whole class
- Group – work
- Individual work
- T whole class
- - Individual work
* Practice
1. Which of the following nouns are countable and which are uncountable? Which phrases can you use with the uncountable nouns?
- Countable; banana, apple.
- Uncountable: bread, beef, pepper, pork, turmeric, spinach.
A/ An/ Some/ Any
(page 52)
2. Game: GIVE ME AN EGG!
One team says words related to food or drink. The other team adds some or a/ an.
Team 1: egg
Team 2: an egg
Team 1: flour
Team 2: some flour.
3. Fill in the blanks with a/ an, some, or any in the following conversation.
1. any
2. some
3. any
4. any
5. a
6. an
How many? How much?
(page 52)
4. Fill in the blank with How many or How much.
1. How many
2. How much
3. How many
4. How many
5. How much
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions with How many and How much.
- Call on some Ss and give comment.
- Pair - work
* Production:
5. Work in pairs. Use the suggested words to make questions with How many/ How much, then interview your partner.
How much water do you drink every day?
How much rice do you eat for dinner?
How may vegetables do you eat every day?
How many apples do you eat every day?
- Prepare next lesson 	(Communication)
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Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can talk about their favourite food and drink.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much? / How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Help Ss to understand the meanings of the words in Extra Vocabulary by using pictures, example, or even translations. 
- Ask Ss to add some more words naming or describe food and drink.
- T Whole class
* Presentation:
Extra vocabulary:
Xoi (sticky rice)
- Ask Ss to look at the picture of the chef and predict which food or dishes he might like. 
- Play the recording and let Ss check their predictions. Play the recording again and ask Ss to tick the food the chef mentions from the Extra vocabulary box.
- Have Ss read the questions in the table carefully and ask them to note their answers.
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs to find out what they have in common with their partners.
- Ask Ss to move around and ask different classmates every question in the table.
- Remind Ss to write the names of the people they interview and note the answers in the table.
- Have Ss practice the results of their interview in pairs. 
- T-Whole class
- Individual work
- Pair-work
- T whole class
- Pair-work 
* Practice:
1. Listen to a celebrity chef, Austin Nguyen talking about his favourite food. 
Which food in Extra vocabulary does he talk about?
 Sticky rice, yoghurt, tuna.
2. What are your favourite food and drink? Write your answers in the table below.
What’s your favourite food?
How does it taste?
What’s your favourite drink?
When do you often drink it?
What foreign food / drink do you like?
What new food do you want to try?
What food do you hate?
What food can you cook?
3. Now, interview three students about their favourite foods and drinks. Write their answers in the table below.
What’s your favourite food?
How does it taste?
What’s your favourite drink?
When do you often drink it?
What foreign food / drink do you like?
What new food do you want to try?
What food do you hate?
What food can you cook?
- Call on some Ss to report the results of their interviews before the whole class. 
- Invite some comments from other Ss.
- Correct the common errors.
- Whole class
* Production:
4. Report your result to the class.
- Prepare the next lesson :
(Skill 1)
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Lesson 5: Skill 1
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can use read for specific information about Pho, a popular food in Viet Nam.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much? / How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Ask Ss to look at the picture of a bowl of pho. Ask them some questions.
- Answer
* Presentation:
& Reading
What dish do you think it is?
Which place is famous for this dish?
What are the ingredients for it?
When do people often have it?
Do you like to have it? Why? Why not?
- Ask Ss to scan the passage to find where the words: stewing, bones, broth, boneless and slices are in the passage. 
- Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to note where they found th information that help them to answer the questions.
- Have ss compare their answers before discussing before the whole class.
- Remind Ss of form and use of a/ an, some, any and phrases of quantity used with uncountable nouns. Ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering the questions about the ingredients for an omelette.
- Ask ss to work individually, using the phrases in the box to complete the instructions on how to cook an omelette. 
- Have ss share their answers with their partner.
- Individual work
- Individual work
- Pair-work 
- Pair-work 
- Individual work 
* Practice:
1. Read Phong’s blog. Find the words from the box below in the text an underline them. Use the words around each underlined word to help you understand the meaning.
2. Read Phong’s blog again and answer the questions.
We can enjoy Pho for all kinds of meals during a day, from breakfast to dinner, and even for a late night snack.
They are made from the best variety of rice.
The broth for Pho bo is made by stewing the bones of cows for a long time in a large pot. The broth for Pho ga is made by stewing chicken bones.
It is boneless and cut into thin slices.
& Speaking
3. Look at the list of ingredients below. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the ingredients for an omelette. 
4. Look at the pictures of how to cook an omelette.
 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c
- Give Ss time to think about some food and drink and how to make them. Ask them to take notes about the steps to make their food and drink.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice. 
- Pair -work
* Production:
5. Work in pairs. Practice giving instructions on how to make a dish or drink.
A: Can you tell me how to cook the rice, please? What should I do first?
B: First, put some water in a pot and heat it until it boils.
A: And then?
- Prepare the next lesson:
(Skill 2)
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Lesson 6: Skill 2
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get the information about different traditional food and write about some popular foods or drinks.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much? / How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Ask Ss to talk about traditional food or drink where they live. Ask them some questions. 
- Call on some pairs to practice before the class, then invite some comments from the other Ss.
- Pair-work 
* Presentation:
What are the traditional food or drink in your village/ town/ city/ province?
Which one is the most popular?
What are the ingredients for it?
- Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully and remind them too remember the names of the three places and three dishes mentioned in the conversation they are going to listen.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to match the places with the dishes.
- Ask Ss to write the answers on the board.
- Ask Ss to read the rubric and study the table carefully. Play the recording again and have Ss tick the correct items as the listen.
- Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers.
- Ask Ss to make notes about some foods or drinks where they live. Remind the Ss that they do not have to write full sentences and they can use abbreviations.
- Read out the notes from some more able Ss to the whole class.
- Individual work
- Individual work 
- Pair-work 
* Practice:
& Listening
1. Listen to three people talking about traditional dishes where they live. Match the places with the dishes.
Ha Noi
Nghe An
Da Nang
2. Listen again. Tick the ingredients for each dish. Some ingredients are in more than one dish.
& Writing
3. Make notes about some popular food or drink in your neighbourhood.
- Name of the foods or drinks.
- Ingredients
- How to make them.
- Ask Ss to Ask Ss to write a draft first. Then have them write their final version in class. 
- Group-work 
* Production:
4. Write a paragraph about popular foods or drinks in your neighbourhood. Choose one or more. Use the information in 3, and Phong’s blog, as a model.
- Write the paragraph in your notebook.
- Prepare the next lesson :
(Looking back)
Date of planning: //
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Lesson 7: Looking Back
I. Objectives:
	By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit.
II. Language Focus:
	1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Vietnamese food and drink”.
	2. Structures:	Nouns (countable/ uncountable)
	How much? / How many?
	a/ an, some, any
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pictures.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- Tell ss to find as many words or phrases as possible to add to the columns individually.
- Have ss compare with a partner to find out who has more words.
- Individual work
- Pair-work 
* Presentation:
& Vocabulary
1. Add the words/ phrases you have learnt to the columns.
Suggested key:
Dishes: omelette, pancake, beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, rice, noodles, pork, sandwich, meat, tofu, bread
Ingredients: shrimp, salt, cooking oil, flour, pork, turmeric, pepper, noodle, vegetable, egg, meat, tofu
Phrases: a slice, a can, a bottle, a kilo, a bar, a glass, a bag, a teaspoon
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and complete them with the verbs from the box. Remind Ss that the words, phrase, and sentences around the blanks will provide the context form them to choose the correct verbs.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise individually. 
- Call on some Ss to give their answers.
- Ask Ss to do the task individually to complete the sentences with SOME and ANY.
- Correct their answers.
- Ask Ss to make question with How many/ How much for underlined words.
- Ask them to write the answers in the board.
- Invite some comment from other Ss.
- Individual work
- Individual work 
- Individual work 
- Pair-work 
* Practice:
2. Fill each gap with a verb from the box.
	1. fold	2. pour	3. beat	4. heat
	5. serve 
& Grammar
3. Choose a/ an or some for the following words.
4. Complete the sentences with some or any.
some, any
any, some
5. Make questions with How many/ How much for the underlined words in the following sentences.
How much milk is there in the bottle?
How many cans of lemonade do you need?
How many apples has Peter got in his bag?
How much rice is left in the electric cooker?
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs to complete the conversation. 
- Have them to practice the conversation with their partner.
- Pair-work
* Production:
& Communication
6. Choose sentences (A-D) to complete the following conversation. Practice the conversation with a partner.
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C
- Do “project” on page 57.
- Prepare next lesson :
(Unit 6: The first university in Viet Nam - Lesson 1: Getting Started)

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