Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 12: An overcrowded world

Week 32

Period 96




By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic of an overcrowded world

 - Listen and read a conversation between Nam and Phuong about future Brazil

 B. Content:

 - Vocab: vocabulary related to an overcrowded world

 - Grammar: Present simple tense

C. Preparation:

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio

- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work

D. Procedures:


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Grammar: Present simple tense
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
I.Warm up (5') Introduction 
Write the word' population' on the board. Make sure Ss know the meaning of this word by either giving the equivalent Vietnamese word or writing:
 There are 5 million peopele in Ha Noi
 Ha Noi has a population of 5 million. 
Ask Ss if they know the country in the country or in the word. Once the Ss have done it, add the prefix 'over' and elicit the meaning of this newly - formed word from Ss.
- Listen to the teacher carefuly
II. The new lesson (35’)
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab
- Use different techniques to teach. 
1. Listen and read(8’)
Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and the pictures and ask them prediction questions about what they are going read. The questions may be:
What is the conversation abour ?
What do you think Brazil is like ?
Do you think Phuong likes Brazil ?
What can you find a bout Rio/ Brazil in this conversation ?
- diverse (a)
- overcrowded (a)
- wealthy (a)
- standard (n)
- slum (n)
- crime (n)
- major (a)
- disease (n)
- healthcare (n)
- experience (n) 
 Ss answer the question. Play the recording. Ss listen and read. Ask Ss if their prediction are correct.
a. Read the conversation again, and tick true or false
. Ask them read the sentences and decide if they are falce. Ss compare answers with a partner. Have Ss correct the false sentences. T writes the correct answers on the board.
-Run through all the sentences
- Confirm the correct answers
- Ss work independently
Key: 1. T 2. T 3. F 
4. T 5.F
b.Read the converssation again. Find a word or phrase to match the following
- Ask Ss to read the explanation in the exercise and try to find the words without checking the text. then ask Ss to refer to the dialogue again for the correct words. Correct the answers as a class.
- Get feedback
- Ss work independently
Key: 1.diverse 2.wealthy 	 3.major	4.slums 	5.crime
 2. Label the pictures, using the words in the box
-Go through the words and pictures
- Have ss quickly match each word/with its picture. Then play the recording for ss to check their answers, pausing after each phrase and asking them to repeat chorally and individually.
-Correct their pronunciation
- Ss work independently
1.a 	2.c 	3.b 	4.e 	5.d
 3.Use some of the words in 2 to describe a place you know
Ss complete the exercise independently. T calls some Ss to share their sentences with the class. T can choose some good sentences and write them on the board for other Ss to learn from. Encourage Ss to make as many sentences as possible.
- Ss do this activity individually.
4. Work in group. Make a list of the problem which you think are connected to a overcrowded area
In groups, ask Ss to think of the problems and make list of them
If Ss have difficulty, suggest that they look for problems in their daily life at own classes, schools, home, areas ar any other places they know for the answers.
5. Report your list to the class and see if they agree with you or not
Call each group to report their list to the class. T may help write the proplems on the board. Ask the class if they agree or not. Encourage them ti give an explanation to their answers. Then move on to the next group and do the same.
- T- whole class
III. Consolidation (3’)
- Ask ss to recall the lesson
- Listen and take note the assignment
IV.Home work(2’)
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 12. Lesson 2 
A closer look 1
Week 33
Period 97
Writing date: 16/ 4/ 2014
Teaching date: 22/ 4/ 2014
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic of an overcrowded world
- mark the stress on 2 - and 3 - syllable words and pronounce them correctly
 B. Content:
	 - Vocab: vocabulary related to an overcrowded world
 - Grammar: stress on 2 - and 3 - syllable words and pronounce
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
I.Warm up (5') 
Ask Ss if the can renember any new words they learnt in Getting Started. Categorize them as positive (peaceful, wealthy .) and negative (poor. slums) More on to this lesson which focuses on some proplems as a result of over population
. Ask them go to the board and write in two teams
II. New lesson: (35’)
1. New words:
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab
- Use different techniques to teach. 
1 Ss listen to the recording and number the words. Ss listen again anhd repeat the words.
T checks the understanding of the words by asking questions like: 'Do you think our school has enough space ?', 'What causes disease?' 
2 Ss work individually. T checks the answers as a class. Encourage Ss to explain why they chooose that work for the sentence.
3 T can give an example of causes and effexts. Write the example on the board and ask Ss which one is the effect.
He drove fast
a. He had an accident
b. He felt hungry
Ss work independently or in pairs. When they have finished, let them exchange their answers with a partner/ another pair. T then gives the correct answer. T may ask explain why.
4 In groups, Ss discuss to find out which proplems each place may have. T collects Ss' answers and write them on the board. Then the whole class look at the proplems ang discuss for agreement/ disagreement
Word stress
5. Ss listen and mark the stressed syllables. T corrects the answers. Have Ss listen again and repeat the words.
Look out! 
Write two pairs of the words 'supply' and 'question' on the board, denoting one is a verb and one is a noun . Ask some Ss te read them. Ask other Ss to listen and see if tyey can find the difference in pronunciation of the two words.
Key: su'pply (n), su'pply (v); 'question (n)' question (v)
6 Have Ss listen and repeat the words.
III. Consolidation (3’)
- Ask ss to recall the lesson
IV.Home work(2’)
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 12. Lesson 3 
A closer look 2
- Listen to the teacher carefuly
- work in team to write words as many as possible
- poverty (n)
- shortage (n)
- malnutrition (n)
- dense (n)
- commit (v)
- overpopulation (n)
- drought (n)
- spacious (n)
- Ss do this activity individually.
1. Crime 2. malnutrition 3. poverty
4. shortage 5. disease	6. space	7. dense	8. healthcare
- Ss do this activity individually.
1. healthcare	 2. crime	3. Disease	
4. Malnutrition 5. poverty
- Ss work in pairs
1. b	 2. a	3. f	4. d	 5. c 	6.e
- Ss work in groups
Suggested answers: 
a. lack of entertainnment, few opportunities for employment, not enough services
b. pverty, slums,disease, pollution, unemployment, poor healthcare
c. noise/air pollution, crime, overcrowded, shortage of accommodation
- T- Ss
in'crease (v)
- Listen to the teacher carefully and do as requested
As a noun
 As a verd
- Listen and take note the assignment
Week 33
Period 98
Writing date: 17/ 4/ 2014
Teaching date: 24/ 4/ 2014
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic of an overcrowded world
- Make tag quesions
- Comparisons of quantifiers
 B. Content:
	 - Vocab: vocabulary related to an overcrowded world
 - Grammar: Comparisons of quantifiers
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
I.Warm up (5') 
Free talk about overcrowded cities in Vietnam
II. New lesson: (35’)
1 Remind Ss of items they have learnt in the previous lessons.
- words of quantifiers (many, a little)
- countable and uncountable nouns
- imperatives with 'more' , 'less' and ' fewer'
Have Ss read the sentences and the rules in the table. Ask Ss to add more words to the table for each type of comparison. Ss can combine the examples and the graph to elicit the rules for them selves.
2 Ss complete the reading independently. Encourage Ss to observe and recognise that both tables include the same kinds of information. This will help them do exercise.
3 Ss complete exercise 3 by referring to the tables. They can the share their answers with their partners. T asks Ss to explain why a sentence is incorrest and asks Ss correct them.
4. Have Ss do this exercise independently. T then checks answers as a class.
Tag questions
Write 3 questions on the board ' Do you live in an ovrecrowded place?' How can the government improve the life of people in the slums? 'and' They have moved to the city to look for a job, haven't they?' Draw Ss attention to how these three questions are formed: the first two typess Ss have learnt already and the new one, tag questions.
Have Ss read the conversation.
Write more tag questions on the board. Use different tag
forms and focus on how the tag is formed. Start with the easy
(Examples: She is nice, isn't she)', ' The postman hasn't arrived
,has he?' ' They will come, won't they?', then move to the
 more difficult (You missed the train, didn't you)
5 Ss do this exercise independently. Then they share theie answers with a partner. T checks as a class anf writes the correct tags on the board. When correcting the answers, underline the parst of the sentences, which determine the tag.
6. Ss do this exercise independently. T then checks the answers as a class. T can call on some Ss ans ask them to explain their choice. 
III. Consolidation (3’)
- Ask ss to recall the lesson
IV.Home work(2’)
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 12. Lesson 4 
- T- Ss
- Ss do this activity individually.
- Ss do this activity in pairs
1. Correct 
2. Incorrest. In Brumba, more people live in slums.
3. Incorrest. People in Crystal earn more per day.
4. Correct 
5. Correct 
- Ss do this activity individually.
1. fewer	 2. more	3. more	
4. fewer	 5. less
- T- Ss
- Ss do this activity individually.
1.Incorrest  do you? don't you ? (You live)
2. Incorrest aren't they? don't they (Immigration causes)
3. Correct 
4. Correct 
5.Incorrest can't they? can't they? (These narrow streets can't)
Key: 1. don't they	 2. isn't it	3. can't we	4. is it
- Listen and take note the assignment
Week 33
Period 99
Writing date: 19/ 4/ 2014
Teaching date: 26/ 4/ 2014
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic of an overcrowded world
 B. Content:
	 - Vocab: vocabulary related to an overcrowded world
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
I.Warm up (5') 
- Check ss’ homework
II. New lesson: (35’)
 T refers to words in the Extra Vocabulary box. Ask Ss to try to guess What the meaning of each word is. T does not give answers at this time. Wait until Ss do the reading. Ask Ss to guess the meaning of each word in the context.
1. Ss complete the exercise independently. When Ss have finished, T divides Ss into pairs and asks them to compare their answers. Ss might have different answers. Write their answers on the board for use in 3 .
2. Ss complete the exercise independently. T asks them ti explanin their choice.
3. T can tell Ss that their readings are providing the same kinds of information. To help less advanced Ss, T can draw a table on the board with the information like this:
Hong Kong
Unusual facts
Each student in the reads his/her passage independendenly.
Encourage Ss to guess the meanings of extra words as they appear in the passgare; density, physician and slavery. T can then check Ss' understanding of all these words and gives definitions for any that the Ss still do not understand.
4. Encourage Ss to xechange the information in the order it appears in the passage (The table on the differences they have found out and report back to the class).
III. Consolidation (3’)
- Ask ss to recall the lesson
IV.Home work(2’)
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 12. Lesson 5 
- T- Ss
- Ss do this activity individually, then pairwork
- Ss do this activity individually
Suggested answers.: 
Group 1: high living standards, clean water, densely - populated, good education, crime
Group 2: Poor healthcare, crime, malnutrition, hunger
- Pairworks
- Pairworks
- Listen and take note the assignment
Week 34
Period 100
Lesson 5: Skills 1
Writing date: 24/4 / 2014
Teaching date: 29/ 4/ 2014
A. Objectives: 
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
read for specific information obout population explosion
talk abourt the disadvantages of being in an overcrowded place
B. Content:
- Vocab: Words related to the topic “overcrowded place”
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer 
T ask Ss if they know the names of any large cities in the world. Write Ss answers on the board. Ask Ss if they have any ideas about the population of these cities.
- Listen and do as required
II. Reading 
1. Vocab
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, examples)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.
* Checking vocab: Matching
- block
2. Pre-reading 
T asks Ss to look at the list an 1 and see if they have appeared in their list on the board. Ss discuss the question in pairs and then as a class. Allow Ss to come up with any guess es as long as they make meaning. For more advanced Ss, T can discussion on see how much Ss know bout these cities and why they think they are large.
- Pairwork
3. While reading 
- Ss quickly read the passage for specific information in order to put the cities in the order of their population size only (Guide Ss quickly look through the passage for the part where the names of the cities appear instead of reading the whole passage. ) T checks.
- individually
Key: 1. Tokyo	 2. Shanghai	3. Jakarta	4. Manila	
5. London
- Ss read each part of the passage and choose the correct heading for it. If time allows, ask Ss to underline the words wchich help them make their decision. Ss exchangge their answers. Allow them some time to explation to one another about their choice. T checks the answers as a class.
4. Post- reading
Ss read the passage again and do the exercise independently. T may guide Ssto look for the key words which can help them find the part of the passage where the information for the answers is given. E.g: question 1 asks about the growth of the world's population. The answers can be found in paragraph 1 under the heading ' Population explosion'
III. Speaking 
1. Pre- speaking
- Ss independently read the passage in 1 again for the problems in a meaacity. Ask Ss to make a list of these problems and tick the problems they can find in their own area.
Tmay write the list on the board and tick a problem every time a student says theie place has so that Ss can see what problem is the most popular. Uncourage Ss to do add more problems to the list from the passage.
2. While- speaking: Group work
- Ss work in groups. T asks Ss to go through the three pictures of different places and note down the problems they can find foor each place. For less advanced Ss, T can assign each place for a different group so that they can concentrate on one jon only. T should go around go around and help Ss with any new words they need. When they have finished, ask a representavive from each group to report their findings to the class.
Key: 1. B	 2. D	3. C	
4. A
Key: 	1. A	 2. A	
3. C	4. C	5.C
Key: 	homelessnesss slums disease poor healthcare traffic iam air pollution
Work in groups
Suggested answers:
1. An overcrowded school: not enough playing ground, big classes. less individual care , not enough study aids 
2. 1. An overcrowded bus: not enough seats for everybody, stuffy/ not enough fresh air, long wait at the bus stops.
3. An overcrowded block of flats: noise, shortage of water, little space	6. fact
IV. Consolidation 
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
V. Homework 
? Learn by heart all the new words.
? Do C2, D1,2 
- Answer individually
- Take note
Week 34
Period 101
Lesson 6: Skills 2
Writing date: 28/4 / 2014
Teaching date: 03/ 5/ 2014
A. Objectives: 
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
listen for specific information in film review
write a short passage abourt population growth of an area.
B. Content:
- Skills: Listening and writing
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, cassette
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warmer - 5'
Ask ss to talk about an overcrownded place
talk about an overcrownded place
II. Listeninng - 10'
1. Pre-listening 
Ask Ss to look at the poseter. Ask questions to get as much information from the poster as possible.
Have you ever seen this film? 
Who is the main character?
What is it about? 
 Where do you think the story happens? .
- Teacher-students
2. While listening - 10' 
- Ss listen to the recording and check their answers/ guesses.
a. Play the recording and ask ss to check their answers in (1). Have Ss guess the word/number to fill in each blank and write their guesses on the board
b. Listen and answer the questions
- Ask ss to read the questions firstto see what information they need to answer the question. Some ss might have been able to answer 1-2 question already in their first listening. That's fine. Play the recording as many times as necessary. Ss listen and answer the question. They then compare their notes with a partner. T checks
III. Writing - 10'
1. Study skill - Writing
- Allow Ss 4-5 minutes to read the passage of Dharavi slums. Ask them to underline words/phrases to describe Dharavi slums or to show the change in its population. T can write these on the board as a guide to Ss for the next writing exercise. For example:
one of the largest slums, 
In 1950, the population was aroud 100,000 peope. Since then
- Work individually
2. Write
- T tells Ss that it's time to write the paragraph describing the change in population in Ho Chi Minh City, using the ideas they generated in the previous exercise. If there is not enough time to write the paragraph in class, T can assign it for homework.
- Work individually
IV. Consolidation (3')
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
V. Homework (2')
? Do E1,2 
? Prepare: Unit 12: Looking back
- Take note
Week 35
Period 102
Lesson 7: Looking back+project
Writing date: 01/5 / 2014
Teaching date: 06/ 5/ 2014
A. Objectives: 
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Make tag question & use more/ less/ fewer
 - Practice doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 12.
B. Content:
- Vocab: Words related to the topic “An overcrowded world”
- Grammar: tag question & use more/ less/ fewer
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
D. Procedures: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warmer - 5'
- Chatting
- Teacher- students
I. Vocabulary - 10'
1. Match the words with their definitions
- Ss can repeat the words in the box as a review for pronunciation. Next, Ss can complete this exercise independently. T checks.
2. Write a sentence for each of the following word
- Encourage Ss to think creatively. They may get away from the content of the unit about over population and use these words in different context. For example: Nobody wants to live in poverty OR You can live long if you have a good healthcare system.
- T goes around while Ss are writing and hepl them with any difficult words. When Ss have finished, T can choose some original/ interesting sentences and asks Ss write them on the board. Give feedback.
Key: 	1.E	 2. B	3. A	4. C	5.D
- Students’ answer
II. Grammar - 15'
3. Ss complese this task independently. Less advanced classes can complete this exercise in pairs. 
1. We don't have more tourists this year, do we?
a. No, we have fewer thanh last year!
2. You got stuck in a traffic jam on the way home, didn't you, mum?
e. Yes, as always, dear.
3. There will be a solution to this shortage of clean water, won't there?
c. I hope there will.
4. We should do something to reduce poverty, shouldn't we?
d. Yes, we should. But how?
5. Big cities suffer more from air pollution, don't they?
b. Yes, they do, particularly big cities in China
4. Ss complete the exercise independently and then compare their answers with a partner
Key: 	1.more	2.More 	3.more	4. less	5. Fewer
III. Communication - 10'
- Ask Ss to read the example situation. T writes' I will' and' I can' on the board to remind 

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