Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Units 9: A first-Aid course - Phan Thị Bích Thủy

I. Objectives

 - By the end the lesson, students will be able to know what they would do in the situations which require first-aid.

II. Language content:

 - Grammar: past simple tense, future simple tense

 - Vocabulary: first-aid, ambulance, emergency, hurt, concious, pressure, wound, promise, awake.

III. Techniques:

 - Pairwork, groupwork

 - Question - Answers

IV. Teaching aids:

 - Gap-filling

 - Cassette tape

 - Real objects, pictures page 8

V. Procedures:


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Week:	P.D: 
Period:	T.D: 
Aim: By the end the lesson, students will be able to offer a suggestion, a promis and reply; students can also write a thank-you note. 
I. Objectives
	- By the end the lesson, students will be able to know what they would do in the situations which require first-aid.
II. Language content:
	- Grammar: past simple tense, future simple tense
	- Vocabulary: first-aid, ambulance, emergency, hurt, concious, pressure, wound, promise, awake. 
III. Techniques:
	- Pairwork, groupwork
	- Question - Answers
IV. Teaching aids:
	- Gap-filling
	- Cassette tape
	- Real objects, pictures page 8
V. Procedures:
Classroom procedure:
Checking previous lesson: 
New lesson:
1. Warm up (5’) Brainstorming
To motivate Ss before starting the new lesson. 
- Asking Ss to tell about the things are often used for first-aid.
- Getting feedback
- Giving situation and having Ss to discuss and write down what they would do in these situations.
- Calling some group to give their answers.
- Getting feedback
* Presentation:
- Introducing the lesson by asking guiding questions
- Have you ever seen an accident?
- What will you do when you see injured person?
Today we are going to learn what we would do in emergency . Fisrt, I want to teach you some new words
 Teaching vovabulary
- Ss listen to the tape.
@ Listen to the tape and answer:
 	1. Who are talking?
	2. Where are they?
	3. What happened?
- Getting feedback
* Practice:
- Having Ss repeat after the tape
- Asking them to practice in pairs .
- Calling some pairs to perform 
- Asking Ss to read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue.
- Getting feedback
- Asking comprehension questions
* Consolidation:
- Asking Ss to work in groups to summarize the dialogue by completing the passage
I. Getting started:
New words: 
 bandage (v,n) băng bó
an ice bag
alcohol / 'ælkəhɔl/ (n) rượu, cồn
towel, handkerchief
(tiger) balm ointment: dầu cù là
medicated oil: dầu gió
* Possible answers:
- A girl has a burn on her arm – I’ll use cold water/ice to ease (làm dịu bớt) the pain. 
- A boy has a bad cut on his leg – I’ll use a towel to cover the wound, hold it tight, then I’ll take him to the hospital/ clinic.
- A girl has a nose bleed – I’ll use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding, tell her to lie down, and get her an ice bag, put it on her forehead.
-a boy has a bee sting- Use medicated oil
II. Listen and read:
* New words:
- an ambulance (n)
- hurt (v) làm bị thương
	(n) vết thương
- an emergency (n) trường hợp khẩn cấp
- conscious (adj) ≠ unconscious (adj)
- pressure (n) áp lực
- hold it tight: giữ chặt, buộc chặt
- to bleed (v) chảy máu, đổ máu
wound (n) vết thương (injure / 'indʒə/ v.t. làm hại, làm tổn thương)
lane (n) hẻm, đường nhỏ
promise (v,n) hứa, lời hứa
awake (v) thức
fall –fell –fallen (v)
hit –hit –hit (v)
1. Practice in pairs:
2. Select the topics: a,b,c,e,f
. Who’s hurt? A student at QuangTrung school.
. What happened with her ? She fell off her and hit her head on the road.
. What does the nurse ask Lan to do ? try to stop the bleeding and keep her awake.
There was an emergency at Lan’s school. A student (1) her bike and hit her head on the road . She was (2)  but the (3) . was (4) . badly. Lan telephoned BachMai hospital and asked the nurse to send an (5).to QuangTrung school . Lan was asked to keep the students (6)while waiting for the ambulance.
	(1) fell	(4) bleeding
	(2) conscious (5) ambulance
	(3) cut 	(6) awake
4. Homework: Find some more situations which require first – aid
5. Experiences:
Lesson 2: SPEAK & LISTEN
I. Objectives
	- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to requests, offers and promises, to know what are in the emergency room.
II. Language content:
	- Grammar: making request 
	- Vocabulary: stretcher, crutches, wheelchair, scale, eyechart
III. Techniques:
	- Question - Answers, matching
	- Pairwork, predicting, true/false
IV. Teaching aids:
	- pistures, handouts, cassette + tape 
V. Procedures:
Classroom procedure:
Checking previous lesson: Ss answer: What would you do when a boy has a nose bleed/ a girl has a bad cut on her hand?
New lesson:
* Warm-up
- Drawing a network with an example on the board and use it as a game .
- Having Ss write situations require first aid
- Getting feedback
1. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say?
2. I’d like you to come to my party. How can I say?
3. I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work before bedtime. How can I say?
* Pre- speaking: Matching ( 1a; 2d; 3b; 4e; 5c)
- Asking Ss to work out the rules
* While - Speaking:
- Hanging the chart with the statements on the board .
- Asking Ss to look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements.
- Having Ss identify the situations
- Getting feedback
- Modeling the picture
- Asking Ss to practise in pairs
- Getting feedback
* Post - speaking:
- Giving some pictures and asking them to practise making requests, offers or promises
-Getting feedback
* Pre- Listening:
- Pre- teach vocabulary
Asking Ss to match the letter to the correct words in the box
* While listening:
- Introducing the listening lesson
- Having Ss guess the order of the words
- Playing the tape and asking students to listen
- Asking Ss to give their answers and correct
* Post- Listening:
- Asking Ss to write the story about the activities in the pictures, using present progressive tense
True or false:
1. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room .
2. The patient’s head is bandaged.
3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient sitting on it.
4. The eye chart consist of 28 letters ranging in the different size.
5. The baby’s mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby
I. Speaking
 Situations which
 require first -aid
1. Will you ( please) get me a bandage?
2. Would you like to come to my party?
3. I promise I’ll finish my homework before bedtime.( page 81)
1. The girl has a cut on her finger
2. The girl has a bad fever 
3. The girl has a headache
4. A boy has just broken the vase 
5. The boy has a snake bite
- Can you give me a bandage, please? sure. Here you are.
 - Can I get you some medicine?
Yes, please. That would be nice.
or: Can you get me some medicine?
II. Listening
- an eye chart(n) ( picture)
- a wheel chair(n) ghế có bánh xe
- a stretcher (n) cái cáng
- a crutch (n) – crutches: cái nạng
- a scale (n) cái cân
A: ambulance
B: wheelchair
C: crutcher
D: eye chart
E: scale
F: stretcher
You guess
on the tape
eye chart
Order: F B A D E C
4. Homework: 
- Write the story in the past tense
-Asking Ss to do the task in workbookk page 57 
- Prepare: Reading
5. Experiences: 
Lesson 3: READ
I. Objectives
	- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give instructions of the first - aid course and to improve reading skills.
II. Language content:
	- Grammar: simple past, simple future and simple present ( revision )
	- Vocabulary: elevate, revive, victim, minimize, tissue, sterile dressing
III. Techniques:
	- True - false, prediction, Qs -As
IV. Teaching aids:
	- pistures, handouts
V. Procedures:
Classroom procedure:
Checking previous lesson: Rewrite the story in listening
New lesson:
* Pre-reading:
- Building up a context by giving some pictures
- Deviding the students into 3 groups
- I asks them some questions .
- Introduces the lesson.
T: What happens to her /him?
S: She/he has a fainting/a shock/a burn
T: What can you do if someone has a fainting (cơn ngất) /a shock/ a burn 
-Faint(a, v, n) lả, xỉu, ngất, bất tỉnh
-Shock (v,n) sốc, gây sốc, sự va chạm mạnh, chấn động, cú sốc, choáng
-Burn ( v,n) đốt, cháy, vết cháy, vết phỏng
* While - reading:
- Having Ss read the text in silence and list some ideas by themselves.
- Teaches some new words
- Asking S read the text again and find out some new words.
- Reading the text in silence again and do task 2
- Getting feedback
* post - reading:
- Having Ss summarize the text.
give him a cup of sugar tea
* Task 1:
a fainting
a shock
a burn
* New words:
- elevate (v) / 'eliveit/ nâng lên, đưa lên
 Victim (n) nạn nhân
 minimize (v) giảm đến mức tối thiểu
 tissue (n) khăn giấy
 sterile dressing (n)quần áo vô trùng
revive (v) phục hồi, tỉnh lại
* Task 2: True or false
- fainting:
a. Leave the patient lying flat
b. Let the victim get cold
- Shock:
a. Give the victim some food or drink
b. Don’t give victim drugs
- Burn:
a. Ease pain with ice or cold water pack.
b. Don’t cover the burn area
	4. Homework:
	- Having Ss write some instructions when having other cases: have a nose bleed, have a bad cut, have a snake bite
	5. Experiences:
Week:	P.D:
Period:	T.D:
Lesson 4 : WRITE
I. Objectives
	- By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a thank you note.
II. Language content:
	- Grammar: simple past, simple future and simple present ( revision )
	- Vocabulary: cheer S.O up
III. Techniques:
	- Qs -As, discussion, brainstorming
IV. Teaching aids:
	- a letter, OHT, OHP
V. Procedures:
Classroom procedure:
Checking previous lesson: 
New lesson:
* Warm-up:
- Giving a situation, asking Ss guess the content of the letter
* Pre- Writing: 
- Having Ss complete the letter
* While-Writing:
- Having Ss answer the questions in exercise 2( orally)
- Having Ss write a thank-you note ( in groups )
- Getting feedback
* Port-Writing:
- Having Ss discuss, then write another letter ( in groups)
Ss work in pairs, discuss how to write a thank-you note, then write a letter by answering the questions
Individual work: write another letter
1. Complete a thank-you note:
1. Was	4. came
2. were	5. am 
3. helped	6. ‘ll
Dear Hoa, 
Thank you very much for the flowers you send me while I was in the hospital. They were beautiful and they really helped to cheer me up. I came out of the hospital on Monday morning.
Now I am very bored. Will you come over to my place on the weekend? I’d love to see you.
I’ll telephone you on Friday afternoon.
Your friend,
2. Write a thank-you note to a friend. 
What did he/she send you?
On what occasion?
What was it like?
How did you feel then? 
How do you feel now?
3. Use the same format to write another letter. 
	- Write a letter to a friend.
	5. Experiences:
Week:	P.D:
Period:	T.D: 
I. Objectives
	- By the end of the lesson, Ss cam use in order to and so as to to indicate purposes.And they can make and respond to request, offers, and promises.
II. Content:
	- Structure: so as to/ in order to
	- Vocabulary: 
III. Techniques:
IV. Teaching aids:
	- pictures, OHT, OHP
V. Procedures:
Classroom procedure:
Checking previous lesson: call some Ss to check the homework.
New lesson:
* Activity 1:
- Preparing 2 cards, each consists of 1 question and 1 answer writer in cues.
- Having Ss answer again by using in order to or so as to
- Having Ss do exercise 1
- Getting feedback
* Activity 2:
- Having Ss coplete the dialogue.
- Getting feedback
- Having Ss practise the dialogue in pairs
* Activity 3:
- Having Ss look at the pictures and dialogues on pages 87, then fill in the gaps.
- pairwork
* Activity 4:
- Having Ss make requests, offers or promises, looking at the pictures ( in groups)
- Getting feedback
1. Why/you/open/umbrella?
- to protect myself from the rain.
[1] in order to; so as to
	1(f)	4(e)
	2(c)	5(a)
	3(b)	6(d)
[2] future simple
	1(will)	4(shall)
	2(will)	5(will)
	3(won’t)	6(‘ll)
[3] Making requests, offers, and promises with will
b. Will you give it
c. Will you answer the tolephone, please
d. Will you turn on the T.V, please, Nga?
e. Will you pour a glass of water for me?
f. Will you get me a cushion?
[4] Work with a partner
b) Will you paint the door, please?/ I will paint the door tomorrow.
c) Will you study harder, please?/ I will study harder.
d) Will you carry the bag for me, please?/ Shall I carry the bag for you? 
e) Will you hang the washing, please?/ Shall I hang the washing for you?
f) Will you cut the grass for you?/ I will cut the grass for you.
	4. Homework: Do exercises again
	- write 5 sentences, using so as to or in order to
	5. Experiences:

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  • docUnits 9. A first-aid course - Phan Thị Bích Thủy.doc